dude shut the fuck up with ur mixed races nonsense.
lets all be white and the same and generic and pointless.
i give u the permission to shoot me in the head and stick my balls in my mouth if the world ever comes to that
your probably a member of some Junior GWB group
you probably will have a daughter
and she will probably get her guts smashed by a mix of a black, latin and asian man.
good luck with ur viewpoints, and by the way, you're in the minority with ur views
so that kind of makes you one of us
have a great night! you douche[/quote/
im not racist but when i see monkeys geting twelve year olds hooked on herione to fuck em or just fucking jumping ppl for there close cause there ass cant support a job not to mention all the millions of border jumpers coming in every night just to bed down here so they can steal us citizing jobs rape innocent ppl even murder to just be thrown back down to there country with out even being charged with there crime its is us as american being fucked and they will just jump the border again that same night there thown back i mean if ppl could be honest have a respectable job maybe i just wouldnt be so disgusted by what i see the mixed races doing there the reason random gangs got started that kill hunders of innocent ppl a day just to get there wallet or cause they steped on there shoes but my point is not racist sick of mixed races fucking are country and a nigger or spic never touch my kids ever i ever see that i shit id slice that niggers throat but serious im not a dick not racist just tired of the shit