Perpetual Dual Cab, 400x250w MH,Aurora B x The Pure x Dank Bagseeds. Enter The SOG...


Well-Known Member
dont take this the wrong way obviously this way works for you and thats just seems like a waste of genetic potential to me, that and the fact of being able to get double the amount with half the plants in double the amount of time..I mean really it just not for me I grew plants small for quite some time and will never do it agian, until recently I grew illegaly as most do on here and for those of you risking jail time over a few small plants I ask why?...I understand the logic behind this and if your a cash cropper like myself I grow large plants outdoors for massive yeilds so I can pay my bills and not pay for smoke or have to grow (if I wanted to, I still grow) until next season...I grew four small plants at a time with T5 and CFL lights only b/c I lived in my parents house, didnt have a card, and kept it a secret..but I just dont see the point in small plants anymore, yea it may be faster to yeild and may be stealth, and you can yeild 8 times a year...but unless your growing for yourself (which you may be) and have a great paying job, and a card, why risk going to jail over a 3oz harvest?

and like I said I'm not trying to knock you, you by all means can do whatever you want and I cant tell you shit...just IMO..

cool lookin pit pure bred? or mud pit born from the I know a guy "pits", I got a pure "red nose" hes 60lbs and just turned 6 months on the 5th can't tell from the pic but he's all white except for his ears and parts of his head and round his eyes are fawn...not the best pic of him but standing gaurd of my clones...usually he's eating fan leaves instead of watching them.. hes a bad m-f'r tho gonna be about 100-120lbs when he's done growing



Well-Known Member
dont take this the wrong way obviously this way works for you and thats just seems like a waste of genetic potential to me, that and the fact of being able to get double the amount with half the plants in double the amount of time..I mean really it just not for me I grew plants small for quite some time and will never do it agian, until recently I grew illegaly as most do on here and for those of you risking jail time over a few small plants I ask why?...I understand the logic behind this and if your a cash cropper like myself I grow large plants outdoors for massive yeilds so I can pay my bills and not pay for smoke or have to grow (if I wanted to, I still grow) until next season...I grew four small plants at a time with T5 and CFL lights only b/c I lived in my parents house, didnt have a card, and kept it a secret..but I just dont see the point in small plants anymore, yea it may be faster to yeild and may be stealth, and you can yeild 8 times a year...but unless your growing for yourself (which you may be) and have a great paying job, and a card, why risk going to jail over a 3oz harvest?

and like I said I'm not trying to knock you, you by all means can do whatever you want and I cant tell you shit...just IMO..

cool lookin pit pure bred? or mud pit born from the I know a guy "pits", I got a pure "red nose" hes 60lbs and just turned 6 months on the 5th can't tell from the pic but he's all white except for his ears and parts of his head and round his eyes are fawn...not the best pic of him but standing gaurd of my clones...usually he's eating fan leaves instead of watching them.. hes a bad m-f'r tho gonna be about 100-120lbs when he's done growing
in my state the penalty is the same for 0-1000 plants, so it really doesnt matter, id be fucked either way ;)

my vet swears up and down Rocky is a full Blooded American Pitbull, but i have no paperwork, he was a rescue pup.
yours is a American Pitbull Terrier, is it not? He looks stockier than mine, Rocky will get big, stand about 36-42", and weigh 120+


Well-Known Member
yeah i think most states are like that. if they catch your ass with a plant they will hammer you. if they catch you with a thousand, they will just use nails with the hammer, either way you'd wish they'd break out the drill and start screwing you for a change.
Hey. Nice trees. If your gonna grow and risk being busted you should just go to the point where its almost the next class charge because if your going down for 1 plant or 500 plants certin state laws your going down the same way till you hit the next bracket.

In your bubble cloner what do you put into the water to help them root?

Can you start the curing right from the moment you harvest but let it breath more then a couple times a day to composite for not drying it before curing?


Well-Known Member
Hey. Nice trees. If your gonna grow and risk being busted you should just go to the point where its almost the next class charge because if your going down for 1 plant or 500 plants certin state laws your going down the same way till you hit the next bracket.

In your bubble cloner what do you put into the water to help them root?

Can you start the curing right from the moment you harvest but let it breath more then a couple times a day to composite for not drying it before curing?
diluted superthirve at first, then a weak solution of 10-15-10 once root nodules show.

you really need to let it dry befor eyou try curing it like that, im 99% sure you would be inviting budrot, but ive never tried it that way so i couldnt tell you with any accuracy. i dry mine for up to 2 weeks sometimes, before it hits the jar. drying and curing is a fine art, often more challenging than the grow itself.


