wow you guys are gonna maybe get to find out if dalia's really a chick or not. even though some dudes voice's sound like chicks on xbox live.
No but im looking into getting a Wii, I just want to play it before i spen $200 cause im not so sure if ill like the controls.
No but im looking into getting a Wii, I just want to play it before i spen $200 cause im not so sure if ill like the controls.

it's one of the most fun game consoles out there. well i mean there is no other like it...i say do it...and then get super mario party 8. wayy fun game. especially whenevs your high....well everything is a wayyy fun game when your high.
lol. I love playing GTA:San Andreas high running around beating people with baseball bats will be forever imprinted in my memory.