
fuck..the collectives that are ripping people off
fuck......the unemployment ratio here in cali
fuck....the stupid cocksuckers who make everything an argument
fuck....spider mites
fuck....i hate getting up early
I thought it was "Fornication Under Consent of the King"??...not worth the google...

Actually we're both correct. Check it ... http://www.snopes.com/language/acronyms/fuck.asp

uh...well according to the link...we are both fucking wrong! acronyms are a 20th century thing, and the word likely has Germanic origins.

Fuck I am going to be a grandpa...

Fuck kids using JWH-xxx

Fuck losing stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

fuck bosses that know less than you

fuck companies that don't know improvement when it's staring them in the face

fuck the person who acted as your confidante and then blabbed everything you said

fuck the idiot with authority to fire for being upset when they heard I called them an idiot


fuck getting fired

fuck unemployment

fuck job hunting

fuck myself for not being able to bite my tongue
fuck going to court. fuck our court system. fuck its just a way for the state to milk some extra dollas. oh yeah fuck you judge sir!
OMG MY EYES YOU SAID THE f-WORD!!!! We aren't allowed to use naughty langauge or the riu police will get you im seriuose, i've been infracted twice b/c i said naughty naughty wordsssssssssssss. please don't swear it hurts my eyes.