Sector 5 Moderator
Whew, I just read the whole 15 pages, word for word!! What an absolutely incredible job on the cabinet. Did you get your $500? :) You mentioned that you would post about your hotsoil but I think you forgot. I am very very impressed with every little detail of your grow; it shows incredible knowledge and experience - not to mention mad skills.


Well-Known Member
Whew, I just read the whole 15 pages, word for word!! What an absolutely incredible job on the cabinet. Did you get your $500? :) You mentioned that you would post about your hotsoil but I think you forgot. I am very very impressed with every little detail of your grow; it shows incredible knowledge and experience - not to mention mad skills.
wow, thanks man!


Well-Known Member
Hey bud, Your girls look great, I dig the photo shoot.
Just thought I would mention I have used both CMH and HPS in the same cab and compared the grows.
Manufacture claimed the CMH was a cooler bulb and I think its true. The HPS did run a little hotter when I used it the next grow and produced about 20% more bud.

and yea, I agree, you need to dry before you cure or you will end up with mold.


Well-Known Member
lol thx man.... i had to so something, i was tired of the interference showing up form all the mag ballasts of every pic i took, so i set up a little mini-photo shoot aera.. the ole lady thinks ive gone off the reservation :lol:


Well-Known Member
lol thx man.... i had to so something, i was tired of the interference showing up form all the mag ballasts of every pic i took, so i set up a little mini-photo shoot aera.. the ole lady thinks ive gone off the reservation :lol:
i think that is a stoners wifes job, to think their ole man is gone off the reservation. its our job to keep 'em guessing!!


Well-Known Member
Hey bud, Your girls look great, I dig the photo shoot.
Just thought I would mention I have used both CMH and HPS in the same cab and compared the grows.
Manufacture claimed the CMH was a cooler bulb and I think its true. The HPS did run a little hotter when I used it the next grow and produced about 20% more bud.

and yea, I agree, you need to dry before you cure or you will end up with mold.
What's up cruzer! I had a couple questions on you CMH & HPS grows. How many watts were they? Were the same strains grown? Were botrh lights used through the entire growth cycle, or only during flower? 20% more bud is a big difference. Just curious if all the factors were the same or similar for each grow.

Thanks cruzer

And sorry to clutter up your thread Iam5Toned!


Well-Known Member
lol thx man.... i had to so something, i was tired of the interference showing up form all the mag ballasts of every pic i took, so i set up a little mini-photo shoot aera.. the ole lady thinks ive gone off the reservation :lol:
i think that is a stoners wifes job, to think their ole man is gone off the reservation. its our job to keep 'em guessing!!
The Hippie Gardener thinks I'm deep off that reservation. I'm capped on fans. I can replace with a better fan, but my # is capped. Grows like this don't help:weed: Just gives me something to emulate.:twisted: I'm dying to hear how that Vanilla Kush is. Plus you said the ole lady doesn't like vanilla, so you can sit on the res. and smoke away.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
The Hippie Gardener thinks I'm deep off that reservation. I'm capped on fans. I can replace with a better fan, but my # is capped. Grows like this don't help:weed: Just gives me something to emulate.:twisted: I'm dying to hear how that Vanilla Kush is. Plus you said the ole lady doesn't like vanilla, so you can sit on the res. and smoke away.bongsmilie
HAHAHAHA, Loven it!


Well-Known Member
The Hippie Gardener thinks I'm deep off that reservation. I'm capped on fans. I can replace with a better fan, but my # is capped. Grows like this don't help:weed: Just gives me something to emulate.:twisted: I'm dying to hear how that Vanilla Kush is. Plus you said the ole lady doesn't like vanilla, so you can sit on the res. and smoke away.bongsmilie
so far, im really impressed with it.
theres one pheno thats perfect for my breeding project!
ill have some good pics of the VaKu this weekend.


Well-Known Member
What's up cruzer! I had a couple questions on you CMH & HPS grows. How many watts were they? Were the same strains grown? Were botrh lights used through the entire growth cycle, or only during flower? 20% more bud is a big difference. Just curious if all the factors were the same or similar for each grow.

Thanks cruzer

And sorry to clutter up your thread Iam5Toned!
its all good man!
no apologies needed nor accepted bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
its going.... got a few approaching harvest, a few more in mid flower, and a bunch vegging. also got seeds soaking ;)

hows it going on your end?
Well not so good actually.
I put lime in my seedling mix and they don't like it at all.
Except the one super lemon haze she is doing well.
I got em out of the bad soil and gave em some superthrive and they seem a little better.
Well if all else fails I have more seeds.


Well-Known Member
yeah, i just went through that with a batch of kill-a-watt.... only 3 seedlings made it... they dont like the lime unless its (the soil) sat for a bit.


Sector 5 Moderator
Lime takes several months to break down. It also raises the pH which is opposite of what our favorite plant likes.