3RD Time's a Charm- Bagseed and Crazy Clone


Well-Known Member
if thats a fresh harvest, i say half ounce dry, give or take a gram. looks nice though, and it will get you through to the better harvest time for the rest. sometimes we must sacrifice one for hte survival of the rest!!! later BigMan


New Member
if thats a fresh harvest, i say half ounce dry, give or take a gram. looks nice though, and it will get you through to the better harvest time for the rest. sometimes we must sacrifice one for hte survival of the rest!!! later BigMan
At least that I would concur... just smile and enjoy!!!

Namaste' my friend:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
yes, just reaping your own harvest makes it all worth while. after you harvest all them plants your lights should be paying you back, or dam near it


Well-Known Member
Things are going good in the garden so far. My last 2 ladies are fattening up nicely and should be ready by next weekend.(fingers crossed) The 12/12 from seed is doing some weird shit and still spitting hairs. She is the funkiest plant I have seen . Not sure what I did wrong but we will just let her go and see what happens.

The 3 PK X's sexed at 12 days and are all females. 3 more ladies and I am stoked. There 3 sisters in the veg box(5 wks) should be ready to go into flower after I harvest next weekend.




New Member
Things are going good in the garden so far. My last 2 ladies are fattening up nicely and should be ready by next weekend.(fingers crossed) The 12/12 from seed is doing some weird shit and still spitting hairs. She is the funkiest plant I have seen . Not sure what I did wrong but we will just let her go and see what happens.

The 3 PK X's sexed at 12 days and are all females. # more ladies and I am stoked. There 3 sisters in the veg box(5 wks) should be ready to go into flower after I harvest next weekend.



Big I am so impressed. That is some beautiful but you got going there...awesome job my friend +rep if it let's me

Keep 'em green

Namaste' :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Big I am so impressed. That is some beautiful but you got going there...awesome job my friend +rep if it let's me

Keep 'em green

Namaste' :eyesmoke:
I hope it was my "bud" :weed: you were talking about cause I'm not sure how beautiful my "but" is? :shock: LMAO!!!!

Seriously though, thank you for the compliment's. I am humbled by your appreciation of my garden. I only try and apply the knowledge that I have been fortunate enough to learn in my short time at this thread. I am glad I was able to connect with the people on here who are willing to pass that knowledge on and continue to do so daily.




New Member
I hope it was my "bud" :weed: you were talking about cause I'm not sure how beautiful my "but" is? :shock: LMAO!!!!

Seriously though, thank you for the compliment's. I am humbled by your appreciation of my garden. I only try and apply the knowledge that I have been fortunate enough to learn in my short time at this thread. I am glad I was able to connect with the people on here who are willing to pass that knowledge on and continue to do so daily.


Yep bud.....as I have never seen your butt....nor do I want to....LMAO!!!

Namaste' :peace:

"A state licensed personal medical grow...Thank you":eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
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Todays harvest. I am really happy with the outcome of this girl. She fattened up nicely for me. I love how my grows just get better and better.

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My PK girls! The first 2 pics are female for sure and the last one go into flower tomorrow. Hope they are girls as well.

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Some group shots of them all.




Well-Known Member
So after her 36 hrs in the dark, she got the ax. Good thing too because she has some seeds on her. Found a couple but not bad so far. The lady that got the ax Saturday also has some seeds but again nothing to worry over. I am happy with the outcome and that is all that matters. I do not believe they were full blown Hermie, just a little self preservation is my guess.

Well the last 3 PK's went into flower on Sunday so day 2 of 12/12 for them. The three ladies are on day 23.

I threw in a pic of the 12/12 from seed which is my last one to finish. She is approximately 77 days from sprout, give or take a couple. Still throwing hairs and hasn't started to swell up yet. Kinda cool to see what she is gonna produce. She is a seed I got from my first successful harvest so that explains the mutating.lol

Anyway, let me know what ya think?



oOBe RyeOo

Active Member
So after her 36 hrs in the dark, she got the ax. Good thing too because she has some seeds on her. Found a couple but not bad so far. The lady that got the ax Saturday also has some seeds but again nothing to worry over. I am happy with the outcome and that is all that matters. I do not believe they were full blown Hermie, just a little self preservation is my guess.

Well the last 3 PK's went into flower on Sunday so day 2 of 12/12 for them. The three ladies are on day 23.

