Anyone ever mix AN Connoisseur with the Fox Farms Trio in Flowering?


Well-Known Member
Hey There,

I plan to use AN connoisseur for my base fert during flowering. I also have a lot of the FF TRIO (open sesame, Beastiz Bloomz, Cha Ching) and was wondering if anyone has used the combo.

I am worried the AN and FF just wont mix well or might throw something off.

Any advice?


bud man jay

Well-Known Member
That is probably the most expensive incomplete nutrient on the market. Save your money and buy a complete, well balanced fertilizer.
Huhhh all you do is trash Advanced. let us use what we wanna use. Besides its not your crop were growing. On the other note I just started using Open Sesame with Advanced.


Well-Known Member
Huhhh all you do is trash Advanced. let us use what we wanna use. Besides its not your crop were growing. On the other note I just started using Open Sesame with Advanced.
To each his own. I'm just letting you know it's all about NPK and the other 11 or so micro and macro nutes. You don't need to spend THAT much on a complete nute system, it's just a waste of money. To that, I'll challenge ANY and every AN user out there to produce a better looking product than I do. Are you interested Mr connoisseur? ;)


Well-Known Member
We are here to offer's some information on Advanced Nutrients

and of course, I just now see older posts lol. I'd rather use the Seni Bloom A&B personally. I used AN's 3 part Grow Micro Bloom as a base w the FF Trio and had good results.


Well-Known Member
We are here to offer's some information on Advanced Nutrients
and of course, I just now see older posts lol. I'd rather use the Seni Bloom A&B personally. I used AN's 3 part Grow Micro Bloom as a base w the FF Trio and had good results.
I hope you're not sublbc because you talk out of your @ss, constantly. In the event you aren't that guy, shame on you for posting links to his vids, he's totally clueless and actually misguiding growers who don't know any better.


Well-Known Member
he's a kid who does math, and his math saved me from buying an's line up...stop being a troll for a second and get that thing out of your ass...its not like you can patrol around here on this site even and keep up with all the misguided information, i found nothing wrong in this video. When do I talk out of my ass? I bet you are talking out of your ass right now because you wouldnt have the balls to walk around in life with the same attitude that you have on here. Especially not in Columbus if that's real dumpster you got. I wasn't aware this kid was misleading people only seen a few of his videos, information is good wherever you get it, and you will get bad bits along the line too, but me trying to help isn't a flag for you to jump down me.


Well-Known Member
he's a kid who does math, and his math saved me from buying an's line up...stop being a troll for a second and get that thing out of your ass...its not like you can patrol around here on this site even and keep up with all the misguided information, i found nothing wrong in this video. When do I talk out of my ass? I bet you are talking out of your ass right now because you wouldnt have the balls to walk around in life with the same attitude that you have on here. Especially not in Columbus if that's real dumpster you got. I wasn't aware this kid was misleading people only seen a few of his videos, information is good wherever you get it, and you will get bad bits along the line too, but me trying to help isn't a flag for you to jump down me.
What math is he doing? He's taking recommended dosages from the back of the bottle and dividing them by the cost of the product. That tells you nothing about how concentrated the actual nutrient solution is and tells you nothing about how much your plants need to get to a certain EC.

Watch his vids and watch how he blindly dumps additives and base nutrients in his res and on top of that, he doesn't even know what half of the products do that he uses.

THEN watch this broad's vids and tell me she hasn't been misguided by him as well:

Lastly, I do walk around life with this same attitude ;)


Well-Known Member
I can see what you're saying as far as the concentrate goes, I looked at it as how much I was going to use and how much that was going to cost me. I was steered away from AN at one store and another one that I frequent was recommended, but valued the one store reps opinion more. I stand corrected, but still insist there is a better approach than just trying to offend people. I love cannabis and want it to flourish it has changed my life. Over there in Santorini they must be soft, they let you get away with that shit :)


Well-Known Member
I can see what you're saying as far as the concentrate goes, I looked at it as how much I was going to use and how much that was going to cost me. I was steered away from AN at one store and another one that I frequent was recommended, but valued the one store reps opinion more. I stand corrected, but still insist there is a better approach than just trying to offend people. I love cannabis and want it to flourish it has changed my life. Over there in Santorini they must be soft, they let you get away with that shit :)
My apologies if I thought you were that youtube guy. Hearing him yap for 15 minutes straight is like nails on a chalkboard for me and knowing he has thousands of people who look up to him means the never ending cycle of misinformation will continue on :(.


Well-Known Member
My apologies if I thought you were that youtube guy. Hearing him yap for 15 minutes straight is like nails on a chalkboard for me and knowing he has thousands of people who look up to him means the never ending cycle of misinformation will continue on :(.
So what nutrients do you use, what's the secret?


i use AN and love it, i think fox farm can be used to grow many differant plants and thats why i stay away from it AN products r designed just for cannabis growers and humbolt has a similar product to but if u are gonna buy the expensive base nutes from AN than stick with there line i thinks its ieguna blood, B52 BIG Bud, Overdrive and Bud candy i use sensigrowa&b and sensiblooma&b along with the AN add ons and am doing great, everybody wants to swear by there nutes but i favored AN after researching a few differant products and the closer was how its for cannabis grower not tomato and pepper and pedel pusher pussy shit AN and F%$& FOX FARM


Well-Known Member
So what nutrients do you use,
I use DynaGro because when you cut though all the marketing and fancy labels, plant nutrition is about the 16 essential elements and DG provides exactly that. When you feed plants these essential elements in good ratios, that will be when you get your best results. On top of that, DG is highly concentrated making it very affordable to get to desirable EC levels.

I'm not here to push a brand, but more of a growing philosophy. If you can find other nutrient brands that also provide the essentials, then I'd recommend them too.

what's the secret?
Proper feeding levels. Monitor the EC of your res or read your dirt plants. Pushing plants is a waste of money and you'll actually hurt your plants by trying to feed them too much.


Well-Known Member
I use DynaGro because when you cut though all the marketing and fancy labels, plant nutrition is about the 16 essential elements and DG provides exactly that. When you feed plants these essential elements in good ratios, that will be when you get your best results. On top of that, DG is highly concentrated making it very affordable to get to desirable EC levels.

I'm not here to push a brand, but more of a growing philosophy. If you can find other nutrient brands that also provide the essentials, then I'd recommend them too.

Proper feeding levels. Monitor the EC of your res or read your dirt plants. Pushing plants is a waste of money and you'll actually hurt your plants by trying to feed them too much.
So do you follow the dynagro recommended levels or do you have your own method?

I know you are not pushing a brand.


Well-Known Member
knowing he has thousands of people who look up to him means the never ending cycle of misinformation will continue on :(.
I took the link out because I see why this would have frustrated you. After watching some and the videos and some of the rebuttal videos made by other youtubers I'm sorry for putting anyone up on this guy (he sounds sooo young to know it ALL). Is EC relative to your particular solution? Did you have the same EC for DynaGro as GH (if thats what you used to use)? I try to stay close to recommended strength and my church and SLH are doing alright but I've switched over to fox farm base and solubles and haven't had any problems. Do you look for a magic number, or just at what level your plants are happy?