Why the surge will never work in Iraq!


Well-Known Member
Many Americans seem to be claiming victory now that the # of deaths in Iraq has suddenly droped. I think this is a mistake! We should remember what part of the world we are talking about. The culture of the Mideast is one of Revenge when crossed. Some ppl have even attacked or got back at a neighbors for something that happened 15 or 20 yrs before. And remember that it's the Iraqis who are going to determine whether we have victory or not.The war between Palestinians/Hezbollah and Israel last summer was sparked by minor incidents. So was the sectarion violence in Baghdad in early 06'. I think that there will be many gruesome attacks as soon as the military starts to pull out of Iraq. And that the cycle of violence will resume, but this time without a U.S. force to stand in the middle resulting in disaster for us! How do you guys feel about it, all opinions respected!


New Member
The surge was only a figment of Bush's imagination, Iraqis still hate us and rightly so. The only ones that like us will be killed as soon as we leave. We have irradiated the Iraqi earth with our depleted Uranium weaponry. When the wind blows the dust in Iraq, iraqis breath cancer, that shit will be there for millions of years, geeze thanks George.


Well-Known Member
When the British left certain areas of Iraq violence dropped. I believe the same will happen when the occupying forces leave.


Well-Known Member
When the British left certain areas of Iraq violence dropped. I believe the same will happen when the occupying forces leave.
Everybody knows the brits, spanish, poslish, and japs were all put in for political reasons. Do you really think the Military thought it needed help when the war began? Their all puppets, just look at the #'s of troops that were sent from these countrys, pathetic. And the ones that were added from these countrys were stationed away from the real problem areas. Their never was serious conflict were the Brits were b/c they were mostly shia. The U.S. troops were/are doing all the real work. There stationed in and around Baghdad, aka the triangle of death! This is where the sectarion groops live side by side, and where the heart of the country is.


Well-Known Member
Many Americans seem to be claiming victory now that the # of deaths in Iraq has suddenly droped. I think this is a mistake! We should remember what part of the world we are talking about. The culture of the Mideast is one of Revenge when crossed. Some ppl have even attacked or got back at a neighbors for something that happened 15 or 20 yrs before. And remember that it's the Iraqis who are going to determine whether we have victory or not.The war between Palestinians/Hezbollah and Israel last summer was sparked by minor incidents. So was the sectarion violence in Baghdad in early 06'. I think that there will be many gruesome attacks as soon as the military starts to pull out of Iraq. And that the cycle of violence will resume, but this time without a U.S. force to stand in the middle resulting in disaster for us! How do you guys feel about it, all opinions respected!
The only way to make this work would be to keep Gen. Petraus (sp?) and a large force in place for 50 years, or more.


New Member
The only way to make this work would be to keep Gen. Petraus (sp?) and a large force in place for 50 years, or more.
And you think they aren't planning on this? The only guy's even mentioning pulling our troops out are in single digit poll figures. They're building permanent bases and an embassy larger than the Vatican. Iraq will be the 51st state.


Well-Known Member
And you think they aren't planning on this? The only guy's even mentioning pulling our troops out are in single digit poll figures. They're building permanent bases and an embassy larger than the Vatican. Iraq will be the 51st state.
No. I am not amazed. This is part of the New World Order master plan.


Well-Known Member
Everybody knows the brits, spanish, poslish, and japs were all put in for political reasons. Do you really think the Military thought it needed help when the war began? Their all puppets, just look at the #'s of troops that were sent from these countrys, pathetic. And the ones that were added from these countrys were stationed away from the real problem areas. Their never was serious conflict were the Brits were b/c they were mostly shia. The U.S. troops were/are doing all the real work. There stationed in and around Baghdad, aka the triangle of death! This is where the sectarion groops live side by side, and where the heart of the country is.
What source do you have to show the British were never in any serious conficts?


New Member
The surge was only a figment of Bush's imagination, Iraqis still hate us and rightly so. The only ones that like us will be killed as soon as we leave. We have irradiated the Iraqi earth with our depleted Uranium weaponry. When the wind blows the dust in Iraq, iraqis breath cancer, that shit will be there for millions of years, geeze thanks George.
hahahahahah Who the hell cares, the earth will be toast in 20! hahahahaha
Your so, so funny! I love it!


New Member
Everybody knows the brits, spanish, poslish, and japs were all put in for political reasons. Do you really think the Military thought it needed help when the war began? Their all puppets, just look at the #'s of troops that were sent from these countrys, pathetic. And the ones that were added from these countrys were stationed away from the real problem areas. Their never was serious conflict were the Brits were b/c they were mostly shia. The U.S. troops were/are doing all the real work. There stationed in and around Baghdad, aka the triangle of death! This is where the sectarion groops live side by side, and where the heart of the country is.
Do you really care what anyone thinks or are you so full of shit you would pose the question just to preach conspiracy? I wonder, not.


Well-Known Member
What source do you have to show the British were never in any serious conficts?
I know that there were some battles, but you really have to stretch your imagination for it to compare to the U.S. conflicts. What source you say? Something called the casualties rate, pretty accurate source don't ya think?
Coalition casualties- Britian 174, Italy 33, Poland 21, Ukraine 18, U.S.A. 3,904!


Well-Known Member
Oh, and these casualty rates don't even include the Blackwater guys, so it's probably a couple hundred more added on to the American list!


New Member
Wow, are we really back to the casualty rate argument. It's been months since the libs pulled that one out of their bag of tricks and deceit. Whats the "casualty rate" of your city, your county, state??? For any number of categories, violent crime, accidents, etc... Do you know, do you care?? I bet it would shock you how often people die. Probably not, since you can't use their deaths to further your silly arguments. We are going to "win" this one, so get on the side of optimism. It's ok to be positive. It's ok to have pride in your country for again doing the "right" thing when the rest of the world chose to sit idly by and then reap the benefits of a more stable middle east without firmly supporting freedom for others, the freedom we/they have obviously come to take for granted. Sad really, but then again you probably think we live under a dictator right now, probably better to have old Saddam as president rather than evil maniacal Bush.


Well-Known Member
Whats odd is nobody gives a shit when 100's of soldiers die in a year from car accidents and drunk driving....as soon as sombody gets shot in a war everybody burrows out of the woodwork.


New Member
The same fuckers who would love the opportunity to spit on a person in uniform, if they could only do it and not get their little asses kicked.


New Member
Whats odd is nobody gives a shit when 100's of soldiers die in a year from car accidents and drunk driving....as soon as sombody gets shot in a war everybody burrows out of the woodwork.
Well, thousands of people besides soldiers die from car accidents. That thing, driving a car, is a voluntary thing. War is not voluntary, sure the soldiers volunteered to serve, but given a choice between serving in peace time and wartime, I'm pretty sure even you could see that the vast majority would choose peace. There are always a few crazies that want to kill and maim, CIA special OPS, Rangers, etc., but being cannon fodder is not high on many soldiers list, ask me how I know?