My neighbor found out...

sludge factory

Active Member
Okay, so I know this post doesn't really have anything to do with growing, but I'm freaking out right now and I really don't know what to do.

So I have a fenced in backyard (the fence is about 5ft high) , and I have 2 plants growing there right now, and a couple hours ago I went outside and I saw my neighbor and he came over to my house and told me that "his kid's baseball flew over my fence but he went through my gate to get it."

He also mentioned "Oh by the way, nice plants"

What should I do?
I'm pretty scared right now.
Should I move all my plants to a friends house or something? I have 3 other plants indoors, and I don't want my neighbor to call the cops and have them come over.


Well-Known Member
Dude if he cared you be in cuffs already, Most people dont give a shit about some plants. Its not a farm is it??? Its personal. Watch he will ask you kick him down some bud come harvest. Chill out and smoke a bowl.

sludge factory

Active Member
damn did he seem cool or was it like, now ive gott somthing on you?
It kinda was like "don't try anything stupid with me or i'll bust you for growing pot"

I just called him on the phone actually, he said it's no biggie.
he's a cool guy, unless you piss him off, which I was nervous about.

NorthernChronic- that's not a bad idea at all! :joint:


Active Member
idk the guy might be cool with your grow.but in my experiance most people cant keep there mouths shut about growing or even seeing mj plants id be nervouse.but if they are well established plants id prolly leave em.(fucking neighbors i hate em)and if he does rat on you.dont forget to remind him he has to live next to you.know what i mean.


New Member
dude you cant take a chance on your babys ! i dont trust any one ! never take anyone for there word 99% of the time people will tell one person then they tell 2people them 4 people then 8 people... dude you so should of been less stoner and better gaurded your prizes... i myself have two locks and dont tell any one.


Well-Known Member
Just make up a card w/ your pic on it and tell him its a medical marijuana certificate, and the plants are for personal use.....
that only works if you live in a medical marijuana sure people are smart enough to recall hearing about something like that where they live.


if you have a hydro running
never grow outdoor on your property.
if your neighbor wasnt cool and called the cops
they would have found your hydro

Miss MeanWeed

Active Member
Well it's a fair bet it's not just him that knows now. Even money he's already told someone, adding the rider 'but don't tell anyone' as he tells them. It's no certainty but more likely now you will get ripped off or narked on.

He may be cool about it, but that's a lot of trust to give someone.

If you are going to trust him, at least go have a joint with him or ask if he'd like a cutting or anything you can do to incriminate him as well. I'm not sure about your laws where you are from, but where I am if you don't report a crime you know about, you are charged as an accomplice to the crime.

CSI Stickyicky

Well-Known Member
Get rid of the outdoor plants, and plant some look-alike plants, like Schefflera. Your thing says you are from Chicago. In Illinois, 4 or less plants is a slap on the wrist, misdemeanor, unless you are near a school, or unless they try to stick you with intent to distribute. At least get rid of one.


Well-Known Member
2 plants lol are you scared of getting caught? I grow 6 1,000 watt lights in my house and i leave the door unlocked when im watching tv. I would move them unless you want them stollen cause people talk, thats about all thats going to happen. hes going to mention it to sumone else then one of the kids will take it,