FFOF Vs Roots Organic Soil~Pictures=Proof

Let me rephrase since you seem hell-bent on attacking me and everything I say using an author as your ammunition. I simply was trying to remind the OP of the correct way to determine if a hypothesis is true or not. This is something most american children are taught all throughout our mandatory school years. Much like how we learned the basics of the language we are speaking now and the math we use every day. Why is any of that null and void to you because I do not wish to conduct the experiment myself? I know and have stated what has gotten me the best results and neither of them was soil. So due to that, i have no intention to properly conduct the OP's experiment. I pointed out how HE could do it properly and acquire evidence based on fact instead of a tainted experiment in which the conclusions are still hypothesis. The quote I used was an example to show the mindset that is at the heart of said "experiment".

If you would like to focus on a dead author and teach me more of his many philosophies please feel free to start a new thread in the toke n talk section and ill see you there.

Go on, keep attacking me. The scientific process does not require your belief in it to provide evidence and attempts to discredit the messenger in no way discredits the message.
Let me rephrase since you seem hell-bent on attacking me and everything I say using an author as your ammunition. I simply was trying to remind the OP of the correct way to determine if a hypothesis is true or not. This is something most american children are taught all throughout our mandatory school years. Much like how we learned the basics of the language we are speaking now and the math we use every day. Why is any of that null and void to you because I do not wish to conduct the experiment myself? I know and have stated what has gotten me the best results and neither of them was soil. So due to that, i have no intention to properly conduct the OP's experiment. I pointed out how HE could do it properly and acquire evidence based on fact instead of a tainted experiment in which the conclusions are still hypothesis. The quote I used was an example to show the mindset that is at the heart of said "experiment".

If you would like to focus on a dead author and teach me more of his many philosophies please feel free to start a new thread in the toke n talk section and ill see you there.

Go on, keep attacking me. The scientific process does not require your belief in it to provide evidence and attempts to discredit the messenger in no way discredits the message.

stop trippin.

Your right. Bout scientific method and outside variables etc. anyways.... It all always depends ;).

Let go.

Its all good.

Funniest damn thread i read all night.
Let me rephrase since you seem hell-bent on attacking me and everything I say using an author as your ammunition. I simply was trying to remind the OP of the correct way to determine if a hypothesis is true or not. This is something most american children are taught all throughout our mandatory school years. Much like how we learned the basics of the language we are speaking now and the math we use every day. Why is any of that null and void to you because I do not wish to conduct the experiment myself? I know and have stated what has gotten me the best results and neither of them was soil. So due to that, i have no intention to properly conduct the OP's experiment. I pointed out how HE could do it properly and acquire evidence based on fact instead of a tainted experiment in which the conclusions are still hypothesis. The quote I used was an example to show the mindset that is at the heart of said "experiment".

If you would like to focus on a dead author and teach me more of his many philosophies please feel free to start a new thread in the toke n talk section and ill see you there.

Go on, keep attacking me. The scientific process does not require your belief in it to provide evidence and attempts to discredit the messenger in no way discredits the message.

Never was there an attack of any sort and apologies if you perceived such...I never discredited you...only commented on what YOU demonstrated is all... You must teach you my friend...simply apply your very high intellect and use what you know..And demonstrate what you know in your actions...not words...as they do not portray that you learned from the dead philosopher/author as you termed him ...merely read him

All things are subject to interpretation whichever interpretation prevails at a given time is a function of power and not truth.
Friedrich Nietzsche

An awesome existence to you

Namaste' :peace:

"A state licensed personal medical grow...Thank you":eyesmoke:
swear to god.....

making me laugh harder and harder and harder......

or is it the shrooms?

Are you trippin?

You sure?


You are now..... hahahahhahahahhah
all my plants get nutes befor i take clones,
all my cuttings go right in ffof/lw mix,
never have i had any burning at all:hug:

how can you burn a cutting that has had more nutes
than the medium it gos in to??:-?
Hey Genuity, I have a SLH @ 33 days and she is just beggin for me to clone her...multiple times! Has internodal growth like 6" long and very strong looking in about 12 spots. So you're saying I can cut clones, add some root hormone and plop them right into a lightweight mix of ocean forest? Do I still put them in some type of dome and mist often? Thanks in advance for any help. I'd like to start cloning this weekend.
You few that oppose my comparison and cry out " there's no proof because it's not scientific, not enough plants, not from clones, my butt hurts, etc." Let me remind you few again that ~ My hydro store has been after me for 3 years to try RO soil instead of FFOF. Well 3 years ago they gave me a free bag of RO and the results where poor then. Here we are 3 years later and after 3 years of them laughing and dogging FFOF they gave me a another free bag and said " just do a comparison" and so I did and so I documented it.
The results where poor.
3 seedling died in RO 2 strains from seeds grew poor in veg, took longer to flower, little smell, non dense, not many trichs,etc. WOW the other 2 seeds did the opposite and they where in FFOF. Say what you want but one would think that some good genetics would be in the seeds that where in RO instead of all poor, and losing 3 seedlings? Well that just part of the comparison.

