COD 4 is the shit on line!! hah but lately its been runing like shit..haha whats ur gamertag!! ill play U!
COD 4 is the shit on line!! hah but lately its been runing like shit..haha whats ur gamertag!! ill play U!
it's colorblindpink...but my xbox 360 is at my bro's. my high ass left it there...he's all happy n shit. but whenevs i get it back i'll be online and we can party 4 evaaa.
FUUUUCKKK! I wanna play COD4 so bad!!! but my EX-buddy trashed my 360 when he borrowed it.

Halo 3 always keeps me happy also... but CANT PLAY THAT EITHER! whatever... I'm gunna smoke more hash... that's always fun
it's colorblindpink...but my xbox 360 is at my bro's. my high ass left it there...he's all happy n shit. but whenevs i get it back i'll be online and we can party 4 evaaa.

haha aight ill add u!! damn! have u been havin problems wit xbox live? lol.. haha Party for sures:hump:. lol
Guitar Hero is where its at my fellow tokers... even if u dont play guitar ... u can be a poser and still rock out iwth ur cock out!
Guitar Hero is where its at my fellow tokers... even if u dont play guitar ... u can be a poser and still rock out iwth ur cock out!

do you really play guitar hero?!?!
I dont get why people go so crazy over the damn game... why not just play a real guitar... they have videos to teach you... it can be a game in your mind... or somthing:? man you know what I;m saying
do you really play guitar hero?!?!
I dont get why people go so crazy over the damn game... why not just play a real guitar... they have videos to teach you... it can be a game in your mind... or somthing:? man you know what I;m saying

haha hellz to the yeah i play that game!!! its the shiz bro!!!!!

and i i do play the real guitar ! i have a POS yamaha practice guitar and i have an american strat. and 100w marshall man! did u kno that marshall stopped making heads?! .. its like all in one . n e who .. i wanna grow tons of pot and sell it and it a custom GIBSON (not epiphone cheap shit) Les Paul!!!! i wud be stoked i wud play it ALL day... i kno EVH plays a sweet "Frankenstein" strat.. but .. i love the jimmy paige lespaul rock out shit!!
I've been fairly addicted to Final Fantasy 12 since its release. Those cinematics are fucking intense when you've been smoking homemade hash.

Virtua Fighter 5 is sick as Hell, and Halo 3 is her favorite.
[She kicks my ass EVERY DAMN TIME]
haha hellz to the yeah i play that game!!! its the shiz bro!!!!!

and i i do play the real guitar ! i have a POS yamaha practice guitar and i have an american strat. and 100w marshall man! did u kno that marshall stopped making heads?! .. its like all in one . n e who .. i wanna grow tons of pot and sell it and it a custom GIBSON (not epiphone cheap shit) Les Paul!!!! i wud be stoked i wud play it ALL day... i kno EVH plays a sweet "Frankenstein" strat.. but .. i love the jimmy paige lespaul rock out shit!!

My dad has an authentic Les Paul. He's a guitar collector so we have all sorts, he has 21 guitars, I have 7 plus some other instruments. The ones that standout in his collection are the Stuart jazz acoustic, 66 Fender Strat, the Martin acoustic from something like the late 40s in preem condition. The custom made Cayenne made for him by his friend who is an amazing guitar-smith in Saskatchewan, the Gibson Les Paul (I don't know the year, I'll try to find out more about it) and finally a custom Fender Telecaster with a Bigsby pickup. Then the gems in my collection are my 98 American Fender Strat, my authentic Danelectro bass, my Takamine concert acoustic and my Gibson mandolin. My double bass ain't too shabby either. We just got a brand new camera for once I have figured it out I'll post some pics. And a pic of my Peavey TransTube Bandit II 112 1x12 100W amp for all of you who are into playing loud. haha.
haha niiiiiice im jealous ... :( ...what colors ur american strat...mines blue with a white pick guard and white maple fret board and duncan pick ups
do you really play guitar hero?!?!
I dont get why people go so crazy over the damn game... why not just play a real guitar... they have videos to teach you... it can be a game in your mind... or somthing:? man you know what I;m saying
i dont know man....but this stoner dude i know plays this shit all day long haha.:mrgreen: heard it is addictive as shit.
Lol..Im a video game addict...but im a 360 and pc man..My top 5 all time favorite games are as follows
1. Legend Of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
2.Warcraft III
3. Call of Duty 4: Modern Combat
4. Resident Evil 4
5. Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask