Why the surge will never work in Iraq!

htRichardson and Gravel Take on the Take Back America Conference

by David Swanson, [URL="http://afterdowningstreet.org/"]AfterDowningStreet.org

June 21st, 2007

[FONT=georgia,times new roman,times,serif]Two presidential candidates, Bill Richardson and Mike Gravel, spoke Tuesday morning at the Take Back America Conference in Washington, D.C. Barack Obama and John Edwards were expected later in the day, and Hillary Clinton and Dennis Kucinich on Wednesday.[/FONT]

[FONT=georgia,times new roman,times,serif]Richardson got loud applause. He focused on climate change, Kyoto treaty, a plan to reduce pollution by 20%, lower demand for oil by 50%, and raise fuel efficiency standards to 50 mpg, and require that 50% of our electricity come from renewable sources, and reduce greenhouse admissions by 80 percent. The crowd loved it. "If we can wage wars over weapons of mass destruction, we can find the will to stop the mass destruction of our planet." [/FONT]

[FONT=georgia,times new roman,times,serif]Topic number 2 was Iraq: How many troops would each of us (candidates) leave behind? Other than the customary Marine contingent at the embassy, I would leave zero troops behind. [big applause] And if our embassy personnel aren't safe, then they're coming home too. With all due respect to my colleagues Clinton, Obama, Dodd, Biden, they all voted for legislation with loopholes that would leave an unlimited number of troops behind indefinitely (for training Iraqi security forces, and to protect other US troops). Troops protecting troops training other troops doesn't sound any different to me. Senator Clinton has told her military advisor that there might still be troops in Iraq at the end of her second term. At the rate we are losing American lives, over 1000 American troops will die in Iraq in this year alone. Over 60 percent of Iraqis think it's OK to kill Americans. There is not a single sign that Iraq is improving, and a smaller force will do nothing to change that. How many more Americans must die before we leave an Iraq that will be no better off than it is today. WE NEED TO BRING THEM ALL HOME [huge applause.][/FONT]

[FONT=georgia,times new roman,times,serif]We need to bring all our troops home in 6 months. Only then can diplomacy begin. Leave troops in Kuwait. Hand security in Iraq over to an all-Muslim force. Organize a regional conference including Syria and Iran to help stabilize Iraq. Al Qaeda is tolerated in Iraq because they oppose Americans. Once Americans are gone, Iraqis will not tolerate Al Qaeda. [/FONT]

[FONT=georgia,times new roman,times,serif]Talking to your enemies can bring results. We need to bring back diplomacy. You don't make peace with your friends. You make peace with your enemies. This president broke Iraq. The next president needs to know how to use diplomacy to fix it.[/FONT]

[FONT=georgia,times new roman,times,serif]US Labor Against the War*:*Richardson and Gravel Take on the Take Back America Conference[/FONT]


AlterNet: The General Lies

Perhaps that is why this week's ABC/BBC poll shows that 70 percent of Iraqis believe security has deteriorated since the surge began and that 60 percent believe attacks on U.S. forces are justified. And 93 percent of Sunnis, whom the general and ambassador claim are joining our side, want to see us dead.
Well johnny, this is a technique med employs frequently in order to avoid any substantive debate on the real issues involved, what could possibly be easier to say than..."you're not qualified to discuss this". This strikes me as a bit cowardly.

I also would very much like to see the source(s) for the questionable percentages claimed by med????

Exactly Wavels ... And if that doesn't work, he resorts to all out ranting and frothing at the mouth. He's been seen riding off into the sunset mouthing phrases like: Nazi! Dorkwad! Fascist! Cocksucker! and other such endearing terms. Like a typical lib ... when faced any opposing viewpoints, he just quivers into a puddle of hate and bluster. I think that's about it. :blsmoke:

Wowee, just as I suspected; a 7 month old article which does not even cite a single source for it's absurd self serving claim.This is only the prattling of a failed dem presidential candidate
This is embarrassing, as well as being totally incorrect. I guess their crystal ball of doom and gloom was broken!! Their prognostications of certain failure look rather pathetic in hindsight!
I reiterate...reality is a bummer!
I loved Fred Thompson's comment last night about how you can tell that things are improving in Iraq. The NY Times isn't reporting it. ~lol~

A partisian website like AfterDowningStreet.org 'technically' counts as a source. Same thing goes for AlterNet. I was hoping for something a tad more impartial. The AlterNet website did reference an ABC poll, but it did not provide any verifiable references.

