First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.


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I had a heck of a time mounting my power strips to the top of the box. I started off using thumb tacks(bad idea) I ended up breaking 3 bulbs. I found some old screws laying around and they work great. I need to find a way to get some side light in the box though.
yeh the screws i was using were to big wouldnt fit the hole and then i got smaller ones and they just fell off. so i decided im not going to mount the power strip and i just hooked the lights onto these hooks i bought i just put in my other two 26w cfls so now i have 6 all together . i might go pick up a 100w cfl i saw at a hydro store. my temps are great in the new rubbermaid 76-80F. deff beats the pc. but i am keeping my other plant in the pc till it catches up. tonight the first night for the new house for my plant we will see if it has better growth in the morning.


Well-Known Member
ok can anybudy help me out i think im going to transplant her soon into a gallon grow bag. how should i do this? my last transplant i had no idea what i was doing and i think it might have messed up that other plant i had. so can somewhat walk me through im still a newb. thanks


Well-Known Member
im gonna wait to transplant it till someone gives me some advice. im afraid ill kill the plant and its doing sooo good


Well-Known Member
I dunno what kind of cup you're using but just put your hand on the soil with the stem of the plant between some fingers. Squeeze the cup a bit to separate the soil from the cup. Turn it upside down and it should start to slide out. If not squeeze a bit more. You want the soil slightly moist so it sticks together. But not too much that it increases the soil's weight and causes some to fall off.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, and you also want to cover the top of the old soil with about 1/2 inch of new soil. I have to say I am impressed, your plant is very compressed and tight. I will be watching this.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, and you also want to cover the top of the old soil with about 1/2 inch of new soil. I have to say I am impressed, your plant is very compressed and tight. I will be watching this.
thanks bro, i just did the transplant i will have pics of the 2 week mark today.


Well-Known Member
ok so its day 14 i decided to finish my grow box yesterday and just one night in the rubbermaid and it is so much healthier the leaves are full n moist and the soil stayed moist too. i found that in the pc growbox i was having to water everyday because in the morning it was dried out. so hopefully now i can water like every 3 days. i tranplanted into a 1/2 gallon bag i think. i dont think it was a full gallon. but its a step up from a large cottage cheese container lol. the roots were crazy. i was going to take a pic as i did it but im not that multi-functional. so here it is. transplant and day 14



Well-Known Member
I dunno what kind of cup you're using but just put your hand on the soil with the stem of the plant between some fingers. Squeeze the cup a bit to separate the soil from the cup. Turn it upside down and it should start to slide out. If not squeeze a bit more. You want the soil slightly moist so it sticks together. But not too much that it increases the soil's weight and causes some to fall off.
thank you pretty simple it wouldnt come straight out so i took a razorblade and made slices down the cup so it tabe out easier.


Well-Known Member
one of my lights just fell onto the plant wtffff. it was for a split second i dont think it fucked anything up but i feel bad for the little guy. shit i hope it didnt fuck shit up. doesnt look like anything was crushed but some leaves got moved. :(


Well-Known Member
well idk what happened to this plant i think it was a heat issue. n it started curling n burning but i took it out of the box for like 3 days the leaves came down and it started to look healthy. well its back to growing again.

here it is when it was dien. it stayed like this for a good 5 days.
here it is now. looking slightly better. but still not good for 2 weeks.


Well-Known Member
It took mine only about a day to bounce back from the transplant. You should notice a difference tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
sooo very little growth over night. but two problems. 1: the leaves are drooping down. now i think this could be 1 or 2 things a. the transplant b. to much water. in the pc box it was not very humid and the soil would dry out very fast, but in the Rubbermaid the soil is staying seriously moist because i have the perfect condition. so i think that could be problem number 1. now problem number two is yesterday one of the lights fell on the center of the new plant were baby leaves were growing. i woke up this morning and noticed there like a stain of dirt on them. it didnt look like it was the actual leaf. idk either it got a little Burt from the light wiche was a split second or it was dirt. so i took my spray bottle and sprayed it some of it went away then i took my finger n rubbed it off. ( these leaves are pretty tiny) anyway 60% of it came off. idk what it is. i hope it isnt nute burn. just wierd that its right were the leafe fell but than again the light also touched more of the plant as well but mostly those two leaves.I put this stuff called root66 and sugardady in yesterday because it supposed to support transplant and adventurous roots. anyways slight growth. i also noticed that my plant is so compact that certain leaves cant get light. i have 2 26w on one side another 2 on the other side of the plant and another 2 directly on top. but even still it is so compact. i also noticed some crazy growth underneath the first set of leaves its so compact i never really looked under it and holly shit its like a whole other plant. is it a branch? idk. anyways nothing really bad but i guess it cant be crazy growth everynite. plus its still adjusting to transplant.


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ok so heres day 15 2 days in new grow box (rubermaid). i am going to ad another 2 26 wat for a total of 8 26 wat. anyways so like i was saying there is a small brow spot in the middle of the plant and on a bottom leaf there is some brown spots. heres a pic of the center of the plant u can see a little brown.

can you notice the brown in the center?

little growth. since yesterday. leaves a little more droopy.


Well-Known Member
i also wanted to add. the whole reason i am growing this plant is not to sell it or try to make money. i have been an average smoker for the the past 7 years off and on. and 2 years ago i found my gf of 5 years cheated. a week after i was like i need to smoke. so i went abought some salvia 160x, had a horrible trip. wasnt right for about 3 days. then that week me and my buddy and 2 girls smoked some regs i fuckin buggged out i thought everything was fake and felt so detached. that was the first time i ever felt like that from weed. i was also getting off of steroids lol. thats a different story. well from then on i began to have pannic attacks i failed two semesters at college and i just recenlty started to get my life back in order 2 years later. i did how ever try xanax within those 2 years mayb 5 times and that worked but its addicting and i really dont want to get into that. So about a month ago. i smoked with my buddy who has very good headies i smoked took like 2 hits from a blunt not a bong so i could control it better and i felt really good. So i decided that if i grow my own i kno where it came from and ill feel a lot better about it, seeing that i made it. so i guess im using it for medicinal reasons. so i chose blue mystic wich is mostly indica. does anyone know any good strains that i can grow next that help reduce anxiety. i dont like that kind of weed that makes u think about the chicken or the egg and look inward to much.


Well-Known Member
How are the temps in the box? I see you have your exhaust on the side, you should move it to the top since heat rises and have the intake as low as possible. I want to find strawberry diesel. That stuff had me trippin HARD... Possibly the best smoke I've ever had. Another good strain is Blue Haze. It wasn't anything like strawberry diesel, it was more of a lax high. Brown spot is normal I think, mine have the same spot. It seems to go away once the plant gets bigger.