Feilds Of Mary-J!!!!


Well-Known Member
dude just get some femed seeds and plant a few in the area...that or you can plant a few 100 in a corn feild with mother plants and clones....a seed tray can hold 72 and one person can carry 2 rack..do the math..you plant your clones right when the corn sprouts on a half way decent full moon.. the best way in plant in rows and dont plant in the rows..instead take out the corn sprouts and put the clones in the rows that the corn would be in..do like a row of 5 at a time and move on..soo that way it wont look weeded with shit in the middle of the rows...trust me it works...i have done a few 100 this way ...


Active Member
I like the idea do some research wait till its a lil warmer and go for it i think im a try it to in a few months the weath here is to predictable around this time we could have rain, hall, snow, high winds, and a nice clam summy day all in the same week


Well-Known Member
does cannabis still grow in locations spontaneously ????// i thought it did like in middle east...jusst grows in fuckin fields ?/soeone please explain


Well-Known Member
it does in certian areas of central/eastern asia, all over the world really. sometimes its just ragweed, or actualy hemp. for it to grow naturally there weouldve had to have been a plant there long ago, for the seeds to produce and spread. so you could start an area an jus let it go through the years


Well-Known Member
I know my mommy is going to spank me for saying this but, my neighborhood was really nice and green, but then the Jeffersons moved up from the east side. I guess they were just content with living in there own filth and spreading it. I can't even walk into a store without seeing slim shady stealing candy bars. I guess you gotta start somewhere before you can build a good rep though.

Damn! I read this whole fucking pointelss thread! Besides Ive been throwing seeds out the car window for years, WTF else am I going to do with them? Throw um on the floor so the cops know I smoke weed? I am going to be trying dual grows this year, one in wiscony, and one in MN (might not work cause there is a fuckload of ditchweed everywhere), I'll make sure to throw the seeds out the window, though when I take road trips back and forth.

I want to grow along train tracks in Minnesota but there is so much damn ditchweed!!! Oh and the plants grow to be massive (to bad there the poo)!!!!!


Well-Known Member
dude shut the fuck up with ur mixed races nonsense.
lets all be white and the same and generic and pointless.
i give u the permission to shoot me in the head and stick my balls in my mouth if the world ever comes to that
your probably a member of some Junior GWB group
you probably will have a daughter
and she will probably get her guts smashed by a mix of a black, latin and asian man.
good luck with ur viewpoints, and by the way, you're in the minority with ur views
so that kind of makes you one of us
have a great night! you douche


Well-Known Member
Who cares if you would get buds or not.. If they are shitty seeds it would be hilarious. The farmer would be so pissed.