Why is everyone buying into this Auto-Flower and Female seed crap?


Well-Known Member
You do know people that Auto-flowering is nothing more than crossing a Sativa/Indica with a horrible Ruderalis strain, Right? Ruderalis is a shit strain that you want to stay away from.

You also know that there is no such thing as a female seed. The seed is actually a hermaphrodite seed and can do some wild crappy things if you let it get away from you.

I simply do not understand why I see supposed growers keep buying seeds. Why aren't you breeding them yourselves? It's really not that hard to do and you can do it with only sacrificing one tiny little bottom branch on your female plant and you will still get a 100 seeds from the bottom branch. The rest of the plant is still smokeable.

All I see that the breeders are doing is destroying the original strains.

`SoA || Asi

Well-Known Member
people love the faster grow
new strains and thc content is getting higher
plus u can grow like 10 different strains in same room
and even in same pot i think made for nubs and poorish people

smart i think


Well-Known Member
You do know people that Auto-flowering is nothing more than crossing a Sativa/Indica with a horrible Ruderalis strain, Right? Ruderalis is a shit strain that you want to stay away from.

You also know that there is no such thing as a female seed. The seed is actually a hermaphrodite seed and can do some wild crappy things if you let it get away from you.
I totally agree but I really don't care at this point if people buy into the hype. The idiots can keep growing crap all they want, it's there own fault for either being greedy, ignorant, or lazy. I've never grown fem seeds before but I'm running a couple right now because they were free and I wanted to see for myself if they were worth a fuck. I would never breed with these and I'm running them more as an experiment but on a whole I think they're crap simply do to the unstable genetics.

I simply do not understand why I see supposed growers keep buying seeds. Why aren't you breeding them yourselves? It's really not that hard to do and you can do it with only sacrificing one tiny little bottom branch on your female plant and you will still get a 100 seeds from the bottom branch. The rest of the plant is still smokeable.

All I see that the breeders are doing is destroying the original strains.
I don't really agree with this part. While buying auto's and fems are a waste of money I've found some amazing plants out of hybrid seeds. There are endless possibilities when growing from seed as long as you get them from people with good genetics. There are so many strains out there it's a good thing to grow as many as possible just to find those special plants for further breeding projects. Remember, variety is the spice of life.


New Member
It can often depend where you are getting them from, how close they are to the original intended genetics.

Stressing plants and causing a hermie is unfortunately quite common and the amount of seeds that then go into production and the downward spiral from there soon ruin many a grow.

I would be very hesitant to say that they are unstable per se, perhaps slightly more unstable; in the right environment a quality seed isnt going to have anything to concern over any more than a regular fem
You do know people that Auto-flowering is nothing more than crossing a Sativa/Indica with a horrible Ruderalis strain, Right? Ruderalis is a shit strain that you want to stay away from.

You also know that there is no such thing as a female seed. The seed is actually a hermaphrodite seed and can do some wild crappy things if you let it get away from you.

I simply do not understand why I see supposed growers keep buying seeds. Why aren't you breeding them yourselves? It's really not that hard to do and you can do it with only sacrificing one tiny little bottom branch on your female plant and you will still get a 100 seeds from the bottom branch. The rest of the plant is still smokeable.

All I see that the breeders are doing is destroying the original strains.
I grew a couple of reg packs.Its just now like what was mentioned i like to grow several different strains at the same time and im not in cali so i cant get clones.So ill take fem seeds and the only reason i would grow autoflowers is because its free and fast bud.If the smoke is good then its a win+win for me dont you think.
I do plan on breeding a couple of strains in the near future.Im just waiting on sannies to get some herijuana in stock.

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
I use fem's when i use seeds as i have niether the time or space to grow out double amount of regular seeds. I hardly think that constitutes me being an idiot

Dr. O

i use fem seed also
i dont have much space to grow and dont wanna waste time and money growing males
btw,i have never had a hermie
seems like u just wanted something to complain about


RIU Bulldog
I would use them if i had to but wouldnt as a first choice. If i was broke and only had like one square foot to grow in, and all i had was fluorescent lights, but i still wanted my own homegrown i might go auto-flower. 5-8% THC is still better than the 3-4% you get buying bullshit street weed regs.


bud bootlegger
i kinda agree with the op on the autos, but at the same time i understand why some people may opt to grow autos.. i think that they are a great tool for newb's to get their feet wet in the grow scene, without dropping too much money or time into an investement that may just flop or blow up in their faces, or maybe they may loose interest in the grow early on..
as far as femmed beans go, i personally love them.. i only have enough room for about four or so plants, and i surely don't have the room to waste on males, not too mention the time and effort it takes to sex them.
i've also grown out around ten or so femmed beans from as many different breeders, and i have also never had any type of issue with hermies and the like... just my $.02 worth..
fem seeds are good stuff. you need an extra room if ur getting into cloning
Yes indeed fem seeds are good for those with limited space or who just dont want to deal with reg seeds.I plan on building a small box for cloning so that will be no problem.I got a old closet also that i can use to clone and keep the mothers in but i usually dont keep mothers.I just take clones off the plants before i put them to flower.


Well-Known Member
I would use them if i had to but wouldnt as a first choice. If i was broke and only had like one square foot to grow in, and all i had was fluorescent lights, but i still wanted my own homegrown i might go auto-flower. 5-8% THC is still better than the 3-4% you get buying bullshit street weed regs.
I would love to know where you get your numbers from, specifically your statement about autoflowers having 5-8 percent Thc. Now for the OP , fem seeds are awesome and I've had no problems breeding with them, and don't mind picking off 1 or 2 bananas once in a awhile. Regular seeds hermie too, white rhino from nirvana comes to mind. Autos are great too and the easy ryder I just finished is pretty potent def more than 5-8 percent thc! Lol


When space and time are an issue they're great. Seed companies know that everyone is different and we all have different setups we can work with. This guy may have a huge room and unlimited $$ for soil, pots, nutes, water ect. .... and the other guy might just have a small closet with not a lot of $$ and time... I think we should encourage people to grow their own smoke... whatever way they do it!
When space and time are an issue they're great. Seed companies know that everyone is different and we all have different setups we can work with. This guy may have a huge room and unlimited $$ for soil, pots, nutes, water ect. .... and the other guy might just have a small closet with not a lot of $$ and time... I think we should encourage people to grow their own smoke... whatever way they do it!
Thank you for the post+rep...


Well-Known Member
I would love to know where you get your numbers from, specifically your statement about autoflowers having 5-8 percent Thc. Now for the OP , fem seeds are awesome and I've had no problems breeding with them, and don't mind picking off 1 or 2 bananas once in a awhile. Regular seeds hermie too, white rhino from nirvana comes to mind. Autos are great too and the easy ryder I just finished is pretty potent def more than 5-8 percent thc! Lol
this is a good reply!!

you can find *KEEPERS* in any pack of seeds,REG'S OR FEM'S