Feilds Of Mary-J!!!!

harvest time

Well-Known Member
A Shitload of Chronic

Hey guys. I live in an area with about 5 months of growing season, and huge cornfields. I was just wondering, If I were to take my dirt-bike up to an enourmous corn feild that is right on my street, and ride around planting around 1,000 - 1,500 seeds that I've saved along with many of my friends... Would any ever grow? I would start before the corn or any other plants grow in. Say I went cruising around dropping seeds around mid May. If I just left them alone the entire summer, until about September, and then checked on them, do you think any would survive or produce anything for me? I have heard growing marijuana with corn produces an extremely high and healthy crop. Just wondering.... Any opinions, just post them! And don't bitch me out for whatever you have to say...remember, its just a question


Well-Known Member
something like that would defnatly get busted. Not only that you could never take out all the males and you will have some middie weed.


New Member
something like that would defnatly get busted. Not only that you could never take out all the males and you will have some middie weed.
i never actaully thought about that...i always want 2 grow a cornfield of weed but you would never be able 2 get all the males and it would be shitty bud..good point


Well-Known Member
unless you germinate seeds, sex them, clone the females and plant vegged clones it wouldnt be worth it. and they would probably see them from a mile away unless youre tending to the crop yourself. the odor alone would give them away. its worth a shot though if youve got the seeds. just make sure you germinate them before you plant them.

harvest time

Well-Known Member
Hey guys thanks for the posts. I know its a funny question but it would be worth it where I live. The cornfield is basically invisible to everyone, and there are wooded areas all around it as well. Its the largest cornfeild I've ever seen. I realize it will make a lot of mids but honestly, if it were going to give me pounds and pounds.... I could just sell shit loads of it to all of my friends who smoke shit mids anyways. Whenever I get some good plants my friends kill to get some of my bud, because they know its the best. So even if I tell them its some ok mids, theyll still buy it. I can sell mids for 10 per. g , 30 and eighth, and around 55 a quarter. So, how would I go about seeing which seeds are male or female after germination? Thanks for your posts, keep em' coming!


Well-Known Member
i think a mass garden of seeded weed would do the world good. The more seeds the more weeds. They would just keep spreading and bring cannabis back into the wild like it once was.


Well-Known Member

Ride the dirt bike through the cornfield and into some woods. Take tools with you. Loppers and a shovel, maybe a small saw. Make a large clearing and plant there.


Well-Known Member
That's way toooo fucking many plants bro. That's asking to go to prison and be butt-fucked. A field that big you would be able to see from Google Earth and they'll bust your ass lol. No joke it's happened before to less plants...You should look up the laws in your state. Find out how many your comfortable doing per based on that information. And do x number of spots with x number of plants...Only do a hundred or so. 1,000 is way too much. That would be an insane amount of weed.


Well-Known Member
i think a mass garden of seeded weed would do the world good. The more seeds the more weeds. They would just keep spreading and bring cannabis back into the wild like it once was.
But that weed sucks...Who wants to smoke shitty weed...I like it better in man's hands, were we can refine and improve upon it.

Magical green

Active Member
it would be a good idea if you planned on growing lots of weed. You can grow some corn and hide your bud plants in them. And then u can space the corn more for more light tonthe plants.


Well-Known Member
it would be a good idea if you planned on growing lots of weed. You can grow some corn and hide your bud plants in them. And then u can space the corn more for more light tonthe plants.
lol, you guys are missing the biggest factor......

unless the fields are planted with feed corn, your plants are going to be mulched up by the harvesters/combines. most corn is harvested early fall, when the plants are just beginning or halfway through flower.

if it's feed corn, they let it die and dry on the stalk, but...... no nutes, and if they do spray the fields, it's once a year.

with that said, also think about the plants; what happens when they can't get light (ie, in the middle of a corn field with corn stalks all around spaced 9'' apart...)

they stretch. i've seen this done, and every time the plants stretch above the corn, and begin to grow normally. stealth is cool, but cooler still is seeing pot grow above the corn :mrgreen:

imo, bad idea.



New Member
as long as their not anywhere near your property who cares they will never find out unless they saw some one goin back there all the time


Well-Known Member
But that weed sucks...Who wants to smoke shitty weed...I like it better in man's hands, were we can refine and improve upon it.
You would be amazed at how many people will smoke dirty seeded commercial weed. Harvest at the right time and people will still get high off it. So you wont have smoke for youself. Youl have money to buy the best shit you want. Haha. Just a thought. You should see how all the hash in morocco is made, they harvest premature plants males and all. They sell that stuff to Amsterdam coffee shops and people think theyr smoking top shit!

The Ganj Father

Well-Known Member
i think a mass garden of seeded weed would do the world good. The more seeds the more weeds. They would just keep spreading and bring cannabis back into the wild like it once was.
wait a min, you might be on to something here... what if cannabis WAS to grow wild again... I wonder what it would take to start an uprising... they couldnt possibly EVER controll every crop. start in corn fields, let the seeds just germinate and transplant naturally, we would probably get some stronger, more adverse strains... it would be tough, though, since there are only certain climates, and environments where cannabis flourishes naturally, without attention. But think about it, if it were something that grew wild, that ANYONE could have access too, they couldnt possibly keep it illeagle could they... It would put me out of business, maybe, you still gotta get that sinsimella bud somewhere!


Well-Known Member
lol, you guys are missing the biggest factor......

unless the fields are planted with feed corn, your plants are going to be mulched up by the harvesters/combines. most corn is harvested early fall, when the plants are just beginning or halfway through flower.

if it's feed corn, they let it die and dry on the stalk, but...... no nutes, and if they do spray the fields, it's once a year.

with that said, also think about the plants; what happens when they can't get light (ie, in the middle of a corn field with corn stalks all around spaced 9'' apart...)

they stretch. i've seen this done, and every time the plants stretch above the corn, and begin to grow normally. stealth is cool, but cooler still is seeing pot grow above the corn :mrgreen:

imo, bad idea.

Not only that but the seeds are going to be plowed up in the spring lol. Go ahead man try it!!!


Well-Known Member
Oh, I forgot, after they are plowed up they will also have pesticides and herbicides sprayed all over them. If you are going to plant in a cornfield you need to do it from clones and time it to when the farmer is all done plowing and spraying. You also have to wait till the corn is taller than your plants and then you need to clear out sections of the cornfield to allow for sun; which by the way really pisses off farmers. You will be timing your harvest about the same time the farmer harvests (preferably before) or as kindprincess said, you will have alot of really content cows in the barn.