Why the surge will never work in Iraq!


New Member
And loving it!!! These libs better watch out, I'm staring to type REAL fast. What a great typing excercise!!!
Dude! You completely destroyed the guy with facts and logic. There isn't a lib on the planet who can compete with that. ~lol~

Facts and Logic to a liberal is what Kryptonite is to Superman. :mrgreen:



Mr I Can Do That For Half
But the push already has worked since the day it was implimented the violance has dropped dramatically so its kind of a mute aurguement to say it wouldnt when it already has lol


Well-Known Member
But the push already has worked since the day it was implimented the violance has dropped dramatically so its kind of a mute aurguement to say it wouldnt when it already has lol
Really, but the original question deals with when the troops pull out! Unless a 6 month victory is fine with you? Mission Accomplished then! Thats 2 victorys then, one when we invaded and two after the surge. When will we win again in Iraq?


Mr I Can Do That For Half
Im all for just taking our troops out and begin bombing of the whole area and then just have it resettled after the radiation levels subside.


Well-Known Member
I'm fighting for it right now, combating the forces of ignorance here at home.
1) The military need recruits

2) You support everything they are fighting for

That's a lame defense. You sound more like private pussy fart to me!

Nothing you say is credible for that reason! You only have faith in the surge as long as it's not your ass doing the surging, right? Once again, get the fuck outta here!!!


Well-Known Member
My question to those that say we are defeated. What do you have to gain?

I was talking to an 17 year old Israeli kid about a month ago who was looking forward to serving his country so much he looked like a kid on Christmas Eve. Its a beautiful thing when someone is so motivated to lay his life down to protect his family, I have nothing but respect and admiration for the Israeli people. And this is a country, mind you where they are REQUIRED....REQUIRED....REQUIRED to serve in the Military. And I love there method of you send us a car bomb we send you 50 Zuni rockets from a Cobra right up your ass.


New Member
Hey Panda ...

Nice to see you on the forum again. You were missed. :)

Chris sez ...

And I love there method of you send us a car bomb we send you 50 Zuni rockets from a Cobra right up your ass.

Exactly, Chris. And ... that's the message GW has sent to the organization that plotted the destruction of the buildings in NY. Like Bush said on that pile of rubble with his arm around the fireman ... "I hear you loud and clear, and these people who brought these buildings down will be hearing from you too."



New Member
Hey Panda ...

Nice to see you on the forum again. You were missed. :)

Chris sez ...

And I love there method of you send us a car bomb we send you 50 Zuni rockets from a Cobra right up your ass.

Exactly, Chris. And ... that's the message GW has sent to the organization that plotted the destruction of the buildings in NY. Like Bush said on that pile of rubble with his arm around the fireman ... "I hear you loud and clear, and these people who brought these buildings down will be hearing from you too."

Hooorraaahhh, My dicks bigger than your dick!!!


Well-Known Member
Hooorraaahhh, My dicks bigger than your dick!!!

No I am not a commie pinko as you often refer to me but rather a liberal thinker

Yup med, as you indicate in your last post (above excerpt) in another thread, you exercise a stunning and dazzling display of brilliant logic and reason!


New Member
No I am not a commie pinko as you often refer to me but rather a liberal thinker

Yup med, as you indicate in your last post (above excerpt) in another thread, you exercise a stunning and dazzling display of brilliant logic and reason!
If you can't equate war to a my dick is bigger than your dick scenario then it is you that is lacking my friend. War is always an egocentric endeavor, as is my dick is bigger than your dick. I guess my attempt at wry humor failed in your instance, or is it that you look for anything that I post to attack me on? I would favor the latter.


New Member
If you can't equate war to a my dick is bigger than your dick scenario then it is you that is lacking my friend. War is always an egocentric endeavor, as is my dick is bigger than your dick. I guess my attempt at wry humor failed in your instance, or is it that you look for anything that I post to attack me on? I would favor the latter.
Wry humor? As stated before, you're like a ridiculous caricature of Dice "Clay". Funny in only the most rudimentary sense of the word. Your raunchy man!


New Member
My question to those that say we are defeated. What do you have to gain?

