From Seed To Smoke..!


Well-Known Member
This is going to be my first grow I have spent the last 3-4 months reading and learning as much as I possibly can on growing marijuana...Then after all that time I have gone out and bought all the many different items needed to grow.

The most expensive item to date that I have bought yet has to be my grow light...It is a 400w Budget pro grow light with a Sylvania Grolux bulb offering both blue and red spectrums for vegetative and flowering growth with a (approx) lumen output of 52,000.

I am luckly in that I have 2 grow rooms one will be for my Veg / Clones and the other will be for Flowering.

The closet for flowering is 6Ft (H) by 3Ft (W) by 3Ft (D) and is kited out with mylar from top to bottom and the second smaller one is 4Ft (H) by 3Ft (W) by 3Ft (D) and is also kited out with mylar.

I intend to get a light for the smaller room as and when I have the cash but till that time I will be only useing one room and one light and thats in the bigger of the two closets.

The type of skunk I have chosen to grow is BIGBUD for its maximum yield without too much compromise on quality and its Stoney yet high Allround buzz and it is also a Good grow for beginners like me.

I orderd my seeds from NIVARNA and they took just over a week for the seeds to fall at my doorstep.

The type soil I have decided to grow my seeds in is bio bizz all-mix and I will also be useing the bio bizz range of nutrients as well such as there Grow / Bloom / Topmax and Root-Juice.

You can find there whole range at As I dont want to use any chemicals if I can help it.

Ok so what has happened so far...Well not a lot really.

I started the germination process last night 16/01/07 by placing 5 of my 10 seeds onto a wet paper towel placed into a bag sealed off then placed into a none heated Propagator and put in a dark cupboard at room temp.

I have left 5 of my seeds back just incase anything should happen being my first time and all.

They have now been in there 24hours and only one has shown any signs of life, If all goes well by friday night and all 5 have germinated then they will be put into 6in by 6in pots.

I am trying to get hold of a camera to show you all some pictures but in the mean time Please feel free to leave any comments you have as I am new to all this and need all the help I can get.

I will update in a few days time.


Active Member
Sounds awesome... I can tell, you're not used to 2007 yet, lol.. check the date on your germination ;). I'm curious as to why you are not using heat when germinating. I assumed this was essential for germination. Perhaps there is something about your propagator that I am unaware of. Btw, that light you are using is new technology to me. I think that is amazing that you can get that many lumens for so cheap! Perhaps the future of grow lights?


Well-Known Member
Sounds awesome... I can tell, you're not used to 2007 yet, lol.. check the date on your germination ;). I'm curious as to why you are not using heat when germinating. I assumed this was essential for germination. Perhaps there is something about your propagator that I am unaware of. Btw, that light you are using is new technology to me. I think that is amazing that you can get that many lumens for so cheap! Perhaps the future of grow lights?

lol edited well spoted....

the reason i didnt use a heated propagator was it was a cheep plastic one i picked up a few months ago for like £2-£3 and thought it would keep a bit of heat in it as well as the bag the seeds are in

and 420 guy
i only thought of that as i have it on a poster in my room and its a very good question 8) i know who i trust!!


Well-Known Member

Well I had a look at my seeds today... and ALL 5 have germinated ok and have a nice taproot of about 1cm or more on them :mrgreen:

So I spent the last hour or so sorting the pots out and getting everything to hand and cleaned up ready to rock.

I have filled the pots up with my soil and have pored 3/4 of a pint which is PHed at 6.8 over each one then covered with clean film... And I am goin to let it soak in till tomorrow night them move my seeds into there new home.

All is looking good so far lets just hope the rest goes as well.

And there will be some pics tomorrow as well..!


Well-Known Member
You dont need heat to germinate, room temp is fine, i have germinated all of my seeds at room temp without putting them anywhere near a propagator


Well-Known Member

So I moved the seeds to there new home today all went well and have now turned on my light.

Its about 4Ft or so from the pots and I will be moving the light down over the next week or so once they start to show to about a 1Ft from the tops of the plants.

The temp in there at the moment is at 31-32c and that is with out a fan or a vent.
Which I will be sorting out over the next week or so

I am going to start them on 18/6 lighting to save some cash so will be starting lights off from midnight tonight

One of the roots was a little brown so I hope that that grows ok

What I have already learnt is not to wait and to plant the seeds as soon as they show so next time I will be doing this.
As by waiting for all to germinate thats what turned it a slight brown I think

I do have some pictures but my mate forgot to bring the lead round to upload them to my pc so I am having to wait till he sends them to me


Well-Known Member

So they have been in there new home under 24hours and 3 out of 5 have shown already today :grin: The temp was still at 31-32C after the light came back on at 6am so I had to go and spend what little money I have on a pc fan and hooked that up (cheers russ)

The temp has now drooped down to 28-29C so I hope that will be ok till next week when I can go out and buy a good fan but till then I am goin to be opening the door evey 3-4 hours just to let abit of heat out innless anyone thinks that 28-29Cs ok for them?

