I'm Not Digging the blue RIU


Well-Known Member
Green was more soothing and what happened to my home page last thread and latest posts....i'm getting old progress is a bitch

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
the system looks like it went to default. I'm sure they gotta tweak it still. doesn't even have the RIU logo at the top. it's set to the v-bulletin default.


Active Member
I too hate this new format...it seems like they have been tweaking it the last few days...i hope it does change back.


Well-Known Member
1. site changes
2. people start bitching
3. bitching slows
4. people start to enjoy the new look
5. site changes.

Repeat :D

Happens every time ;)


Active Member
im just guna change my computer screen color i dont like the blue as much. i think green is more appropriate.


Well-Known Member
i just had an idea. why dont they have like an official site news and just tell us whats goin on??