Ok where are you? Why dont we just meet up and I can put an end to this and PROOVE to you that MY DICK IS BIGGER THAN YOURS. Im not going to waste my time here anymore with you. The point I was trying to get accross here originally is that Bush has made too many mistakes, American are suffering because of it and you are too blind too see it. Im not sure of the conspiracy theories and what not, dont really care. You are just a prime example of ignorance and why American will continue to repeat the same mistakes. Sometimes if you can just take a step back you can see things from a different point of view - being a Canadian. You are able to see when things are just not right in the world, im not pointing fingers but if your are such a powerful nation then why not solve your own problems first, for example health care. America is a great and powerful nation with so much potential for good but I just dont see it happening. Liberal or whatever I dont classify myself as anything politically. I generally dont vote simply because im not satisfid with any of the potentials. So cc if you want to create a new thread aptly named then we can continue this, its realy been fun and I am smiling ear to ear right now, lauging at how mislead you are. Pitiful fool.
Ccodiane your a lib
Well, I guess I'm not alone in seeing CCdiane as an idiot. Thanks Canabian for pointing this out on the forum, I was beginning to wonder why everyone else was giving him a pass.
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, however when you are so blind and inflexable to see others points. Well that makes you just ignorant. Thanks for the support Medicineman I appreciate it.
Another penis lover I presume.
Thanks, you have all brightened my day with this exchange...absolutely hilarious.
Why is it that Bush Haters, Liberals, Communists and haters of the U.S. in general, are so enamored and obsessed with the size of their dicks?
I mean, the size of one's dick, doesn't a political statement make.
And your a loser, notwrong99.
It bears repeating.
and your a felon, the Military doesn't want you, employers don't want you..........I wish I could aspire to your accomplishments ha ha............your a classic keyboard warrior
and your a felon, the Military doesn't want you, employers don't want you..........I wish I could aspire to your accomplishments ha ha............your a classic keyboard warrior
Well you blew your chance to protect Americas freedoms and those poor Iraqis freedom you care so much aboutAt least my mother still loves me. What a world, what a world!!! PS-don't get caught growing, or you too can be despised by your fellow libs for having a record. Funny the things they'll attack you for. Well, at least I tried, and succeeded, more than I got nabbed, which is only once.Life is good!
Well you blew your chance to protect Americas freedoms and those poor Iraqis freedom you care so much about
i knew i was avoiding this thread for a reason. Huge cocks in my face. Thanks asshole.