First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.


Well-Known Member
i believe today is day 8 one plant is dong great its got 2 sets of leaves and 2 more sets are coming in as we speak. the other plant has yellow tips and that the one that was pointing and having heat issues. it also has a crispy leaf. its coming back to life, i put it in my window and out of the grow box for a day to see if the leaves fell and they did. nothing grew but it looks healthier. i also sprayed it with some thrive alive. and that seemed to help here are some pics.

The good plant.

the not so good plant lol.


Well-Known Member
They looking good patient and those will greatly reward u:) I also have seedlings under cfl and im checking mine side by side with u so that i can also learn

keep it up:joint:


Well-Known Member
Ladies look good. well one of them lol but ill have more pics tomorow. So far 2 sets of leaves and another 2 sets strongly emerging, there still small tho. plant looks healthy i sprayed some more thrive alive on the leaves, its supposed to promote healthy leaves. I only did 1/2 strength. Tomorrow i will add 1/4th nutes also. I am using distilled water too. other plant is still lagging but its still alive and i dont have the heart to toss it. but i put it on the 2nd shelf in my pc box so the better one can absorb more light. plus that other plant needs time to recover because it had sever heat stroke n some burns lol.


Well-Known Member
1/2 streght nutes today. on both. first plants doing great here are some pics.

first plant
side view
the other plant. :cry:


Well-Known Member
Yea you shouldn't need any nutes using FF for the first 30 days.. I'm suing FFOF as well, your plants look like they have the same growth as mine. Mine are on day 9 today. check out my grow if you wanna. Yours are looking great. Best of luck.

I'd stop using nutes if I were you, that second plant doesn't look that good. Lay off the nutes and only water every few days.


Well-Known Member
Yea you shouldn't need any nutes using FF for the first 30 days.. I'm suing FFOF as well, your plants look like they have the same growth as mine. Mine are on day 9 today. check out my grow if you wanna. Yours are looking great. Best of luck.

I'd stop using nutes if I were you, that second plant doesn't look that good. Lay off the nutes and only water every few days.
thanks so much bro, really appriciate it. I am however only vegging for 30 days so id like to get some nutes in at vegging. remember im growing in a pc box so i cant veg too long. I am using a very minute amount i have a gallon of 1/2 power nutes and im then diluting half with distilled water in a i guess im using 1/4the power. actually i just looked n the 2nd plant just showed signs of growing 2 new sets of leaves so i guess thats a good sign.


Well-Known Member
thanks so much bro, really appriciate it. I am however only vegging for 30 days so id like to get some nutes in at vegging. remember im growing in a pc box so i cant veg too long. I am using a very minute amount i have a gallon of 1/2 power nutes and im then diluting half with distilled water in a i guess im using 1/4the power. actually i just looked n the 2nd plant just showed signs of growing 2 new sets of leaves so i guess thats a good sign.
Well that's good, you see signs of new growth.. I'm probably only going to veg mine for 3-4 weeks. My growbox is 3ft tall and from what I've seen bubbilicious gets huge when they go to flower. I'm not too sure about the sour cream... But then again the bubbilicious seeds I got are suppose to be auto's

Post some pics of the new growth!

Also, if you're set on using nutes. I'd go with Grow Big. It's made specifically for veg.


Well-Known Member
i bought this kit called recipe for success my technaflora. its 42$ and it comes with a ridiculous amount of shit in it. 2 of the bottles that are in it are 28$ if bought separate and this comes with 10 bottles including cloning gel. the guy at my local grow store recommended it. i will post some pics i am using a blackberry camera and they are not that great it i took a pic you would not be able to notice the new growth it is so tiny it would be blurry that close. i hope blue mystic is a good inidca laid back stone when i smoke sativa i get bad anxiety.


Well-Known Member
thanks so much bro, really appriciate it. I am however only vegging for 30 days so id like to get some nutes in at vegging. remember im growing in a pc box so i cant veg too long. I am using a very minute amount i have a gallon of 1/2 power nutes and im then diluting half with distilled water in a i guess im using 1/4the power. actually i just looked n the 2nd plant just showed signs of growing 2 new sets of leaves so i guess thats a good sign.
1\4 strengh is still too much when you don't need it.
They say 30 days. well. that doesn't work with mj.
Start feeding at day 15-20 with light feeding (1/8 strenght) on and off for a week and then choose if you wanna go light feeding or hard feeding.
You just waste your time and nutes if you use nutes sooner.
More nutes doesn't mean more growth.

i bought this kit called recipe for success my technaflora. its 42$ and it comes with a ridiculous amount of shit in it. 2 of the bottles that are in it are 28$ if bought separate and this comes with 10 bottles including cloning gel. the guy at my local grow store recommended it. i will post some pics i am using a blackberry camera and they are not that great it i took a pic you would not be able to notice the new growth it is so tiny it would be blurry that close. i hope blue mystic is a good inidca laid back stone when i smoke sativa i get bad anxiety.
The high from my Blue Mystics was a very mellow and even high. They are no too potentand the time of flowering GREATLY influence the high.
If you want some couch-lock from it you will need 10-11 weeks of flowering.
Picking it before its time the high becomes more trippy and the buds are way less potent.


Well-Known Member
1\4 strengh is still too much when you don't need it.
They say 30 days. well. that doesn't work with mj.
Start feeding at day 15-20 with light feeding (1/8 strenght) on and off for a week and then choose if you wanna go light feeding or hard feeding.
You just waste your time and nutes if you use nutes sooner.
More nutes doesn't mean more growth.

The high from my Blue Mystics was a very mellow and even high. They are no too potentand the time of flowering GREATLY influence the high.
If you want some couch-lock from it you will need 10-11 weeks of flowering.
Picking it before its time the high becomes more trippy and the buds are way less potent.
ok then i will hold off on the nutes for like another 5 days n then start it again. how many weeks did you veg and flower your BM?


Well-Known Member
lol, I don't have to post pictures of mine because I can steal yours. They look exactly alike.


Well-Known Member
its funny i check like every 6 hours on the plant and i can notice growth every 6 hours its gettin crazy now. so excited. i went to go see joe rogan comic show the other night and the whole time i look forward to coming home n checking on them lol. im wierd.