Win A Digital Ph Pen!

best Poem... Part 1

  • sologro57

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • filthyfletch

    Votes: 6 20.7%
  • magusall

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • bambam13579

    Votes: 3 10.3%
  • bigmike13

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • closet.cult

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • stenkonia

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • chiceh

    Votes: 12 41.4%
  • willienelson

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • oneyearorange

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
great stuff so far, to all. :-)

by me:

oh what we might see, but to escape this plane
all the answers are in me, says the wise old man

but there's only one of me, confined to this life
and experience is key, to knowing wrong and right, right?

but his smile lends a trust, and i accept the wooden piece
inhaling with closed eyes, the taste of berries, teas & trees

it's enough to make me laugh, almost enough to make me cry
at the scarcity of pleasure and of freedom in our lives

and how i wish to share it all, with the ones i know and love
i've found an answer here inside, they've been looking up above

and now many walk among us, woke up from ceasar's plan
listening to advice, from a wise old man
The day has started, skies are clear,
waters calm, which way to steer?
Starboard's safe, boring , mundane,
while port is feral, and must be tamed.
Port side ho! Into uncharted depths,
searching for harbor with much baited breath,
Tired and wanting, sailing for days,
but on the horizon, a curious haze.

Into the fog, what lies ahead?
The path cannot be certain,
Taking deep breathes, clearing the head,
Feeling the lift of my burden.
Dead ahead, a solace lies,
A land of "crooks" and "fiends",
But to that I chuckle and give a sigh,
A sailor on the sea of green.

Boosh! I hope you like it! I could use that pen! LoL
I like ganja best of all
Winter, summer, spring, or fall
Every morning when I awake
I rollitup and soon am baked.
As i clasp the thin fibre between my finger and thumb. I put in some herb, tear some cardboard then done. Ready for me to to make into a spear. My ritual almost done we're very near. I call upon the mighty dragon to ignite. To flame my spear to set it alight. As i kiss the burning spear it fills me with power. I get so much from a special flower.
Equality and the eye of wisdom.

in this ocean's midmost depths,
waves unborn,
Farmers channel water to the lands,
Freeing our brothers and sisters
- With silver green smoke.

All the same in a sea of green.
i step into light
my eyes are so blinded
takes time to adjust
my plants i will mind them

feed them and grow them
from seed into harvest
i break the best nugs
the ones that are largest

it goes to my head
a clear and a calming
now i can relax
for being done with all farming

next season will come
along with the same process
a love for growing bud
and a love for my harvest.
i step into light
my eyes are so blinded
takes time to adjust
my plants i will mind them

feed them and grow them
from seed into harvest
i break the best nugs
the ones that are largest

it goes to my head
a clear and a calming
now i can relax
for being done with all farming

next season will come
along with the same process
a love for growing bud
and a love for my harvest.

good one. ;-)
Go easy on this one, I wrote it awhile ago when I was extremely blazed. I barely remember writing the thing:
This is a rhyme from a small ganja farma,
Started slow but I earned my karma,
Bringing up plants like a dank snake charmer,
Product for free-I don’t play no game,
I do it all for my sweetie Mary Jane,
In a country of hypocrites I was brought up economical,
But in a purple cloud ganja showed me the spiritual,
Translated the speeches of leeches,
Like subtitles tellin’ me what he’s preachin’,
“Take this Marlboro Lite, hand over the sensimilla”,
Chargin' patients life savings to lower the pressure of glaucoma,
Taking tax dollars that go into Bush's nasal cavity,
Too coked to notice we on his lawn defyin' gravity,
We don't need a space program-only strong Haze,
Rollin' ziggies all day and soaking up the cosmic rays,
Pay no attention to the bullshit they spit,
There’s thirty million more who ain’t feelin’ it,
Red eyed chameleons amidst the populace,
Look all day but you could never spot us,
We’re the hushed revolution in the USA,
We quietly disobey and go about our day.
thanks a lot so far guys, I've really enjoyed reading every entrant. Most, i've reread several times.

What I've also realised already, is that it's going to be too difficult for me to pick a winner on my own. So i'm going to leave the job in your capable hands. I think the best way to deal with this (once the comp finishes on 15th jan 08...) is to get all the entrants to vote for which they think is the best. Of course you won't be able to vote for your own.

I'm also extending the prize to 2. So there are now 2 of these pens to win.
thanks a lot so far guys, I've really enjoyed reading every entrant. Most, i've reread several times.

What I've also realised already, is that it's going to be too difficult for me to pick a winner on my own. So i'm going to leave the job in your capable hands. I think the best way to deal with this (once the comp finishes on 15th jan 08...) is to get all the entrants to vote for which they think is the best. Of course you won't be able to vote for your own.

I'm also extending the prize to 2. So there are now 2 of these pens to win.

How about a 1st and 2nd place instead? The more swag, the more winners ya gotta have. :mrgreen:
As i sit in my cell with nothing to do,
i think of my "maryjane" and wonder who's smoking you,
he knows of me but still he clowns,
but thats alright his time will come around,
i'll gently put my six gun to his head and squeeze 5 times untill he's dead,
there is one shot left and this is true,
its becouse i've saved this one just for you,
so think twice before you mess with me,
couse in time im sure you'll have met "excstacy",
and what a time i'm sure you'll have
untill "cocaine has crossed your path,
numb with joy you'll want a drink,
and without a doubt begin to think,
you feel like shit and it's been a week,
all becouse you've been passed to "tweak"
ms. heroin has heard of you
and wants to join this fucked up fool
just dont say she's not for you,
for she's broken down much bigger men than you!
this letter ends with me in a cell,
so goodbye,fuck you and i'll see you in hell!!!!!!
each should be a winner in their own right, why not have 2 1st prises than a 1st or 2nd.

Exactly. I've really enjoyed reading all of these poems, and the pens are of equal value... so 2 1st places it will have to be.

I didn't realise there was so much talent around here, and most of you i talk to regularly. this is one of the most enjoyable threads I've read in a long time.
This one is more for the newbies here, but anyone can enter (aside from the mod's). The pen is brand new and untouched by human hands since leaving the factory in China. It also measures in .01 increments for that extra peace of mind.

All you have to do, and this one is so easy, is to create a poem or verse to do with cannabis. It can be funny, melancholy, sombre or just simply poetic.

Please be original.

I will be the overall judge, although public opinion will also help sway my decision.

Forgot tomention the closing date for the competition is 15/01/08 (that's 01/15/08 for you guys in the US)

shit. I thought you ment decembulary 15, 0802. Guess I wont enter.

If you were any smarter, your head might explode.
If water was vodka and I was a duck,
I'd dehydrate 'cause I'm not drinking that muck,
Thank Jah every day for the tasty cheeba,
'Course growin' it you learn Mary Jane's a diva,
Ph level checks and a strong ass thirst,
But in the end she's always comin' in first,
Fuck the barley and fruit that people ferment,
Shovin' it down our throats to stop us from dissent,
We aren't made to live puking in the gutter,
Never intended to burn our brain cells 'till we stutter
And slur-night before's a fucking blur,
Wasn't the beer bong I was hitting-it was the chillum officer,
But if you wanna be a slave ant and lock me up for a plant,
Prove your smarts are scant-call this a "crime" I commit,
Otherwise-shut up and hit this shit.
It has been to long since I've seen her face,
My love, my life, my Maria.
Far to long since her sweet embrace,
Where she is, I have no idea.

The times we shared, we laid about,
The time that her love took seed.
Searching high and low, inside, out,
Her scent, her touch, eludes me.

The search for my love, fruitless and barren,
Wears down the spirit and pride.
I need her, I crave her, now that I'm smitten,
Burning holes through my heart, inside.

I find myself lost in a forest of pain,
But betwixt the flora and fauna,
I find her love, her sweet embrace,
My mistress, my Maria Juana.

Nombre dos! Czech it out, tell me what you think, feed my ego...