2010 South Carolina Outdoor Grow Show


Well-Known Member
Looking good indeed. :clap:
Can't wait for a couple more months go by. And think of this they still have their stretch to go through... Hopefully they thicken up nicely, would hate to hear one of the ladies took a fall. Speaking of which, can't wait for the female count either. :leaf:

Keep it up they look real good all things considered.

someone else

Active Member
Looking good indeed. :clap:
Can't wait for a couple more months go by. And think of this they still have their stretch to go through... Hopefully they thicken up nicely, would hate to hear one of the ladies took a fall. Speaking of which, can't wait for the female count either. :leaf:

Keep it up they look real good all things considered.
Yea like I was saying before, the G13/Haze are really tall despite their supposed heritage characteristics of remaining short. They're really showing that sativa trait of thin foliage and thin leaves. Some are thicker than others...hopefully the thin ones end up being male and I can toss them.

I'm gonna have to stay on top of the powdery mildew every time I go out to the plot. It's just gonna have to be a part of my watering/feeding ritual to clean the leaves of it, because humidity at night is always 80%, and from past summers here in South Carolina, it's not gonna get any better until very late fall.

God I hope I'm wrong about that, because dealing with mildew during the vegetative stage is one thing. It's gonna be an entirely different and more frustrating animal once I have to clean that mildew off bud sites during flowering.

I'm thinking by the second week of August, I should definitely be able to sex the plants, and god-willing, pull a higher female to male ratio.

Oh, and to elevate any concerns about the buckets taking a tumble: When I made the buckets, I put several pounds of stones in the bottom to allow for better drainage, not to mention the dirt itself weighs several pounds.

I also have balancing rocks all around the buckets that are on angled parts of my grow site. They're in there pretty well; I tested them by trying to rock them back and forth.
TeA lot of purple kush from seed or clone? And that sour diesel you're growing is that the NYC strain or something else? Yes, you're also correct about that powdery white mildew on your leaves. I'm starting to flower and I'm trying to battle it before its too late.

someone else

Active Member
TeA lot of purple kush from seed or clone? And that sour diesel you're growing is that the NYC strain or something else? Yes, you're also correct about that powdery white mildew on your leaves. I'm starting to flower and I'm trying to battle it before its too late.
Well next year I'm gonna grow Purple Kush from feminized seeds.

The Sour Diesel is an original strain, not the NYSD. I've heard from multiple sources that the NYSD isn't as strong as just Sour Diesel, and I've smoked both many times and found it true...although I have no complaints about the NYSD in general.

To combat the powdery mildew, I bought some Neem Concentrate:

View attachment 1055863

I have a 28 ounce spray bottle that I'm gonna use, so I'll only be adding 1 and 1/2 tsp to the water.

I also picked up some SuperThrive:

View attachment 1055864

Just going to add 1/4 tsp per gallon, according to directions and how others have used it.

I've heard that some people don't like to use it during flowering, although NEL seemed to have great results all the way through with it.

It was only $9 for the 4 ounce bottle. That's 16, 5-gallon containers of water that this 4 ounce bottle will last for, so I should be done with this bottle before flowering really begins.

We'll see how the plants take to both the NEEM and SuperThrive, and then adjust accordingly.


Well-Known Member
Yea like I was saying before, the G13/Haze are really tall despite their supposed heritage characteristics of remaining short. They're really showing that sativa trait of thin foliage and thin leaves. Some are thicker than others...hopefully the thin ones end up being male and I can toss them.

I'm gonna have to stay on top of the powdery mildew every time I go out to the plot. It's just gonna have to be a part of my watering/feeding ritual to clean the leaves of it, because humidity at night is always 80%, and from past summers here in South Carolina, it's not gonna get any better until very late fall.

God I hope I'm wrong about that, because dealing with mildew during the vegetative stage is one thing. It's gonna be an entirely different and more frustrating animal once I have to clean that mildew off bud sites during flowering.

I'm thinking by the second week of August, I should definitely be able to sex the plants, and god-willing, pull a higher female to male ratio.

Oh, and to elevate any concerns about the buckets taking a tumble: When I made the buckets, I put several pounds of stones in the bottom to allow for better drainage, not to mention the dirt itself weighs several pounds.

