Secret Jardin DR120 Flower + DR120W Veg


Well-Known Member
Fox Farms treats me just fine I feel. I still have yet to receive any free samples from anyone. I just woke up and have a few things to take care of, tending to my ladies after that. :-)

Baja, you use those on top of flushing or flush then water with those nutrients?
I want to go with FF but my friend wants to buy the same one's his friend is using, he's fronting the money so it's up to him.

Which one's? Up until now I have only used the Botanicare one for all the plants for every watering, from the day they crack soil to Delilah. All of my other nutes say to use in the last 3 weeks of flowering, I'm only going to feed them every other watering with the new mix, which is about every 6 days.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good, all I've ever used was FF so I wouldn't know what to say about anything else! If I had a convention to go to to get freebies I definitely would try some more! :-) Until I have another few good days to maybe try out some more nutrients...but like I've said...if it ain't broke don't fix it.

I also don't give all my plants the same amount of nutrients. More or less depending on how they look, greener or what not, how the leaves curl...edges look, stem...etc. Gets tedious but works. :weed:


Well-Known Member
You must be doing something right cause your babies look good!

By the way I started a Pineapple Express last night, hope to see it crack soil in a few days :D


Well-Known Member
Mmmmm, G13 Labs PE? I really want to order it. :-) Maybe by the time I come out there clones could be ready? :weed:


Well-Known Member
The only one's I saw were G13 on Attitude, I ordered them for that August promotion. I'm definitely going to take some clones from her before flowering :weed:


Well-Known Member
Sorry man, I finally got some rest and slept for a few hours. Dont think I'm gonna make it out today.... I'll call you back later

Been talking to this guy from a delivery service and he has some clones, we might make a little trade, I'll let you know what I get and clone it for you before I flower it :D


Well-Known Member
I was thinking I might put in an order for more so I can use it continuously for a full harvest instead of just a week, what do you think? I figured it would be a cheaper start up than a full C02 tank set up


Well-Known Member
there are 2 in the bag, good for two weeks
i have two more at the house i dont really need, i was gonna try them, but i dont think it will work in my case.


Well-Known Member
there are 2 in the bag, good for two weeks
i have two more at the house i dont really need, i was gonna try them, but i dont think it will work in my case.
If you don't plan to use them I'll definitely take them, for $30 a month I'd rather use those than refill C02 tanks for $16 every 2 weeks. I'll start them tomorrow for the last few weeks of Delilahs and JH3s flowering time

thx. btw awesome thread. subscribed
Thanks :D My oldest plant is about 3 weeks from harvest, good timing :weed:


Well-Known Member
I'll pick them up in about a week, the dog we're sitting for will be gone by then and my puppy will have his final check up


Well-Known Member
So I finally found my delivery service. I'm very loyal to good service and good quality, regardless of the price. There is only one collective I bother driving to but since I got this puppy, I've been looking into finding a good delivery service. I found it :D :D :D

I ordered something called Chernobyl, sativa dominant hybrid and holy shit. My freebie was Mango Kush, my wife tried it and she loved it.


Well-Known Member
Damn! I wanna buy some of those, the idea is awesome! Plus no big ass C02 tank, that's what I'm talking about!