I threw in a pic of the 12/12 from seed which is my last one to finish. She is approximately 77 days from sprout, give or take a couple. Still throwing hairs and hasn't started to swell up yet. Kinda cool to see what she is gonna produce. She is a seed I got from my first successful harvest so that explains the mutating.lol

Anyway, let me know what ya think?


Haha sounds like your ladies knew their days were numbered. You have a dry weight yet?
Its all good Rock! Glad you stopped in. I will take any support I can get.


Subscribed bigman :smile:

That's the style, wow they look great :smile: You are obviously getting much more of a feel for the plants now, they look so healthy. Clone is going crazy!!! Really glad you persevered. Good luck with the flowering, those weeks just fly by!


Well-Known Member
Haha sounds like your ladies knew their days were numbered. You have a dry weight yet?
Maybe your right? I talk to them all the time so they new what was going on. Believe it or not I try to keep the Karma between the plants and myself on an even plane. I let them know from seed what their purpose is and how they are going to reward us with a wonderful bounty. So far so good because it just keeps getting better every time they finish. lol Not trying to get all philosophical on ya, I know its because my skills are improving with each grow so naturally the end result should increase with each grow that is of course depending on the strain.

No dry weight. Was going to buy a scale but not a good time now. Stoner's guess would be with samples and all the first lady would have weighed in at close to an oz maybe a little more. the second lady is in the jar today and she is a healthy 1 1/2 oz. The last lady feels really hard. Her branches are heavier than the first one so at least an oz and then the 12/12 from seed when she is ready. My guess for total dry weight when all said and done should be right around a QP maybe more.:hump:

Thanks for stopping in.




Well-Known Member
Subscribed bigman :smile:

That's the style, wow they look great :smile: You are obviously getting much more of a feel for the plants now, they look so healthy. Clone is going crazy!!! Really glad you persevered. Good luck with the flowering, those weeks just fly by!
Welcome to the thread macrylinda, My grows seem to improve as each one goes by. Ziva the clone did go crazy and ended up making me very happy with the end product. Although they were small nuggets, they were nice and tight and came with a nice even body stone. I am actualy into my third start with these current ladies I have under the 400w CMH bulb. Hopeing to get somewhat perpetual with approx a harvest every three weeks.




New Member
Welcome to the thread macrylinda, My grows seem to improve as each one goes by. Ziva the clone did go crazy and ended up making me very happy with the end product. Although they were small nuggets, they were nice and tight and came with a nice even body stone. I am actualy into my third start with these current ladies I have under the 400w CMH bulb. Hopeing to get somewhat perpetual with approx a harvest every three weeks.


So your place every 3 weeks...got it:peace:

Namaste' Bro:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Thats a hell of a drive. :shock: Maybe one day my friend we can spark one up and watch some football! Till then, I'll be thinking of ya when I lite up!

Your ladies look great and loving the new avitar.




New Member
Thats a hell of a drive. :shock: Maybe one day my friend we can spark one up and watch some football! Till then, I'll be thinking of ya when I lite up!

Your ladies look great and loving the new avitar.


Oh and uh...must be one of them MultY avItars!! ROTFLMFAO!!

Lauffin with ya my awesome friend!:joint:

Namaste' bro:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Oh and uh...must be one of them MultY avItars!! ROTFLMFAO!!

Lauffin with ya my awesome friend!:joint:

Namaste' bro:eyesmoke:
My mom used to say the same thing, " there not laughing at ya son, there laughing with ya" , lets just say I was a "Husky" little boy so there was a lot a laughing. It's all good though, grew into the body and filled out at 6'3" 235 so not to fat any more. lol

Boy that was a long ago memory! Got a good laugh over that one.

"Multy Peace"



New Member
My mom used to say the same thing, " there not laughing at ya son, there laughing with ya" , lets just say I was a "Husky" little boy so there was a lot a laughing. It's all good though, grew into the body and filled out at 6'3" 235 so not to fat any more. lol

Boy that was a long ago memory! Got a good laugh over that one.

"Multy Peace"

Big world of ours 'tween you myself and RM3 as I am 6'3" and 240! And RM3 is like 7' and 400 I heard:twisted:

So hows da smokin??

Namaste' my Big friend:eyesmoke: