Why the surge will never work in Iraq!


Well-Known Member
You are a prime example of why your country is doomed, you fail to see the arrogance and error of your ways. You fail to listen to the wisdom of others and simply are just nieve. Mistakes are made to learn from, not to cover up and bury. Untill your government can recognize its past failures it is doomed to repeat them over and over again. Example - female or black president - these arent issues that matter at all yet it will be the main reason to vote for the majority of people, again skirting the real issues. Like sheep to the slaughter you all just keep following. Fucking lemming.


New Member
Ps In Canada smoking pot is not a federal crime. Fat cat politicians dont make policy here to fuck over the average people and the goverment works on voting here not MONEY.

- We have Free Medical Service
Yeah, its just a shame you will die before your "turn" comes up. Probably why so many Canadians drive or fly south for their medical.
- We 1/100 your population and the same value dollar. - Your economy is just doing great as your dictators piss it into the wind.
Must be nice to be insulated from attacks by the great satan. You must save a bundle on your "military" expenses
- We can travel anywhere we want to. PS Cuba is great!
For commie libs it must be a blast. Just don't get sick. They have "free" medical service too.
- We are a true multicultural society.
Leftists, commies, and libs, Oh my.
- Everybody is treated equally.
Even terrorist organizations are made to feel at home. How cozy.
- We arent afraid of the police here
Police? Where? Stop it! You're scaring me!
- Our media actually tries to tell the truth and the whole story.
Hence your open mind about America.
- We arent lied to every single day by our government.
Aren't you glad Harper got elected!

I live the Canadian dream everyday goof, I work from home. Online and make tons of money from americans that will buy anything and are too fat and lazy to get up of the couch.
That does sound like the Canadian dream. Starting a flourishing business with Americans, some of the most affluent, generous people in the world, as your customer base. Lucky for you you've found such a prosperous niche. Congrats are well deserved. Keep being such a good capitalist and I'll have to change my views of you.


New Member
You are a prime example of why your country is doomed, you fail to see the arrogance and error of your ways. You fail to listen to the wisdom of others and simply are just nieve. Mistakes are made to learn from, not to cover up and bury. Untill your government can recognize its past failures it is doomed to repeat them over and over again. Example - female or black president - these arent issues that matter at all yet it will be the main reason to vote for the majority of people, again skirting the real issues. Like sheep to the slaughter you all just keep following. Fucking lemming.
Wisdom?? From you?? Who said Canadians aren't funny. Mistakes are made because you made a mistake, learn from it or not. Past failures? Like suffrage for women and civil rights for blacks? You're example, you're right about that. We should follow your lead and elect a conservative. Fucking idiot.


Well-Known Member
Hey at no time did I bash you or americans I just think your government sucks and rightly so. Good luck with Hilary or Obama, lol. I predict nothing will change, your economy will worsen and more and more soldiers will die for commodities and political agendas.


New Member
Hey at no time did I bash you or americans I just think your government sucks and rightly so. Good luck with Hilary or Obama, lol. I predict nothing will change, your economy will worsen and more and more soldiers will die for commodities and political agendas.
Your predictions mean shit to me. I bet you didn't predict the Harper win.


Well-Known Member
Hope you get enlisted by your lovely goverment to go to this bullshit war you believe so much in. Maybe then you will wake up when you or someone you care about dies for oil.


New Member
Hey at no time did I bash you or americans

I was gonna cut and paste all your America bashing, but it's pretty much every post. Fuck off.


New Member
Hope you get enlisted by your lovely goverment to go to this bullshit war you believe so much in. Maybe then you will wake up when you or someone you care about dies for oil.
We haven't had the draft for some time now, you idiot. If I go fight and die for this country, it's because I choose to enlist. That's what this"bull shit" war is all about. Giving others the god given right to be free. Something you, having been born into, thank America, have utterly taken for granted. Oh, and we get almost all the oil we need from our neighbors to the north. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
We haven't had the draft for some time now, you idiot. If I go fight and die for this country, it's because I choose to enlist. That's what this"bull shit" war is all about. Giving others the god given right to be free. Something you, having been born into, thank America, have utterly taken for granted. Oh, and we get almost all the oil we need from our neighbors to the north. Thanks!
Why don't you go an enlist? If you believe in this war so much?


Well-Known Member
If you care so much about the Iraqis freedom why don't you go fight for it? or is just not that important to you?


Well-Known Member
YOU IGNORANT FUCK, you know nothing and are nobody. Your pathetic opinion on worldly events make me want to puke in your spewing garbage of a mouth. It is Britain you should be referring to when you consider your freedom you retarded savant. Rest your fingers looser, You are not giving anybody anything other than domination, these people do not want your so called help. You are so stupid to think that you are the center of the world. I do not pretent to understand the reasoning behind this war and neither should you, if indeed you are intelligent enough to grasp that. Now I am referring directly to you ccodiane when I tell you from the bottom of my heart to fuck yourself. No offence :) peace out.


New Member
YOU IGNORANT FUCK, you know nothing and are nobody. Your pathetic opinion on worldly events make me want to puke in your spewing garbage of a mouth. It is Britain you should be referring to when you consider your freedom you retarded savant. Rest your fingers looser, You are not giving anybody anything other than domination, these people do not want your so called help. You are so stupid to think that you are the center of the world. I do not pretent to understand the reasoning behind this war and neither should you, if indeed you are intelligent enough to grasp that. Now I am referring directly to you ccodiane when I tell you from the bottom of my heart to fuck yourself. No offence :) peace out.
I know I've gotten under your skin, and it's starting to feel good. You're right, we did have to kick the Brits out of the new world before we could begin the historic act of founding the greatest country to ever grace the face of this planet, ever. Rest my fingers looser? Why, are you running out of air? And when you refer directly to me, get down on your knees and type. Don't you know who I am? At this moment I'm the center of your universe.


Well-Known Member
touche grow up im not about to continue this waste of time any longer as the lights are just about to come up. It has been mildly interesting to say the very least.


New Member
touche grow up im not about to continue this waste of time any longer as the lights are just about to come up. It has been mildly interesting to say the very least.
Translation: "Damn! That ccodiane is really kicking my ass. I'd better take what few chips I have left and head for the door!" :blsmoke:



New Member
Translation: "Damn! That ccodiane is really kicking my ass. I'd better take what few chips I have left and head for the door!" :blsmoke:

And loving it!!! These libs better watch out, I'm staring to type REAL fast. What a great typing excercise!!!