New Member
I got a few video games for Christmas that I really enjoyed. I got the orange box. This game has five games in one. I spent a hole night playing and beating the game Portal. That game was freaking awesome. A real blast. Another game I just finished playing was Uncharted. This game was great because it had a really fun storyline. Plus it was visually pleasing. I'm starting this thread to discuss anything about video games you want. Even if you want to just talk about your favorite Mario Bros games. Did you know that Mario brothers two was not even a Mario Bros game. The real Mario bros 2 looked like the original first super Mario bros game. Nintendo thought Super Mario bros 2 was much harder than Mario 1 so us Americans wouldn't like it. So instead they took a popular Japanese game called Doki Doki Panic and switched out the characters for Mario characters. Thats why the game was so different looking than the original. My favorite Mario game is Mario for super nintendo the one with yoshi. I forget the name. It's the one where Mario gets a cape. Well its either that one or Mario 64. So let me know what you think. Whats your favorite game and what games should we steer clear of?