Growing TGA's Chernobyl & Vortex


Well-Known Member
Westy, you are to kind thanks for the input and I am packing up today for my camping trip, I have set up the new tent & air mattress for sleeping and I need to just finish up a few things and tend to all the plants and have my helper /assistant get in the routine. I have set up the Auto watering device and getting it fine tuned for the final days of flowering for JTR & the Cheese

I got a few shot today and the JTR was loving the camera I will show you what I mean

And the Cheese has the most amazing taste if you folks are at the Expo in Sept I will save some and let you try this out!!!!! So amazing I have never had such an after taste

You folks have a great week and I will see you next weekend


Looking Delicious as always T, i may need a towel as well lol


Well-Known Member

Back from Vacation & I need a nap :sleep: already. So I got in and checked on the plants and they looked fantastic with the auto watering machine is worth it's weight in gold. I fed them a nice fat glass of water last night & the JTR and the Cheese both feeling root bound now.
The JTR has another week to go but she is looking ever so pretty :weed:

And the Cheese is done and I will be chopping her down today with about 40 - 50 % of the tri chromes are amber & cloudy

Next week's pictures will be the last of this rounds and we are looking at adding the TGA seedlings to the cabinet. The list will include the following :hump:

The Flav

Have a great weekend



Well-Known Member
Keep up the great work!, Good to kno the watering system worked out, the ladies look great, top notch!


Well-Known Member
Happy Saturday everyone,

It is nice to have a day to catch up on things, I snuck out the JTR after the sun came out to show you how things are coming along with her.

You can get a good idea how fat she is next to the shovel handle next to her

And they need some help to stay up

Here is the vortex & Chernobyl

And the Fab Flav 5

And here is something from the garden a hidden cucumber I found after my trip from Yosemite, next to a normal size one

Have a good one


Active Member
Can somone tell me what pheno shows 11 point leafs after the first month of veg with Chernobyl ? I have two female chernobyls on week five of veg indoors. I'll post a pic soon !! One is real colorfull but only has 9 points the other is real solid green but has 11 points. Both stand fimed and bushy around 12-18 inches tall. Can't anyone help at what pheno/geno types I'm dealing with as I'm trying to find one mother plant


Well-Known Member
Damn those buds are fat as hell, so is that Cucumber lol.
How much long are you going to let the ladies go?



Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone,

So if you do not know how I go these tasty buds I used Subcool's Super Soil & a little TLC

I forgot to add this one from yesterday you can really see the sugar on her

And let's all welcome the newest member of the family Black Domina, she is a favorite from the past. I hope she looks like the cut I had years ago so the Fab Five have gone to the Super Six.

Sit back and enjoy, oh and I went to a couple clubs yesterday that is why I have the new plant & picked up some hash for my space cookies I am going to make today. I picked up some cannabutter from a club and I am going to add a little more kick to it by adding a gram & 1/2 of kief & hash.

I will give a report on how they turn out :weed:

Enjoy the outside it is beautiful out there



Well-Known Member
yeah you can really see the frost in that pic, that soil is amazing.
those space cookies are going to be potent :weed: :eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
Super Frosty Brudda..... NICE!!!
Thanks nathenking, so a quick mid week update it looks like the Vortex & Chernobyl & The Flav are all females :-D:-D:-D:-D

But now what to do with all them :-? decisions, decisions :shock: :joint:

I am going to get some clones from the Vortex & Chernobyl tonight and start getting things ready for the new batch

Stay tuned for this next round for it will be even better than this round :weed:

Hope things are cooling down where you are it is around here
