Like I've said before, blasting stupid liberal arguments out of the water is a very important, and under appreciated, task. A task that I take very seriously. A task that I will continue to pursue until all the stupid libs either abort themselves out of existence, or, we the conservatives defeat and vanquish them to the country of their choice. Canada and Cuba seem popular this time of year! What say you lib?
This reminds of what Mitt romney said when he was asked why none of his 5 sons served in the Armed forces......he said their serving there country by trying to get him elected...........your comparison of service is even more ridiculous
Funny, that's exactly how I picture you, a huge dick,~LOL~, no seriously.The sickest fuck on this site, by far, medmao. Somebody has to be "that guy" though, I guess.
CCodiane I voted for Bush twice, which I'm not afraid to admit. That in itself is more than you have done, since the beginning of this war, to support our armed forces
This is exactly what I'm talking compare yourself a felon (who somehow voted) who voted for GWB as doing more for the troops........Than myself who actually was a "troop" and did your fighting, Ive put my life life on the line for my fellow "Troops" day after day, and I have sacraficed more for my country in a sliver of my fingernail than you have done your whole life.
Ignorant Fuck CC - you cant even respect your fellow Americans who have potentially laid down there lives so that you can sit on your fat ass and spew garbage all day. If, perhaps you took your eyes of the RIU forum's you may actually catch the news one of these days and learn something. I know you love thisCCodiane - crack cocaine user, weed dealer, aspiring Bush cartel lackey.
Who's that Devil Dog
PS thats mad cow im eating, fear the mad cow!
The surge quelled riots in Bagdad. It is temporary. In case you haven't noticed we are the enemy to most Iraqis. 86% want to see us leave. 66% think it allright to kill an American. That for you dullards, is 2/3s of the people that would just as soon kill us as look at us. Yeah great progress for the trillion bucks squandered and the 100,000+++ lives wasted. What kind of an Idiot calls this victory? I'm not knocking our military for I have been there, done that. All you cowboys that haven't saddled up, need to stop opining on war. Get down range and take some lead, take some incoming and then opine. I'm pretty sure your view will be a little differentBack to the topic of this thread.....although I did chuckle over some of the bickering back and forth.
Unfortunately for the irrational anti-war left, reality is a bummer.
Oh, and the left turned out to be dead wrong, as usual. We hadn't created an unlimited supply of terrorists. In fact, the supply turned out to be very finite, to al Qaeda's chagrin. And killing them worked. (One of the great untold stories of 2007 was the number of al Qaeda corpses.)
And our former enemies have been killing them for us.
Iraq still faces massive problems, of course. Thirty years of murderous tyranny under Saddam followed by four years of Coalition fumbling left the country a shambles. But Iraqis want it to get better.
The military situation is well on the way to being under control. Now the question is whether Iraq's leaders, especially those from the newly empowered Shia, can put their country above their personal and parochial interests (something that we don't expect of our own politicians these days).
On our side, the immediate problem is that we lack diplomats as visionary and capable as our soldiers. After almost a century, the Foggy Bottom fops still can't see beyond a world gerrymandered by their European idols at Versailles. So here we are: The surge worked. It achieved all that we can expect of our military. 2008 will tell us whether the politicians and diplomats, US and Iraqi, can do their part.
Entire article at:
The surge quelled riots in Bagdad. It is temporary. In case you haven't noticed we are the enemy to most Iraqis. 86% want to see us leave. 66% think it allright to kill an American. That for you dullards, is 2/3s of the people that would just as soon kill us as look at us. Yeah great progress for the trillion bucks squandered and the 100,000+++ lives wasted. What kind of an Idiot calls this victory? I'm not knocking our military for I have been there, done that. All you cowboys that haven't saddled up, need to stop opining on war. Get down range and take some lead, take some incoming and then opine. I'm pretty sure your view will be a little different
Sources please on the 86% and 66% claims. A dullard like me needs some sort of proof.
BTW, anyone has the absolute right to air their views on anything, including the War on Islamic Radicalism, regardless of their veteran status.