mycorrhizal bacteria a MUST for any DWC system, if your roots have any problem, click


i have a stealthhydro system with some modifications and the first couple of grows went great till i put the flower nutes in and BAM my whole tank covered in slime and roots all slimy and brown, I was fighting this for a month before i found the cure, and that cure is Great White from plant success, over 90 types of benificial bacteria and other goodies that colonize your tank and kill bad bacteria and poop out good stuff for your plants,and help break down fertlizer so your plant can use it more efficiently, they had a special on the history channel just about mycorrhizal and how commercial farmers used it and were producing 20% more yeild in their crops, root rot got you down? no more worries my friends... mycorrhizal and bubbleponics are the future of growing...
oh and i use hydrozyme with my system also, a very excellent product that has enzymes that eat old dead plant matter in your water and turns it into sugar that feeds your plants! GH flora series, hydrozyme, great white, and a splash of pineapple rush as a carboload for the mycorrhizal to eat on, and my roots finally looking proper!!!!!!!!
interesting, so this would eliminate the need to add hydrogen peroxide every other month? just infest it with the good guys, poop out the bad, i like the simplicity.
How much h2o2 u flush when you sterilize ur res? and which way to you go about adding it? Sorry bout the interrogation lol- i think i might have a fungi problem=(
get some canazym its excellent stuff i doubt very much it was the flowering nutes that caused ur root problems just a coincendence
stop using the h202, its for emergency use only i would guess, I was using it, but it only helped it along a little, check out plant success at their website you will see all the evidence, i have been looking for a cure for 2 months, wasted many nutes and a crop, and a lot of time online, my plants and res look better than ever now!!!! i flush with water only and a little purple maxx..
I use Great White but I don't believe it's the cure for slime. I've been slimed with Great White in my DWC system a few times before. The slime comes from what you mix into your res. Organics, light leaks, can cause slime even with Great White in the res. Also for anyone that's gonna use Great White, do not use h2o2 with it as it will kill off the beneficial bacteria. Physan 20 is the fix if you get slime but after you use it make sure you know what caused the slime in the first place or it will keep coming back. In my res it was General Organics Bio Root that caused it. And another time it was my air stone and GH flora nectar. Both slime problems happened in the same bucket. When I used the Bio Root in veg I got slimed. Cleaned off the roots and sterilized everything and the slime went away after I stopped using Bio Root. Then when the same bucket was put into flower I added GH flora nectar and Koolbloom into the mix. Got slimed again. At this point is was one of the two that was causing the problems. I cleaned everything again and this time eliminated flora nectar and got slimed again. Next time I added flora nectar but eliminated Koolbloom and no slime. It's strange that flora nectar would cause this and I didn't believe this so I experimented with my other plant that I just put in flower. Added Koolbloom and Flora nectar and no slime. I then realized the only difference with the two plants was one of them got slimed when I used Bio Root in veg. Then I realized it might be the air stone. I swapped out the air stone and added flora nectar and no slime. I guess my air stone and Flora nectar was reacting with each other and causing the slime. It was something that I missed. I sterilized everything but never thought to change the air stone since in veg I was rid of the slime issues by eliminating Bio Root but because air stones are so porous it was probably still a little contaminated from the Bio Root and reacted with the Flora nectar. Anyway, you see, even with Great White in the res you can still get slimed so it's not the cure. There is no cure to slime, you just have to make sure not to introduce the wrong things to the res.
mabey its the powder nutes, when i mixed my pineapple rush with the powder bloom nutes slimed, but with the gh flora series not a problem, but i got the gh flora series when i picked up the great white and those with some hydrozyme i havnt been slimed since, but the ol boy at the hydro shop said the great white is the shit and will solve any root or tank issues a guy might have, and it seems to have worked for me..
never use peroxide with beneficial bacteria i am told and its been well documented it kills them also i am told hydrolyzed fish ferts do too in any form and fashion microbman from a few forums has documented this good info to know
Yea h2o2 kills all bacteria harmful and good and should only be used in conjunction with a fertilizer where the n-p-k is readily available to the plants roots. Also general organics, from what ive learned from my hydro shop isn't meant for hydroponics, only for soil(maybe coir too but im not sure).
