Evil Buddies
Ganja King
ok i will only submit 3 entries a day to make it fair to others lol
i step into light
my eyes are so blinded
takes time to adjust
my plants i will mind them
feed them and grow them
from seed into harvest
i break the best nugs
the ones that are largest
it goes to my head
a clear and a calming
now i can relax
for being done with all farming
next season will come
along with the same process
a love for growing bud
and a love for my harvest.
thanks a lot so far guys, I've really enjoyed reading every entrant. Most, i've reread several times.
What I've also realised already, is that it's going to be too difficult for me to pick a winner on my own. So i'm going to leave the job in your capable hands. I think the best way to deal with this (once the comp finishes on 15th jan 08...) is to get all the entrants to vote for which they think is the best. Of course you won't be able to vote for your own.
I'm also extending the prize to 2. So there are now 2 of these pens to win.
each should be a winner in their own right, why not have 2 1st prises than a 1st or 2nd.
This one is more for the newbies here, but anyone can enter (aside from the mod's). The pen is brand new and untouched by human hands since leaving the factory in China. It also measures in .01 increments for that extra peace of mind.
All you have to do, and this one is so easy, is to create a poem or verse to do with cannabis. It can be funny, melancholy, sombre or just simply poetic.
Please be original.
I will be the overall judge, although public opinion will also help sway my decision.
Forgot tomention the closing date for the competition is 15/01/08 (that's 01/15/08 for you guys in the US)