I also have balancing rocks all around the buckets that are on angled parts of my grow site. They're in there pretty well; I tested them by trying to rock them back and forth.
Well if there's rocks then no worries. You're doing good. They look great!

someone else

Active Member
Well if there's rocks then no worries. You're doing good. They look great!

Thanks man!

I'm going back out tomorrow to apply the Neem Concentrate and SuperThrive.

I'm also gonna space out the plants again, as they're getting too crowded in their current configuration. The nice thing about buckets is the ability to move the plants around to best suit their current needs.

someone else

Active Member
Well I went out today to apply the Neem Concentrate on the leaves.

I also fed the plants some SuperThrive to get them through the next few weeks of hellish heat...and hopefully spur on some root development.

Good news is I don't see a lot more evidence of powdery mildew. I had a few yellowing leaves on the bottom with a few spots on them. I pulled a few leaves, sprayed the plants top and bottom thoroughly, going over all the plants 3 times at least.

After I spaced the buckets out a bit more to improve airflow, I started to look and see if I could identify sex at all. I did find 4 plants that had, IMO, fairly obvious signs of male pollen sacs.

Here are the pics:

weed balls 2.jpgWeed Balls.jpgweed balls 5.jpgweed balls 4.jpgweed balls 3.jpg

I know these pictures are hard to see. My camera sucks, but it is what it is until I can save up $400 for a better one for macro pics.

You can see the sacs clustered in bunches. I put these males in a corner in my plot. 2 Sour Diesel and 2 G13/Haze, and I think 1 more Sour Diesel is showing signs of being male. I'll let these go until Saturday at least just to make sure they're not hermed.

On the good news front, I've identified 3 females for sure, and at least 2 more that I think are female. I took pics of them, but they're harder to see on film than the male pollen sacs.

I was toying with the idea if they are herm to quarentine them off in another part of this growing area, far away from the ladies. Honestly, even if a few females get partially fertilized and produce seeds, I won't mind. These seeds are expensive as fuck, and I really want some seeds for next years grow.

It's still really early in the flowering phase, so I'm sure the rest will show in the next few weeks. Good to know that it's starting already. The G13/Haze is supposed to flower for 7-8 weeks and be done by late September/early October. That would mean flowering in earnest would start in a week or two.

The Sour Diesel is supposed to be done by mid-October, so they have a little more time to flower.

Good news about this is at least I won't have to waste nutes/times/energy on feeding males. The quicker I can identify them, the more I can focus on the ladies. :hump:


Well-Known Member
Nice they are starting to show. :clap:
Just be sure to let the possible "males" develop so you can tell without a doubt. I've had ones that I would of swore were males and it just ended up being a new branch coming out all weird looking. But i'm sure you got it going on. :leaf:

someone else

Active Member
Nice they are starting to show. :clap:
Just be sure to let the possible "males" develop so you can tell without a doubt. I've had ones that I would of swore were males and it just ended up being a new branch coming out all weird looking. But i'm sure you got it going on. :leaf:
You're completely right Cola. I'm gonna isolate the 'males' that I find in another part of this field, fence it in to protect from deer, and let them develop. Even if they herm out, I'd be happy to pick seeds out of the buds.

At this point though, they're looking pretty ballsy. Lots of sac clusters on the 4 I've identified.


Well-Known Member
Well just keep in mind pollen travels FAR!!!!!! You should be fine, you don't seem to be a noob. Sensimilla is always better if you can manage.

someone else

Active Member
Yeah, this is probably why I won't keep these 'males' very long.

It's just gonna be a wait and see thing, but I'll probably just toss them.

I think I have a lotta females. I just didn't wanna go out and say it, but that the hairs in a lotta of these plants are so buried that it's tough to see. There's THC forming on a lotta of the tops. :weed:


Well-Known Member
Well that's always a great sign of things to come. I know the G-13/Haze has got to have nice resin production locked in its genetics. Everyone knows the SD is just the BOMB!!!


Active Member
Looking good dude..... Mmmmmm ya thats a great idea set them off to the side as far as you can i mean when you think its good its not keep going 8) Dude if i was you i would most deff let them male's good and get you some seed's and man and also so you can clip some of them pollen sac's and put them into a lil baggie and save them to do some crossing of your own!! but u have to get them at the right time.....Great shit man keep keep it up!!!
