New Member
When this oil spill first happened and we got a picture of the severed oil pipe........... Maybe you remember I said " They should unbolt that top section and replace it with one that fits and has the correct bolt spacing and the capability of shutting off the flow. Youse guys said I'm crazy. Guess what? That's exactly what they are going to do now 81 days into this spill. Had they listened to my Idea, yes, I did let CNN know my Idea, the major disaster would have been averted. Geeze it is so nice to be smarter than all those high paid engineers, The dumbfucks at BP should have their testicles removed in a most painful manner. I told ya so, I told ya so. Don't believe me, research my posts, you'll see it there somewhere, anyway, just thought I'd pat myself on the back a little. Too bad those idiots at CNN/BP didn't look at the pictures and conclude the obvious like me., Smarter than the average engineer, yup, that's me.