400w Cabinet Grow : The Black, God Bud, G-13, Blue Dream Haze


Well-Known Member
Stopped by your food thread...LoL..made me hungry.I'll get stoned some nite and add to the thread.


Well-Known Member
Almost at week three of flowering. Lights on temps average about 80, lights off 68 give or take. The Black is going to have a nice cola based on how she is looking now. I've been working on the BDH doing some tying down peroidically. I've managed to keep them at an even height with the others. G-13 ended up being very small at only 12-14" right now compared to the 18-20" of the others. Nice stature though; expecting some nice potent smoke from that little one.


Well-Known Member
Thought I would take some individual shots of the plants earlier when I was doing my morning tending and moving them around. They aren't the most immaculate pictures I just wanted to show how each was doing and show their differences.

God Bud

The Black

G 13

Blue Dream Haze


Well-Known Member
Yes that's why I picked her purplehazin. The last and only two other time's I've had a Blue Dream the phenotypes didn't appear as Sativa dominant. I like a good Sativa so if these work out the way I think they will I'm growing lots more in the near future. I want to work this strain to get the most out of it.


Well-Known Member
Almost done with week 2 of flower and everyone is moving along just fine. I re-arranged so G-13 gets better light.

@wyteberry - The Black is going to be a mean smoke, I agree. The pictures don't do any justice. Lol, pictures are never good enough.



Well-Known Member
Right on I am glad to have you in. She's supposed to start turning purple later on in flowering. Probably towards the last few weeks I'd imagine.