Have been making sure the soil hasnt dryed out I want to water but I dont want to drown then at the same time so I have just been spraying them once the top gets dry every few hours or so when would a good time be to give them a good drink?

Apart from that I hope to see the other two rise by the end of the day or by tomorrow


Well-Known Member

TIMMERS....? why dont they work? I got up at 6am on sat and sunday and stayed up till midnight on both days just to make sure they turned on-off which they did...But come monday o-no I had to do it my self just luckily I had a look

I have now gone out a bought some good electronic timers and will see if theses stand up to the test


Sadly today one of my seedlings has died..

I am not to bothered by it...As it was one which had turned brown during germination and it never seamed to grow right compared to the other 4
It tried to open its leaves underneath the soil so I remove some of the soil from around it and after doing so was quite low down in the pot < DID I PLANT IT TO DEEP?
So after removing the soil i moved it closer to my light not by much just 2-3in and came bk today to find it dried out and dead

The four remaining seedling/plants are doing great all have 6 leaves 2rounded and 4 jaged and are about a 1in or just over in hight and are a nice darkish shade of green

To make up for the death I have germinated one more seed tonight so hope to plant that on tomorrow or the day after

i have also gone out and bought a 12in fan and have replaced that with the pc fan i had in there the temp is now about 26c

i was going to see if i could attach the pc fan to a pice of guttering pipe and then place the pipe upwards into the loft.... would this fan have enough power to suck some air out into the loft?


Well-Known Member
Its now day 16 since I started..., And now have an update of how its going with some pics..., This was just after my light was turned on for the first time and the newly germated seeds put in..., One has died since so I am now down to 4 pots:-|

the timers i first bought were rubbish.., they kept turning ON but not OFF or vice verser so i got rid of theses and got my self a pair of Digital timers that havent stoped working sine the day i turned them on.

and they can handle upto 3000w which is more then enough

This is just some pics of my plants there in no order

I do have more upto date ones and will upload the rest latter on or 2moro but the now about 3-4in hight havening just water now as i burned one of my plants a little as i feed one of them so layin off the nutes for a bit longer


Active Member
im useing the biobizz range of neuts for my plant in the flowering stage ive got bio-bloom and topmax and im geting some great results cheak out my pics in the gallery


Well-Known Member
im useing the biobizz range of neuts for my plant in the flowering stage ive got bio-bloom and topmax and im geting some great results cheak out my pics in the gallery

looking good welshboy....what type are you growing? I also want to get some topmax but dont have the cash right now

ablazed blunt

Well-Known Member
Well your plants look good for your first time. Keep up the good work and keep those pics coming. Happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Well your plants look good for your first time. Keep up the good work and keep those pics coming. Happy growing.
they are old pics im afraid about a week in to it im now on day 18 and there a lot bigger but just dont have a camera to take pics with :cry: but im working on that and hope by the end of the month i should have one


Well-Known Member
Im now into week 4 but a lot has happened for one plant

You see my plants got pot bound after 2 weeks and started turning yellow and looking very sad and to this day 3 are still pot bound

I havent had the money to buy any more soil and could only get one pot as they cost &#163;6 ago so could only save one at that point

I choose to save the worst plant of all and hope the rest last the 2weeks or so they had to wait till I got money again

I do now have the pots and was hopein my soil would have turned up today as I ordered it last wednesday but still theres always tomorrow

If I had had the right pots and soil at the right time im sure I would be talking about switching my lights and putting my plants into flower

The picture is of the plant I saved and it is just about there and ready to flower but im waiting for the rest to at least get to 10in after I transplant them before I start so I dont know how tall this one will be when I go 12/12

I wont be showing the other 3 today as I am a bit ashamed I let them get that bad but I guess I have learned something now and thats how fast they grow and will NOW know for Future grows :peace:



Active Member
Long time reader, first time poster.

Thats some nice work for your first try at growing there sir, congrats to you


Well-Known Member
that plant is looking good mate, that sucks your other plants turned to rubbish keep good care of that... you have a nice setup to put that plant in the 12/12 and see her Flower... Make sure u have somthing to take care of the smell cause it starts smellin strong, take care chap