green light spectrum?

Ok, we need proof then. The only Only ONLY thing you have is words coming out of your mouth.

A blacklight is not the 'blue' spectrum... Do you ever wonder why they make 2 types of grow lights. HPS and MH. One for veg and one of flower.
A HPS is more of the red end of the spectrum
A MH is more of the blue end of the spectrum

Why don't you try your expirament with the REALY blue spectrum. Where a plant can use the light.

I've already said this:


Here, go ckeck out this site (>>> <<<) and read that small little paragraph.
I'll copy and paste the important part right under this.


Color Temperature is a measurement in Degrees Kelvin that indicates the hue of a specific type of light source. Many people believe the misconception that colour temperature is a rating of the brightness of the bulb or HID kit. This belief is completely false. The reality of the matter is that the higher the colour temperature, the less use able light output you will obtain. A perfect example would be a black light. This light has a colour temperature of approx 12,000k and has almost no useable light or lumens output."

A blacklight has a color temperature of 12,000 K..... Tell me, where would your blacklight fit on this chart?????

Unless you can show us PROOF instead of just word of mouth, this thread needs to be closed. You keep saying you have proof, yet nobody's seen anything of the sort. No more mis-informations needs to be running around. There's enough of that already.
dude your really not getting what im saying at not saying you need the blacklight too flower you dont need it at all.what im saying if you have a strain that takes 9 weeks two flower.well if you can make the plant photosynthesis and it still think its dark,it will do what it does at night and still photosynthesis as well cutting flower time to 5 to six wont that be helpfull?
Then how come seasonal flowering plants grown under only blue light (vegging) their whole life, do not flower until they get 12 hours of darkness? By your reasoning, this would tell them they are left in total (time telling) darkness. They are having an extreme lack of red light, yet do not flower. If lack of red light causes plants to flower, what's going on here?

If the blue light was just as safe, why don't you use them during the dark period instead of the black light? Of the same wattage, I guarantee that any blue spectrum bulb is going to put out way more lumens (likely enough to affect flowering, hint. hint. that's the key) than a thickly coated black light bulb.

It would only add further proof to your hypothesis. If you do things like this, you need to do the exact same thing to another plant, but without the extra light on in the darkness for a control. Ideally, you'd want to use clones from all the same mother, and the whole experiment in one cab or room with a light dividing wall (with no light leaks), and as near to the same temp., humidity, etc... All of that's really only necessary though, only if you want to be positive of your results and have a sound experiment that others can duplicate to prove your hypothesis, and have it accepted as a theory. It's not necessary for the purposes of fantasy, magic, voodoo, make-believe, or old wive's tales, though.

Proving that your plants can handle a weak black light during the dark period without receiving enough stress to go asexual, does not prove that red light is the only light that tells a plant when to flower. It may offer very little support to it, but to me all it says is that your plants were healthy and of hardy enough genetics, to handle a little light pollution like all plants are ideally supposed to be able to do.

Hell, by your theory, people could build greenhouses with red filtering sections or rooms and trick plants into harvesting year round, while staying in the sun.
the blue lghts your talking about are not all the way have to use a very strong blue like a blacklight. you have us a bulb that exactly the color it says it is, not a blue tinted softwhite that plant growers use


Well-Known Member
Proving that your plants can handle a weak black light during the dark period without receiving enough stress to go asexual, does not prove that red light is the only light that tells a plant when to flower.
EXACTLY! and thankyou!

dude your really not getting what im saying at not saying you need the blacklight too flower you dont need it at all.what im saying if you have a strain that takes 9 weeks two flower.well if you can make the plant photosynthesis and it still think its dark,it will do what it does at night and still photosynthesis as well cutting flower time to 5 to six wont that be helpfull?
But the plant is not photosynthesising when it's dark. Because it CAN'T USE THE SPECTRUM OF A BLACKLIGHT! Your wasting electricity. And your plant will not finish any faster. I don't think you read a single thing I posted..... Did you even look at the chart? Where's your light on there?
I was just trying to help, and show you your waisting your time. As many others have. As well as stop this mis-information from getting spread around. But you are to ignorant. I'm done. Good luck.
But the plant is not photosynthesising when it's dark. Because it CAN'T USE THE SPECTRUM OF A BLACKLIGHT! Your wasting electricity. And your plant will not finish any faster. I don't think you read a single thing I posted..... Did you even look at the chart? Where's your light on there?
I was just trying to help, and show you your waisting your time. As many others have. As well as stop this mis-information from getting spread around. But you are to ignorant. I'm done. Good luck.
I dont care what the chart says lol.people need too stop that and be open to new ideas.I remember on one of my first grows before i knew about ph,i was growing 10 plants and my soil was not right, i got all 10 males no bull, well now I know to check ph close LOL. but wait,what about xx xy cromo,you have a 50/50 shot at get females you cant induce males or females.well thats a lie dont believe evrything you read until you see it yourself.


