My very first plant ever.


Well-Known Member
*puts the panic on hold*

List of things to get

-Fox Farms brand Grow Big
-Fox Farms brand Big Bloom
-'Y' splitter light socket(1-3)
-Light bulb to prong plug adapter(1-3)
-Zip ties

I have $9.00 to my name and roughly 2 weeks you say before baby death..........





Well I knew this wasn't going to be easy or free so let's come up with ideas on savings tips, tricks and slightly shady dealings with back alley characters. Potty has to live!

The Potologist

Active Member
Very nice! She looks great! I would try to get the lights a tad bit closer if you can. Especially considering you are only using those two bulbs for the moments time.
Let me know how you make out with the fertilizer.

Peace, Love, and Happiness


New Member
LISTEN LILKUSH.....I have been very polite and respectful. I have asked, and I have warned. THIS IS MY LAST ATTEMPT! PLEASE DONT POST YOUR QUESTION IN THIS THREAD. This is not the thread for it. This is KALEBS THREAD!!!! NOT YOURS. ONE MORE AND YOUR A GONER!!!

Peace, Love, and Happiness
Hey Mr. "Botanist" - Chill


Well-Known Member
*Kaleb calmly walks up and hammers a wooden signpost in to the ground and paints the words "Do Not Feed the Trolls" in big red letters on it.


Well-Known Member
Is the red color pigment in stripes on the stem and upper branching indicative of the strain?

the new light I added on the left os a '125'w cfl in the 3000 range, I can't find anything bigger in CFL and I can't find anything at all on the 5000 temp range.


Well-Known Member
New list of things to get

-Fox Farms brand Grow Big (similar brand is $10)
-Fox Farms brand Big Bloom (similar brand $10)
-'Y' splitter light socket(1-2) ($4 each)
-Light bulb (1-3) ($15-30 each)

The Potologist

Active Member
Wow brotha! Look at that thing. Looks very very nice!!! It will really take off now that you got more bulbs and nutz! The purpling can be caused by a couple things, but it is certianly not any indication as to strain. Unfortunatly, it would take alot of science to figure out what strain that is exactly. If its a bag seeds, you will never know really. However it does have a pretty sweet name Potty McPotterson........give that for a strain name!

Keep up the awesome work!...Cant wait for the next update!

PS....I can say that it is a Indica/Sativa Hybrid of some assortment :)

Peace, Love, and Happiness


Well-Known Member
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Is the red color pigment in stripes on the stem and upper branching indicative of the strain?

the new light I added on the left os a '125'w cfl in the 3000 range, I can't find anything bigger in CFL and I can't find anything at all on the 5000 temp range.
Not sure why you are looking at 3000k & 5000k, those are in between what you need, the plant can't even see 5000k spectrum. You need 6500k for vegging & 2700k for flowering. You also get more lumens for your buck if you get smaller bulbs, I believe the best deal right now is at Dome Hepot you can get 4 26 watt 2700k bulbs for $4.97.


Well-Known Member
hmm......using LST and a permanent vegetation state, I wonder if I can sculpt a pot plant into a mug of beer. Bonsai trimming techniques so buds ony show up on the top like foam.

Does anyone have a cut-away drawing of a pot plant with labels of what anatomy is where? (bud sites, leaf sites, root structure, names of the leaves, stem construction, leaf construction, flower diagram and construction)


Well-Known Member
...6500 for vegging, huh.... what about if I add a blue light? I have a 150w blue light for my reptiles and a big enough fan to keep the heat off the plants. it's listed as a 150w full spectrum daylight, a 60w daylight bulb, a 150w red spot bulb and a 100w red bulb


Well-Known Member
sorry, pot head moment there.....

Those wattages and colour bulbs I listed are the incandecents that I own for my new reptiles I inherited today(long story, don't ask)

anyways, I have an extra light bulb socket now (total of two free) and a bunch of bulbs (no cash at all, just what I listed)

The Potologist

Active Member
Oh, and with fishtank water do anything beneficial for my plant or will it hurt is or no difference
Huh, thats a good question. I would say that the fish emulsion would but I would wonder about the PH of water. I wouldnt think there is anything harmful in the fish water that would do
harm to Potty McPotterson :)

I would surf the web, or google for that diagram. I am sure there is one out there somewheres, just not sure where off the top of my ubberly fried mind :)


Well-Known Member
Oh, and with fishtank water do anything beneficial for my plant or will it hurt is or no difference
There are people on this site doing hydro directly off a fish tank. If you are going to use your fish tank water be sure you aren't treating it with any chemicals & that there is NO algae growth, as well as a decent ph level around 6-7. Fish emulsion has a lot of N but not a lot of P & Pk. Basically this makes it ok for vegging but you need more stuff for flowering.