slime is herpies for DWC .. once you got it you will NEVER get rid of it . i dont care what you do it cant be stopped ! it can only be kept in check ... algae is a natural part of life , it's the most abundant growing organism on the planet . it can travel on a number of paths to enter your grow , on your cloths/ shoes/ and in the air. its one of the first organisms on this planet and is still around today what does that tell ya ? u cant kill it ! i see sooooooooo many people claiming it's this n that that is causing the slime lmao lmao light h202 nut's temps blah blah blah there are thousands of posts on slime n everyone comes on the net claiming I FOUND OUT THE PROBLEM , IT WAS MY NUT'S OR LIGHT GETTING IN such a load of bullshit. it comes from growing plants !!!!!!!!!! you cant not get algae in a grow ! ask any floral shop if they deal with it n they will tell you HELL YES ! ask any one who has a salt water tank n they will tell you hell yes to ! ....
heres some common sense for some who need it .. while h202 kills whats on your roots to 95 % it also kills the good bacteria in your plants n res , the good bacteria keep algae / slime in check ! when you kill it in the res n kill the good you open the door to having all kinds of pathogens come in ! its like giving steroids to someone who hurt there leg muscle , sure the steroid helps strengthen the muscle but it also weakened the immune system allowing for bacteria to got you sick , h202 comes with a catch 22 , its a fine ballance to keep slime in check , no different then we asw humans have bugs ( mites ) living on our skin , we need them , they serve a important part of our system , without them on us we would have dead skin build up and cause all kinds of good things to happen to us , so if you kill those little buggies your in for a real treat . i bred CH dogs for over 15 years and worked side by side with doctors/vets as well as in the surgical room and radiology , you think its hard to deal with a algae bloom on some plants ? try 45 dogs and an out break of parvo ! or better yet coxcidiosis ( projectile squirts n vomiting , highly contagious ) ring worm anyone ? people bring it in on there hands/ cloths n feet and sometimes just air born , down here in costa rica we have a rain forrest climate , algae is every where !!!! on the streets n covering the sidewalks n buildings , u cant stop it or find out whats causing it , its a natural part of plant groth.. its like trying to stop acne on a teen ager , u cant , only get some medication to help it but you cant stop it , same rules apply , if you remove all oil from your skin to stop acne it will cause other problems , u need some oil in there , n different people get acne from different places , some from improper diet , some from stress , some from genetics or hereditary .. so back to slime ( dwc herpies ) u cant stop it even with no light it will grow , airiate the water as much as passable n it will still grow , clean it all you want it will still grow.. my dwc is light tight guaranteed ! panda plastic the entire thing from top to bottom 3 times over lmao lmao i have a 12 inch air stone and 2 1 inch air stones rinning on 2 pumps in a 10 gallon res , 6 plants in it , ph is 6.0 water temp stays at 72 water is from tap starting at 50 ppm n 7.0 ph . treat it h2o2 1 millimeter per gallon , i drop of bleach per 5 gallons n let it sit for 3 days open to air it out n let off the bleach n chlorine , i use whats called A-33 dry to clean my equiptment , its very cheap , n hospitals use it to sanitize sergical rooms as well as food process companies use it as well , its safe around live stock and safe to use on food bowls for animals so to use it to clean some plastic res its o.k.n safe . it kills just about anything including hiv on contact as well as blood !!!!! even with all that i still get slime once a week in my res... just these days what i do is keep it in low ammounts , i use nothing in my res as far as nut's these days . just ph water . it gives the roots all the h2o they need and co2 and you can foiler feed the plants to avoid putting some food in the res for the slime to grow . u may not get the best results like this but it will tell you slime will no longer be a major issue ! you need to keep slime in check from day one . just remember , its not light or nuts or root hormone or growing medium or pots or pumps or air stones ITS NONE OF THAT STUFF ! it's mother nature at her best n you cant beat her !!!!!!!!!!!!!! just deal with her like an X wife that u have a kid with , you hate her ass but you cant kill her ! you just have to put up with her b.s from time to time n you sure as hell cant stop it . lmao
one more thing , i see some saying ask people who do aquariums how they deal with algae , well i have had salt water reef tanks with protein skimmers and wet/dry sumps and all the goodies with fish n corals n invertabrets . want to know how we deal with algae ???? whe nu get a bloom you ass hermit crabs to your tank ! or cleaner scarlett shrimp or some goabies , they live on algae n will eat everything in the tank for ya , thats how aquarium hobbiests deal with algae , no chemicals or any of that work for them either , only mother natures natural algae control unit works , hermit crabs n shrimp . other then that they have the same issues as dwc growers do , no chemical can get it gone , even those little helpers cant kill it , if they could they would starve , as fast as they eat it , it grows back , thing is they keep it in LOW NUMBERS and in check ...
I got slimed with the great whit as well, i have been using h202 and sm-90 to keep mine clean and its working great, sorry fellas sometimes ya gotta eat your words
I got slimed with the great whit as well, i have been using h202 and sm-90 to keep mine clean and its working great, sorry fellas sometimes ya gotta eat your words

Great White itself will cause a slimy coating if you use too much and/or feed the bennies molasses/carbs in the res. Some people like to breed the microbes outside the res in a separate EWC style brew, and then add a cup or so to the res every couple days. So you replace the microbes instead of feeding them.
I got slimed with the great whit as well, i have been using h202 and sm-90 to keep mine clean and its working great, sorry fellas sometimes ya gotta eat your words

dumbass with big fricking mouth and nothing to back it up with except an "oops"

I use Great White but I don't believe it's the cure for slime. I've been slimed with Great White in my DWC system a few times before. The slime comes from what you mix into your res. Organics, light leaks, can cause slime even with Great White in the res. Also for anyone that's gonna use Great White, do not use h2o2 with it as it will kill off the beneficial bacteria. Physan 20 is the fix if you get slime but after you use it make sure you know what caused the slime in the first place or it will keep coming back. In my res it was General Organics Bio Root that caused it. And another time it was my air stone and GH flora nectar. Both slime problems happened in the same bucket. When I used the Bio Root in veg I got slimed. Cleaned off the roots and sterilized everything and the slime went away after I stopped using Bio Root. Then when the same bucket was put into flower I added GH flora nectar and Koolbloom into the mix. Got slimed again. At this point is was one of the two that was causing the problems. I cleaned everything again and this time eliminated flora nectar and got slimed again. Next time I added flora nectar but eliminated Koolbloom and no slime. It's strange that flora nectar would cause this and I didn't believe this so I experimented with my other plant that I just put in flower. Added Koolbloom and Flora nectar and no slime. I then realized the only difference with the two plants was one of them got slimed when I used Bio Root in veg. Then I realized it might be the air stone. I swapped out the air stone and added flora nectar and no slime. I guess my air stone and Flora nectar was reacting with each other and causing the slime. It was something that I missed. I sterilized everything but never thought to change the air stone since in veg I was rid of the slime issues by eliminating Bio Root but because air stones are so porous it was probably still a little contaminated from the Bio Root and reacted with the Flora nectar. Anyway, you see, even with Great White in the res you can still get slimed so it's not the cure. There is no cure to slime, you just have to make sure not to introduce the wrong things to the res.

As in other threads in this forum and other forums, there is one item that shows up time and time again where it relates to brown algea slime, ADDITIVES. A clean system, and just the basic non-organic nutes usually keeps the slime (called hydro herpes, lol, at another forum) away from your grow. The simple way is the easiest. If you use the KISS principle, you will avoid slime.
Yea h2o2 kills all bacteria harmful and good and should only be used in conjunction with a fertilizer where the n-p-k is readily available to the plants roots. Also general organics, from what ive learned from my hydro shop isn't meant for hydroponics, only for soil(maybe coir too but im not sure).

This is true.

GH Flora or Maxi powder series.

Both make getting slime extremely easy in any type of water system, drip, spray, etc. Use the three part liquid series. It's much harder to get slime that way. Run tests to see for yourself.
Yeah I'm using the flora series performance pack and previously using dynagro with so many probs from deficiancies to slime and root rot...switch bth res's one using the 3 part nd only a Lil rapid start and the other following the program on the box with all the additives that came in it(florilicious, rapid start, florablend, liquid koolbloom) and the one without all the additives has nice vigorous roots and the one with the additives has brown slime coating doesn't look like rot cuz the roots that aren't touching the water are white. Plants look ok but the slime worries me...does anyone think it could be the florablend or florilicious cuz they got seaweeds and extracts is that organics?
dunno guys, maybe I've been lucky. I've grown 5 grows with probably a dozen strains in rdwc and have never had any root problems, I live where summers are hot and I struggle to keep my res. temps below 80 F. in summer. I use Botanicare Pro series nutes but nothing for the roots per se.
Great White itself will cause a slimy coating if you use too much and/or feed the bennies molasses/carbs in the res. Some people like to breed the microbes outside the res in a separate EWC style brew, and then add a cup or so to the res every couple days. So you replace the microbes instead of feeding them.
You know I have that slime from adding too much great white, is it a problem or not?