I was talking to an 17 year old Israeli kid about a month ago who was looking forward to serving his country so much he looked like a kid on Christmas Eve. Its a beautiful thing when someone is so motivated to lay his life down to protect his family, I have nothing but respect and admiration for the Israeli people. And this is a country, mind you where they are REQUIRED....REQUIRED....REQUIRED to serve in the Military. And I love there method of you send us a car bomb we send you 50 Zuni rockets from a Cobra right up your ass.
10-4 good budy


New Member
1) The military need recruits

2) You support everything they are fighting for

That's a lame defense. You sound more like private pussy fart to me!

Nothing you say is credible for that reason! You only have faith in the surge as long as it's not your ass doing the surging, right? Once again, get the fuck outta here!!!
General Libcrusher, actually. You don't feel like you've been "surged" all over? I'll guess I'll just have to try harder. Logically debating you, however, is like trying to take down a brick wall with logical debate. I'll opt for the sledge hammer when I see you around. Fuck off, you fucking idiot. PS- thanks for the forum, its been a hoot


Well-Known Member
The defeatist crowd is suffering from delusional full-blown Bush Derangement Syndrome, which prevents them from recognizing reality.

The Author of the excerpt below has it exactly right.

[FONT=times new roman,times]As for the conduct of the war, Saddam's regime was removed in just a few months. He was captured, tried by the new Iraqi government, and executed. His psychopathic sons and heirs were killed in an intense gun battle. Other countries like Israel and Saudi Arabia were not drawn into the war. Democratic elections in Iraq were held on three separate occasions, resulting in a coalition all-Iraqi government that drafted its own constitution and continues to function and be accepted more and more by Iraqis.[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]By our military adapting to insurgent tactics, it now appears that foreign influences by Iran and al Qaeda are being neutered, al Qaeda in Iraq is being defeated and the former Sunni and Shia insurgents are slowing coming into the fold, avoiding all out civil war. Both US Coalition and Iraqi casualty counts are down and oil production and infrastructure repair are up and on the mend.[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]It has taken almost five years and 3,190 U.S. combat fatalities to date to accomplish that. God bless those heroes. I hate to treat any death as a statistic, but the fatality count has been an ongoing subject in the media (at least before the surge, when the rate started declining). Here is a list[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times] of individual battles in World War II in which more than 3,190 servicemen were killed in action, limited to the Pacific theater and to the US Navy and Marines.[/FONT]

  • [FONT=times new roman,times]Invasion of Marianas[/FONT]
  • [FONT=times new roman,times]Return to the Philippines[/FONT]
  • [FONT=times new roman,times]Iwo Jima[/FONT]
  • [FONT=times new roman,times]Okinawa[/FONT]
  • [FONT=times new roman,times]Unspecified Pacific or Asiatic area.[/FONT]
[FONT=times new roman,times]I'm not sure how important the Marianas were to the defeat of Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, but I think the removal of Saddam's regime and its replacement with a reasonably democratic government not hostile to the U.S. was pretty important to peace in this world and to U.S. security in particular. I do not view the deaths of our servicemen in Iraq as in vain. I thank God that there are still men and women willing to fight for our country, especially under such thankless conditions.[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]In the broad scheme of things, President Bush chose a moderate course against the radical jihadi movement, a movement that could potentially spiral out of control across dozens of countries with millions of Muslims ready to behead infidels, release a few WMD and install the new caliphate.[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Bush is not trying to bomb anyone back to the stone age; he is trying to bring some semblance of democracy and self-government to the Middle East and Asia. He is not indiscriminate. He used measured force in Afghanistan and Iraq, but firm diplomacy in Pakistan, Libya, North Korea and elsewhere. His actions were not unilateral, "cowboy" or against international opinion. He formed a coalition of over 45 countries, including the United Kingdom and Australia[/FONT][FONT=times new roman,times], to remove Saddam's regime.[/FONT]

[FONT=times new roman,times]Regarding that international opinion, major roadblocks to getting UN approval for using force in Iraq came from France and Germany. Since then, those countries and Canada have elected pro-US leaders, while the original coalition remains largely intact. President Bush, counter to the picture painted by the media, has strengthened our standing in the international community.[/FONT]

Full Artcle here-
American Thinker: Hey GOP: Cheer Up, Chin Up!