New Member
Well ive been reading the thread and good stuff guys good stuff ... below is a brush up on short day plants the flower cause of darkness not because the lights red other wise you just put a red light on plants shine it 24 hours a day and there would flower

Short-day plants flower when the night is longer than a critical length. They cannot flower under long days or if a pulse of artificial light is shone on the plant for several minutes during the middle of the night; they require a consolidated period of darkness before floral development can begin. Natural nighttime light, such as moonlight or lightning, is not of sufficient brightness or duration to interrupt flowering.
In general, short-day (i.e. long-night) plants flower as days grow shorter (and nights grow longer) after 21 June in the Northern Hemisphere, which is during summer or fall. The length of the dark period required to induce flowering differs among species and varieties of a species.
Photoperiod affects flowering when the shoot is induced to produce floral buds instead of leaves and lateral buds. Note that some species must pass through a "juvenile" period during which they cannot be induced to flower&#8212;common cocklebur is an example of a plant species with a remarkably short period of juvenility and plants can be induced to flower when quite small.
Some short-day obligate plants are:
Well ive been reading the thread and good stuff guys good stuff ... below is a brush up on short day plants the flower cause of darkness not because the lights red other wise you just put a red light on plants shine it 24 hours a day and there would flower

Short-day plants flower when the night is longer than a critical length. They cannot flower under long days or if a pulse of artificial light is shone on the plant for several minutes during the middle of the night; they require a consolidated period of darkness before floral development can begin. Natural nighttime light, such as moonlight or lightning, is not of sufficient brightness or duration to interrupt flowering.
In general, short-day (i.e. long-night) plants flower as days grow shorter (and nights grow longer) after 21 June in the Northern Hemisphere, which is during summer or fall. The length of the dark period required to induce flowering differs among species and varieties of a species.
Photoperiod affects flowering when the shoot is induced to produce floral buds instead of leaves and lateral buds. Note that some species must pass through a "juvenile" period during which they cannot be induced to flower&#8212;common cocklebur is an example of a plant species with a remarkably short period of juvenility and plants can be induced to flower when quite small.
Some short-day obligate plants are:
your right about that,but some people say the glass is halfway full. well I say the glass is halfway empty.I have done research through trail and error.i did not always have a computer when I was growing.anyway people say darkness makes plants flower they are right right right. but how does it measure this?it measure it by light it gets compared to darkness,who can argue.well if that is true,well then what spectrum is it? there is no freaking chart for just have to try and see.from what i gathered from my mistakes and study its the red spectrum only that reads and miss when its dark.


Well-Known Member
dude your really not getting what im saying at not saying you need the blacklight too flower you dont need it at all.what im saying if you have a strain that takes 9 weeks two flower.well if you can make the plant photosynthesis and it still think its dark,it will do what it does at night and still photosynthesis as well cutting flower time to 5 to six wont that be helpfull?
Come on, seriously...Now your claim is that using your black light at night time cuts three to four weeks off your flowering time? Sure it would be helpful, but its not going to happen. Wouldn't it be helpful if I could fill my grow room with dreams and have them cut my flower period down to 4 days? If you have done your research and experimenting as you say, then you should be able to show all of us Einsteins your positive, repeatable results along with a control group that didn't receive the discotheque treatment at night to show how much of an improvement it makes.
Why would you expect anyone to take your claims at face value? Why would you be so stubborn and proud with so little practical experience or theory under your belt? It's only going to bite you in the ass. Growing plants for consumption isn't something new to our species and one person spewing information he pulled out of the air isn't going to change sound growing practice.
Come on, seriously...Now your claim is that using your black light at night time cuts three to four weeks off your flowering time? Sure it would be helpful, but its not going to happen. Wouldn't it be helpful if I could fill my grow room with dreams and have them cut my flower period down to 4 days? If you have done your research and experimenting as you say, then you should be able to show all of us Einsteins your positive, repeatable results along with a control group that didn't receive the discotheque treatment at night to show how much of an improvement it makes.
Why would you expect anyone to take your claims at face value? Why would you be so stubborn and proud with so little practical experience or theory under your belt? It's only going to bite you in the ass. Growing plants for consumption isn't something new to our species and one person spewing information he pulled out of the air isn't going to change sound growing practice.
until you try it and see for yourself please leave me alone. i have done this i have proof what do you have?nothing but hot air.when you try my theory then you can talk if not stfu
until you try it and see for yourself please leave me alone. i have done this i have proof what do you have?nothing but hot air.when you try my theory then you can talk if not stfu
and why do i need a control we all know plants grow with hid or cfl.has anyone experimented with shinning different spectrums when the lights are off?ooooooooh well i have with plenty off trial and error i say 3 grows because they are my most successful grows with my theory


Well-Known Member
Wait before I leave for good, can you please, post a pic of your plant that "finished" in 5-6 weeks (6 weeks is 42 days BTW. I am growing 'Top 44', and it doesn't even finish that fast, FYI) Along with info of your grow and grow room aswell?

Soil or Hydro?
What medium?
Feeding Schedual?
Growing Environment?
Amount of space?
Amount of time vegged/flowered? and total harvest weight from said plant? (really the only 2 I care about)

I ask this. Because I want to see what your "finished" plant that you harvested after 6 weeks looks like.

And THEN, I wat to post the very first plant I ever grew that finished in 68 days so we can see how your "finished" plant, looks compared to my "finished" plant.


Well-Known Member
and why do i need a control we all know plants grow with hid or cfl.has anyone experimented with shinning different spectrums when the lights are off?ooooooooh well i have with plenty off trial and error i say 3 grows because they are my most successful grows with my theory
You don't have proof. If you did, why wouldn't you have provided it to shut us all up. You need a control to show that 2 clones grown in the exact same conditions, at the same time, will have quantifiable differences when only one is exposed to black light for the 12 hours of darkness. The black light has to be the ONLY difference between the two. Without the proof you're just a street corner preacher, shouting words out for whoever will listen.

When people disagree with you is it standard practice to tell them to leave you alone and stfu? I guess I'll have to agree with everyone else who thinks you might be a little young to even be on this site.


Well-Known Member
until you try it and see for yourself please leave me alone. i have done this i have proof what do you have?nothing but hot air.when you try my theory then you can talk if not stfu
I really want to believe you but where the hell is your proof? I don't see it on page one.
Have you tried it without a blacklight and see if it makes any difference? If so, take side by side pictures and show us the proof.

We keep telling you to do one room with blacklight, and one room with no blacklight, and show us the result. You should have done this before you even posted on here, otherwise you have NOTHING to show us.
Would you believe if Jesus could perform miracles if he didn't show you?
Exactly, so why are you expecting people to believe you if you don't show proof?

It's like you're telling someone about a product you're trying to sell and how it's so great, but you refuse to show them how it works. You get what I mean?


Well-Known Member
thank thank you thank finaly some one who understands my logic! yes the plant measure the light from yesterday and when it starts to get less light it flowers.but its the red that it measures.not the other spectrums i know this for a fact! because on my plants when I use a blue spectrum on them only when the lights are off,I can still make them that not light?why do they think its dark and flower anway?
I've understood you for a while now, just disagree :)


Well-Known Member
I really want to believe you but where the hell is your proof? I don't see it on page one.
Have you tried it without a blacklight and see if it makes any difference? If so, take side by side pictures and show us the proof.

We keep telling you to do one room with blacklight, and one room with no blacklight, and show us the result. You should have done this before you even posted on here, otherwise you have NOTHING to show us.
Would you believe if Jesus could perform miracles if he didn't show you?
Exactly, so why are you expecting people to believe you if you don't show proof?

It's like you're telling someone about a product you're trying to sell and how it's so great, but you refuse to show them how it works. You get what I mean?
He has done none, at some points he says this has been his experience with 10 crops, elsewhere he says it was 3... I don't even think he has heard of the scientific process, let alone know how to follow it. All I get from this is that he, with severely limited experience, and a few days of disjointed research on subjects for which he lacks the foundation to understand, decided he knows better than the thousands of PHD students who have dedicated significant time into education and researching the subject, as well as perform rigorous, statistically significant, testing, which are written up in peer reviewed journals all over the place. It's theories (for which ample data and testing exist already, disagreeing with him) that he's masquerading as fact.

He's all over the place though, all my comments are 100% about his claim that our plants will be triggered to flower in the absence of red spectrum regardless of other spectral intensities.

Alarm Clock

Well-Known Member
Holy macaroni!

Fred Durst would be proud, ricardezra. (just keep trollin, trollin, trollin...)

You're the man. The (black) light in the age of darkness.

Forgive us for our follies.

We don't deserve answers to our meek, insignificant questions.


In His name, it must be the red. Amen.

He who cannot typeth a complete, comprehensible sentence hath shown us the way! Hail to him with science that need not be explaineth!
For it is great, and ezra is in his name. Ramen.


Well-Known Member
Would you believe if Jesus could perform miracles if he didn't show you?
Exactly, so why are you expecting people to believe you if you don't show proof?

It's like you're telling someone about a product you're trying to sell and how it's so great, but you refuse to show them how it works. You get what I mean?

Holy macaroni!

Fred Durst would be proud, ricardezra. (just keep trollin, trollin, trollin...)

You're the man. The (black) light in the age of darkness.

Forgive us for our follies.

We don't deserve answers to our meek, insignificant questions.


In His name, it must be the red. Amen.

He who cannot typeth a complete, comprehensible sentence hath shown us the way! Hail to him with science that need not be explaineth!
For it is great, and ezra is in his name. Ramen.
And this shit made me laugh my ass off! Rep to tha both of ya's!