Using leftist blogs as sourcing to back up your spurious claim is lazy and indicates a herd mentality. Just keep repeating 'Four legs good. Two legs bad.'
Well said Johnny. Good work
I have to admit to laziness myself, because after I read the truly silly US Labor against the War (7 month old piece), I did not even bother to read med's additional "sources".
Thank You.
Well said Johnny. Good work
I have to admit to laziness myself, because after I read the truly silly US Labor against the War (7 month old piece), I did not even bother to read med's additional "sources".
Thank You.
Jezasus, you hillbillies are rattling like a snake in heat, calm down. Predictions are like assholes, everyone has at least one, So, are you saying your figures (What figures) are right and mine are wrong, so typical. The right is right and the left is wrong. Geeze fellows, don't you really think the truth lies somewhere in between, or are you all so brainwashed as to believe only your neo-con Gods? I'm not debating with you, just the facsimile of your neo-con Idols. We get one lull in the violence (at least that is what the MSM is telling us) and you all think the war is won. Again I ask you: What have we won???
Funny how you believe the MSM on this and not on anything else, Bias anyone?
Four legs good. Two legs bad.
Four legs good. Two legs bad.
Four legs good. Two legs bad.
Four legs good. Two legs bad.
Four legs good. Two legs bad.
Four legs good. Two legs bad.
Four legs good. Two legs bad.
Four legs good. Two legs bad.
Four legs good. Two legs bad.
Four legs good. Two legs bad.
Four legs good. Two legs bad.
Four legs good. Two legs bad.
Four legs good. Two legs bad.
Four legs good. Two legs bad.
Four legs good. Two legs bad.
Four legs good. Two legs bad.
Four legs good. Two legs bad.
Four legs good. Two legs bad.
I get it, you are trying to tell me you are a diphlotropic meglomaniac. I had already figured that out
On the contrary, I'm calling you a sheep. I read Animal Farm in High School. I guess they didn't cover that one in your GED prep course.
On the contrary, I'm calling you a sheep. I read Animal Farm in High School. I guess they didn't cover that one in your GED prep course.
So high school is your greatest achievement, go figure. You must be one of those idiots they passed on just to improve their graduation numbers,~LOL. Animlal farm eh, yeah that's a true brain twister. So glad to see you pursuing your higher education, get 4 more years of college and a few decades of life experience and then maybe we can communicate, otherwise, talking to you is like pissing into the wind, a very self emulating endeavor.

And once again the Med-o-Stalinist takes his bat and runs home. BahhhWaaaa!

Mommy... those boys in the vacant lot don't play fair!!! BahhhhhWaaaaa!

So freakin' predictable it makes me laugh.

I probably should not have been so rough on him, but he caught me on a bad day. I'm out of weed and vowed never to support the cartels again. That means I dust off the 400W and grow my own again. I guess I'm lazy; buying is so much easier and instantly gratifying.
I probably should not have been so rough on him, but he caught me on a bad day. I'm out of weed and vowed never to support the cartels again. That means I dust off the 400W and grow my own again. I guess I'm lazy; buying is so much easier and instantly gratifying.

Med deserved everything you gave him and then some.

Come on over to my place. I just harvested some nice Cherry-Lime-Ricky five days ago. Its all in the jars, nicely dried ... and ready to smoke. :joint: :mrgreen:

Med deserved everything you gave him and then some.

Come on over to my place. I just harvested some nice Cherry-Lime-Ricky five days ago. Its all in the jars, nicely dried ... and ready to smoke. :joint: :mrgreen:


What and who, grower, is the cherry lime ricky. Sounds like something I would like to get my hands on, more so even than meds neck. JK, about meds neck, not the ricky.