First Grow Nirvana Blue Mystic.


Well-Known Member
How are the temps in the box? I see you have your exhaust on the side, you should move it to the top since heat rises and have the intake as low as possible. I want to find strawberry diesel. That stuff had me trippin HARD... Possibly the best smoke I've ever had. Another good strain is Blue Haze. It wasn't anything like strawberry diesel, it was more of a lax high. Brown spot is normal I think, mine have the same spot. It seems to go away once the plant gets bigger.
i actually have 3 eaust lol 2 on the top 1 on the bottom and 1 intake on the bottom. it was supposed to be two intakes on the bottom but i messed it up lol. but the temp is a hair under 80 prob like 78


Well-Known Member
just checked on them, i love it everytime im on myway home i get so excited cuz i forgot i have them lol. there looken nice.


Well-Known Member
day 16 i cant see any difference really ugh idk. seems like its so tight the plant that it has no room to grow. there are so manny random leaves under old leaves.IMG00258-20100904-2104.jpg


Well-Known Member
My sour cream is growing tight like that. The bubblelicious is starting to branch off. I didn't post anything today, I'll post some tomorrow morning.


Well-Known Member
todays day 17 a little growth last nite. not to crazy but non the less some growth.


Also ordered some new seeds today. aurora indica, lsd, vanilla kush and it came with 4 freebies. roadrunner, cali hash plant, royal haze and sweet deep grape fruit. pretty excited.


Well-Known Member
i decided not to flush my plant. and i fed it with some nutes and foliage spray. i hope it isnt mites? some one chime in on this....please


Well-Known Member
How often to you give your plants nutes and what nutes do you use? I don't think it could be transplant shock. Maybe slight overnute because you put them in new ffof and are giving it nutes already.


Active Member
I'm growing the same strain....mine got HUGE! I vegged for about 35 days and its currently over 4' tall and a real monster! Best of Luck!


Well-Known Member
ok so i had some leafs with orange on it and then i looked under the plant at some new growth of little leafs and foudn this.


Well-Known Member
m doing everything right i dont get it. should i go buy some shit for bugs tomorow? idk if it is bugs i cant see them. no webs or anything


Well-Known Member
I wonder how that hole got there! Spider mites?
bro i cant find any im searching hard. i read online it could be a deficiency so i gave the plant some food today. only thing i can think of is i use a foliar spray everyday. but ive used that since day 3. mayb lights were to close and that caused discoloring.


Well-Known Member
Something is eating those plants. Look into some spider mite killer. I read they are incredibly small and are under the leaves. Maybe "Fox Farms Don't Bug Me"

[FONT=Verdana,Arial,Helvetica]Garden Tip: Make the right diagnosis before you spray. Damage can also be caused by diseases or nutritional deficiencies. If you’re not sure, take a cutting from a damaged plant, seal it tightly in a plastic bag, and take it to the nursery for identification. If a plant has been damaged or just seems to be in poor health, try a root drench of Big Bloom™ Liquid Fertilizer to revive it after you treat the problem.[/FONT]

Sounds like a good idea. Well I dunno about the taking it to a nursery part. :lol:


Well-Known Member
Something is eating those plants. Look into some spider mite killer. I read they are incredibly small and are under the leaves. Maybe "Fox Farms Don't Bug Me"


Sounds like a good idea. Well I dunno about the taking it to a nursery part. :lol:
Im getting mixed reviews i posted another thread asking about it and a lot of people saying nute burn could cause holes in the plant. but ive found like 3 holes and one rip? some on new leafs =( im so mad right now i tried calling out of work so i could watch it all day lol. haha the nursery part was halarious. i think i am going to buy the dont bug me i was just looking at that