Starting first DWC Need help

2 weeks of flushing for dwc or for soil? How long should you flush in DWC before harvest?

The best sign of a good flushing is the color of the leaves.
They will fade from their dark green to light greens and yellows.
The purpose of flushing is to stop feeding them and make them use up their reserves stored in the medium and leaves.
A 1/4 strength (ppm) nute solution does this best, to begin with.
Plain water at first won't leach the salts and minerals like a diluted 1/4 solution will.
Keep the ppm's under 75.
Seedlings are fed 100 - 250 ppm's, so you don't want to keep feeding, but actually flush.
Run that for a day or few even, depending on how green your foliage is and how much you have, then reduse to plain water. Again, with low ppm's.
Try to time it with when you want to harvest, based upon the trichome colors.
Knowing your strain helps make that easy once you grow from clones.
The best sign of a good flushing is the color of the leaves.
They will fade from their dark green to light greens and yellows.
The purpose of flushing is to stop feeding them and make them use up their reserves stored in the medium and leaves.
A 1/4 strength (ppm) nute solution does this best, to begin with.
Plain water at first won't leach the salts and minerals like a diluted 1/4 solution will.
Keep the ppm's under 75.
Seedlings are fed 100 - 250 ppm's, so you don't want to keep feeding, but actually flush.
Run that for a day or few even, depending on how green your foliage is and how much you have, then reduse to plain water. Again, with low ppm's.
Try to time it with when you want to harvest, based upon the trichome colors.
Knowing your strain helps make that easy once you grow from clones.

Cool, thanks man
hi everyone i need some help my leafs r getting spoty n turning brown:cuss:the tips or pointing up is this normal she is in week 7 of 12/12:wall:106_4753.jpg106_4756.jpg106_4751.jpgi started flushing her 2day with 1/4 stanght (thanx flo) please help:-(
just thought i would update everone on the clone,white widow n the new york power disale (ww is in the white pot )106_4759.jpg106_4757.jpg106_4745.jpg
i am also new to dwc and was wondering how often one should one add nutrients to reservoir and when should water in reservoir be completely changed? here is an image to show what i am working with.


if you do not want this in your thread tito just ask and i will leave.
i am also new to dwc and was wondering how often one should one add nutrients to reservoir and when should water in reservoir be completely changed? here is an image to show what i am working with.


if you do not want this in your thread tito just ask and i will leave.
I do a complete water change every week i also add my nut at this time if my res get low during the week i top it off with only water NO NUT n feel free to post n ask qustions if i can help im be more then happy to help
Shit, they look good man !
Just a few burnt leaves is all.
Still have lots of green ones.
How far now ?
When are you flushing ?
Shit, they look good man !
Just a few burnt leaves is all.
Still have lots of green ones.
How far now ?
When are you flushing ?

she is 8 weeks i stared with 1/4 stanght nut this week ill start with just water on mon as u suggusted
What color are the trichomes ?
What % of clear, milky and amber if any ?
A 2 week flush will allow plenty time for it to still fatten more while using up it's reserve food.
One week at 1/4 then 1 week at plain ph'd water and around 50 ppm
i thought you said you were going to trim...meaning harvest. i agree with flogrows method of flushing....imo...harvesting a plant too early is not near as a waste as harvesting too late. i always allow a week extra after i think they are ready. i let my bubba kush an 8 week strain go for 10-12 weeks and was the best smoke ive ever harvested...was also the third harvest (bottom nugs)....better than the tops!

come check out my journal in sig