I did not buy any RO soil. I had enough to plant 5 seeds, 3 seedling's died in the soil, the other 2 had poor " everything".
for starters, I only use FF soil; I use a mixture of FFOF(bottom 2/3 of pot) and light warrior(mixed 50/50 with FFOF for top 1/3 of pot)

this experiment is like taking 2 sets of brothers, rather than identical twins, put them on different diets, and see which one grows bigger.

well, those two brothers are probably going to grow to different sizes regardless of what they are fed.
twisted funk is right; for this experiments results to have any value, you have to use clones and use a sizable subject pool (~4 clones of each)
btw what nutes are being used?
No I disagree with you. The hydro store asked me to compare soils. And that is what I did. Now I am happy that I only lost 3 seedlings and 2 plants to the RO. Could of been worse if I went all "scientific". I am not one to waste time or space in my garden.
All plants where treated the same, except the hydro store told me not to add perlite to there RO. I do add 15% perlite to my FFOF. As for nutes all plants where fed from the same container containing Humboldts Naturals (organics).
for starters, I only use FF soil; I use a mixture of FFOF(bottom 2/3 of pot) and light warrior(mixed 50/50 with FFOF for top 1/3 of pot)

this experiment is like taking 2 sets of brothers, rather than identical twins, put them on different diets, and see which one grows bigger.

well, those two brothers are probably going to grow to different sizes regardless of what they are fed.
twisted funk is right; for this experiments results to have any value, you have to use clones and use a sizable subject pool (~4 clones of each)
btw what nutes are being used?
You know I have to compare soils in my normal way of growing. That means from seeds. RO killed 3 seedlings, and the 2 that made it up where so slow all the way till harvest and late to harvest (poor harvest). I buy award winning strains, I am not about to waste serious money (seeds) on a product that may or may not do better, which in this case did poorly.
No I disagree with you. The hydro store asked me to compare soils. And that is what I did. Now I am happy that I only lost 3 seedlings and 2 plants to the RO. Could of been worse if I went all "scientific". I am not one to waste time or space in my garden.
All plants where treated the same, except the hydro store told me not to add perlite to there RO. I do add 15% perlite to my FFOF. As for nutes all plants where fed from the same container containing Humboldts Naturals (organics).

again, you threw off your experiment when you listened to they hydro store guys. since when have hydro store employees been gurus of growing? in my experience theyre just random people who have some interest, but not necessarily any experience at all in growing. its common knowledge that perlite is beneficial for aeration and drainage, which encourages better root growth -> higher yield. it only makes sense that what you do to one, you do to the other, meaning you shouldve added perlite to the RO.

once again man, im not trying to offend you or anything, I think its cool what you did, just for the results to be reliable and accurate, you shouldve been more careful in holding as many variables constant as possible.
for starters, I only use FF soil; I use a mixture of FFOF(bottom 2/3 of pot) and light warrior(mixed 50/50 with FFOF for top 1/3 of pot)

this experiment is like taking 2 sets of brothers, rather than identical twins, put them on different diets, and see which one grows bigger.

well, those two brothers are probably going to grow to different sizes regardless of what they are fed.
twisted funk is right; for this experiments results to have any value, you have to use clones and use a sizable subject pool (~4 clones of each)
btw what nutes are being used?

I use the same mix for seedlings. It works pefectly (slightly higher EC actually)


How many plants you lose in the FFOF when doing your comparison?

Oh.... and I have found OUTSIDE to be the best place to compare soils accurately ;).

And I have found that some soils perform MUCH better outdoors than in, or indoors than out.
I say again, this is hilarious. The OP is proving the point further with every post. OP, stop being defensive. You are the one who put "PROOF" in your title yet provided conjecture in its place. We told you how to get your proof (regardless of the result seeing as how i do not care) and you are all "I disagree!". Unfortunately, disagreeing is just you ignoring the truth of the matter. You opened the door for this argument. We're simply pointing out the obvious.
Again I disagree with you. Roots Organic is made here in Eugene, Or. My Hydro guys are not like your hydro guys. As a matter of fact there is one Guru in there and the other guy is dam good at what he does as well. Now the reason I did not add perlite is because RO says it is not needed. They sell their bags in camo so you can drop them out in the wild without adding perlite. That is one of there sells pitch. Understand now why I did not use perlite in RO ? Just following RO claims. Variables can go on and on, and there will always be a shot caller calling foul or misplayed.
again, you threw off your experiment when you listened to they hydro store guys. since when have hydro store employees been gurus of growing? in my experience theyre just random people who have some interest, but not necessarily any experience at all in growing. its common knowledge that perlite is beneficial for aeration and drainage, which encourages better root growth -> higher yield. it only makes sense that what you do to one, you do to the other, meaning you shouldve added perlite to the RO.

once again man, im not trying to offend you or anything, I think its cool what you did, just for the results to be reliable and accurate, you shouldve been more careful in holding as many variables constant as possible.
I say again, this is hilarious. The OP is proving the point further with every post. OP, stop being defensive. You are the one who put "PROOF" in your title yet provided conjecture in its place. We told you how to get your proof (regardless of the result seeing as how i do not care) and you are all "I disagree!". Unfortunately, disagreeing is just you ignoring the truth of the matter. You opened the door for this argument. We're simply pointing out the obvious.

Anytime someone post any side by side or comparison, or nute program, grow method,etc They, like myself are well aware of the BS that is too follow along with the genuine growers who will take what they will from the experiment. Besides all that I never said what the proof was? That is an individual conclusion. Like yourself for instance, you are calling this a joke right. So my proof to you is nothing but a joke, have a laugh and your welcome.
I use the same mix for seedlings. It works pefectly (slightly higher EC actually)


How many plants you lose in the FFOF when doing your comparison? ( Good Question ):joint:

Oh.... and I have found OUTSIDE to be the best place to compare soils accurately ;).

And I have found that some soils perform MUCH better outdoors than in, or indoors than out.

I am a inside grower so I would not care what soil could do outside (at this point). I have never lost a seedling in FFOF in all 3 years of using the product. And the only thing I add to a seedling mix is perlite. No other FF product like light warrior and such. Just never have, never felt the need. Seeds grow fast and strong in FFOF/perlite. :joint: