
Well-Known Member
i frikkin cannot wait for super smash bros. Brawl on the Wii.

ok so i've been rock banding my heart out lately, and i have to say, that game is a blast to play with your friends. especially whenever you guys are all into it on the realz.

like i mean the singer goes up to the guitarist on their solo and rock out. or when the guitarist sings along on the chorus. and the drummer just rocks out with their cock out.

love it.

i've also been playing call of duty 4 and i'm sooo about to beat it. i know because my friend beat it already and he walked in when i was playing and was like "oh you're almost done!"

how exciting.


Well-Known Member
im waiting for mario cart too. i love my wii playing resident evil. but mario cart will be there first online game where you can play other people.


Well-Known Member
My brother bought Rock Band over Christams. I have to say, wailing out Radio Heads "Creep" while my Mom rocked the drums and my grandmother wailed on the guitar was well, pretty epic. Turns out I can actually sing a little too. Very theraputic.


Well-Known Member
damn lady. You're quite the potheads' dream. Adult Swim(old school, hell yes.) video games, strawberry coochie, and you grow. Good thing I'm not a pothead..


Well-Known Member
damn lady. You're quite the potheads' dream. Adult Swim(old school, hell yes.) video games, strawberry coochie, and you grow. Good thing I'm not a pothead..
wait, this is a chick? I thought it was like everyone else who just posted a pic of the hot chick they saw that one time, eight years ago. So.... you come here often?


Well-Known Member
hahahaha. yeah i'm a chick. and i come here as often as i can. i love having conversations with people that have the same interests as me.


Well-Known Member
All I have to say is Nintendo outdid themselves with Super Mario Galaxy. In fact, I'm gonna get booted and play that right now.


Well-Known Member
yes!! i love super mario galaxy!! it's sooo fun whenever you're high.

damn the Wii is just fun whenever your high.


Well-Known Member
it's damn good, not as serious as a lot of gamers like...but most Nintendo systems.


Well-Known Member
wait, this is a chick? I thought it was like everyone else who just posted a pic of the hot chick they saw that one time, eight years ago. So.... you come here often?

HAHAHA!!!! blowing up our spots are you :evil: :P:blsmoke:
yea dank seems like a pretty cool person :blsmoke:


Active Member
I like the Fight Night series....those are fun to play while lifted. Another fun game to play is Saints Row, it's actually a pretty shitty game, but it's just fun going around shooting stuff. And of course Halo 3 online is hella fun while baked. Oh, and World of Warcraft was a blast but I had to quit that shit.


Well-Known Member
I love how with Blizzard games, every one says "I had to quit that shit" I was quite addicted to Diablo 2, myself. Wouldn't touch WOW.


Well-Known Member
i'm in the SW area. Wii is great! but i love my xbox.

but i think if anyone had my xbox...they would love it just as much as i do.