Well Here Goes

Part of it is the timing would put me doing way more than I want to on Mon. morning after my Sun. night shot. I was thinking give the lower part some fuller light for today, then a 36 hr. dark. Thinking a slow death for these three. Then a slow dry, then even slower cure.
if you gonna harvest any how and it is merely to save some work then go for it. but remember that the fan leaves may help the taste through the dry/cure period. i know riddle and some others have mentioned it. so maybe just start drying monday and wait till they are dry before you trim the fan leaves. i see where you are coming from, trying to take care of stuff while you are most able to.
The PM is on some of the fan leaves still. I stopped the spread but I think I want them off before the drying.
well that changes a lot, i agree with your first post now. but if you can leave any leaves try it. you may be able to tell us if you noticed a difference in the cured product that had leaves left on during dry as opposed to product which was dried leafless.
It was their 66th day of 12/12, and all fan leaves with any PM are gone. The tric's look at least 50% cloudy on some parts and some amber's in some parts. I got my Sulfur Burner done. I'll get some sulfur soon and kill that shit good.
Well 2 Dry Boxes wouldn't do it so I made another quickly. It's a 92mm fan screwed right into a 3 1/2" hole. I got a Harvest Tower at the foot of my Bed.

7-21 Harvest Tower Wide.jpg7-21 Harvest Tower 001.jpg