what do you do ?


New Member
what do you do when blazed at home
i just do what my blazed mind tells me
but i want to know what my riu friends do
rep 4 the best :weed:
toke up:joint:


Well-Known Member
I usually take a hott bath with an iced coffee, my ipod, a cigarette and cheetos...ahhhh, talk about relaxing...



Active Member
I get food, drank, my laptop, and put on a good movie (watching cheech and chong: up in smoke right now) and read posts on Rollitup, like i am doing now haha, then get up, and look and admire my grow :) haha


Well-Known Member
I get food, drank, my laptop, and put on a good movie (watching cheech and chong: up in smoke right now) and read posts on Rollitup, like i am doing now haha, then get up, and look and admire my grow :) haha
+rep love that fuckin' movie, 1st C & C I ever saw!
Cheech: Here's a joint man...
Chong: This isn't a joint, it's a toothpick!
Cheech: That's not a...wait, it is a toothpick...
"digs in pocket"
OH, got it...oh wait, that's my dick...
haha...absolutely hilarious!!!!!!



Active Member
+rep love that fuckin' movie, 1st C & C I ever saw!
Cheech: Here's a joint man...
Chong: This isn't a joint, it's a toothpick!
Cheech: That's not a...wait, it is a toothpick...
"digs in pocket"
OH, got it...oh wait, that's my dick...
haha...absolutely hilarious!!!!!!

just watched that part man XD "dude you just took the most acid ive ever seen, hope youre free for a month"


Well-Known Member
Lmfao, #1 pot movie ever!!!!!! "uhhh, his name is RALLLPHHHHH"

I usually watch movies or come on RIU. Perhaps try to make some bright plans for my future. Im only 21. I dont expect to be doing much.
Maybe I should goto school....Damn now you got me thinking again.

Bongtoke anyone?


Active Member
Kronic1989, hahaha I never in my wildest dreams thought I would say this to someone but, deffinately go to school man! It sucks at the time, but you feel way better about it afterwards, but school can be anything, building apprenticeship, electrician, brick layer (no, not that type haha) or ofcourse academically too! It's always worth it, whatever you decide to study.

Hmmmm well when I'm high...........I like to fuck for sure! Aint nothing better when you've just smoked a big ass dubey, and you have a nice booty waitin next to ya!
I also enjoy playing Playstation, eating, cooking, movies are sweet too, movies infact are always way more interesting high. Philosophying can be fun when in the mood with like minded peoples, smoking more, skating.


Active Member
Up in smoke
Thats where my money goes
In my lungs
and sometimes up my nose
When troubled times
Begin to bother me
I take a toke
and all my cares
Go up in smoke


Active Member
it is exect due to the fact that i had my 1st chid when i was 14 =(
You serious??!!
Holy shit dude!!! I'm sorry for the reaction but man, that is young. How'd you manage? You must have had to grow up pretty damn quick man, well, my congratulations for doing so well. Can't have been easy.

I'm 23 and I'm worried about having kids now............


New Member
shit yea i fucked up big time
i got lucky thoe my girls mom was happy and had cash and my mom was happy after a while and i was selling weed so it turned out good