i miss old video games


Well-Known Member
I've noticed ever since ive started growing the amount of time i spend playing video games keeps decreasing more and more. lol, growing has taken over as my hobby of choice i suppose.


Active Member
never played it, but i have a crazy story.

way back in 1995, i had this awesome computer game, and i played it all the time. then one day, it froze. my computer started making strange noises..overheated.. then broke(it was old anyways). when i used a screwdriver to get my game back, only half the disc was left. it was perfectly symetrically cut razor sharp right down the middle. i was like WHAT THE HELL!?

now when you jiggle the tower, you can hear the disc rattling around in there. crazy shit.


Well-Known Member
anybody ever play the soul reaver/blood omen series? i used the have blood omen: legacy of kain on my comp and i loved that game, took forever to beat it completely, but well worth it.
Is that the vampire like game?
I think I had that one to it was pretty good,they should make a new one.


Well-Known Member
yup, ive tried to find and download it or any of the other ones i used to play and cant find any of them that work now. kind of disappointing, they were really good.
I got really hardcore for a while into a comp game called civilization 3 for a while back when i was still prescribed adderall. I loved popping a bunch and then making my own maps and shit like that cuz they had this great editor thing that allowed you to change the rules and what things cost or do or how strong/etc for hours.

Alarm Clock

Well-Known Member
I just got done running through Castlevania: Symphony of the Night again.

That Ken Griffey was THE SHIT too, up there with Goldeneye. Perfect Dark and NBA Jam were pretty bad ass too though.

Lethal Enforcers and Hogan's Alley. My old Power Pad even still works.

Final Fantasy 1 and 2. Dragon Warrior. RC Pro Am. 1942. Gunsmoke. Commando. Jackal and Iron Tank. Adventure Island(s). Pilotwings. California Games. Double Dragon(s)...

And I will never forget the day when I got home with my brand new Game Genie. I could finally play all those crazy fucking hard games like Jaws, Battletoads, and Bionic Commando. It was so unbelievable, the first time I saw Mario jump all the way up the screen.


Well-Known Member
The new youtube has a hidden easter egg!

You can play the classic Nokia mobile Snake games by holding the left key on your keyboard for about 2 seconds.
This only works on the youtube site, NOT embeded videos.


Active Member
yup, ive tried to find and download it or any of the other ones i used to play and cant find any of them that work now. kind of disappointing, they were really good.
I got really hardcore for a while into a comp game called civilization 3 for a while back when i was still prescribed adderall. I loved popping a bunch and then making my own maps and shit like that cuz they had this great editor thing that allowed you to change the rules and what things cost or do or how strong/etc for hours.
i used to play civilization 3 too


Well-Known Member
Legend of Zelda, Ocarina of time is the best game ever to be made on any platform in the history of mankind. There hasn't been a game before or after it that can come close to comparing.


Active Member
Final Fantasy 7, 8 and 9 for me, those games were so awsome, you could just get lost in them for ever!

Banjo Kazooie, Golden eye multiplayer, Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Mario 64, Killer Instinct, NBA Hangtime/Jam

As for now, Batman: Arkam Asylum, Assassin's Creed, Red Dead Redemption, Ohhhhh for the old days and now, Street Fighter.

Man, so much nostalgia rigt now, as soon as I can I am gonna download those three Final Fantasy games on PSN!!

The first 3 Resident Evil's, scared the shit outta me!
Cool Boarders, Amped, 1080 Snowboarding ahaha. So many good ones out there, and I would have to agree with the OP, the games back in the N64 and PS1 days were so much more fun! I don't really know where the industry went wrong.......


Well-Known Member
The first resident evils scared the shit out of me to lol.
I remember to get safe from the zombies you just go through a door then I think its the 3rd one when you fight that big mutated guy and he can fucking chase you through doors and shit lol he scared the shit out of me when it first came out.


Well-Known Member
ok so i found this sweet place in my area called "play and trade" its like gamestop (buys and sells old used games, cash or store credit, plus all the new releases and consoles) but they specialize in retro consoles as well. Ima huge fan of retro games and thought this would be a great chance to kick back old school. Their stock contained; A few jag ataris, sega saturn, sega cd, turbografx, nes, snes, n64, ps1 bundles for 10$ and few old skool game gears (its a handheld sega, i got an original one, love Mortal kombat and sonic). +++BOXES OF OLD SCHOOL GAMES FOR ALL THESE SYSTEMS. So i thought about buying a turbografx bc it was my fav system growing up, great 16bit console really ahead of its time, but they wanted 120$ due to it being rare (I still have like 15 original games for it my console just crapped out...another day) so i said f that for now. Moved on to buying an original nes or snes but being they were asking around 60$ each didnt get that either (i got tons of nes and snes games but once again console crapped out) BUT what i did get was a system called the "retro duo" its a new console that playes both NES and SNES games in one unit. It doesnt support the light gun but duck hunts for fags anyways. Being i had all the games already it was a nice cheap way to continue the use of these classic games. o_RetroDuoWh1.jpg


Well-Known Member
i hate how gamestop totally screws you when you try to sell them your games.
Ill buy this game from your for 3.99 and sell it in the store for 50$....oh wait u want cash? im going to have to deduct 10% from the 3.99


Active Member
Ill buy this game from your for 3.99 and sell it in the store for 50$....oh wait u want cash? im going to have to deduct 10% from the 3.99
if they gave you a dollar for every good time you had on a game like mariokart, youd be a legit millionaire.