Coco Growers Unite!


Active Member
i think 8 week veg is abit much, i would veg only 2 to 4 weeks max. with the rizo u can folair feed it to save on it, u deff got enough PK caz u only use it for 1 week during flowering so it there is a 250 bottle i would grab that. cannazym i would use once u have a fully established root system and every 2nd or 3rd day. u have to remeber that coco is hydro so u have to water atleast once a day. so u may need more a+b. best thing if its your 1st grow start a journal and post some pics and we would be happy to help u through your grow
Thanks Leeroy for the tips. Those were the smallest volumes the ingredients came in. I bought the materials for my cabinet today and once that is built I will post pictures in a thread so I can have feedback.


Active Member
another thing i thought of is during veg only use half strenths nutes especially if your on a budget, as u go into flower increase your ammounts slowly, but u never have to reach the recomended doses caz they always get u to put in more so u can buy more. good luck with the grow


Well-Known Member
hey every one hows it going, im doing my first grow in coco soil i got 3 seedlings at 5 days old, and i was wondering when do i start the nutes, well i got these so far coco A and B rhizotonic, and CannaZym, well all the seedlins are 5 days old sins sprout and got they first set or flower leaves, now i was wondering as far as i know i start with rhizotonic when do i start giving this to the babys and do i need to give them A and B to yet? becouse it does say to give it with rhizotonic in the first week. so if any one can put me in the right track i would really really apriciate it!!!

thanks alot fr any answers!!!


Active Member
Hi first of great thread
on my first grow and im using coco perlite mix 80/20 a+b veg and flower and some h2o2 u can check out my grow journal if yas like its on my sig

nas2007 i only gave my seedlings ph'd water for the first 3 weeks oh i did add some h202 and a drop of superthrive to each litre of water i made up and she is looking great
She is getting her first lot of nutes now but only 300ppm
Grow room question: I am thinking of raising and slightly tilting forward my grow cabinet towards the door so that when i water my coco to waste it runs out the door where I catch it. I would paint the floor with an exterior paint and put in angled skegs to level the plants and allow room below the pots for the water to run out.
I do not want to take the plants out both because the grow is in a cold basement and because I do not wish to injure them.



Well-Known Member
nas2007 i only gave my seedlings ph'd water for the first 3 weeks oh i did add some h202 and a drop of superthrive to each litre of water i made up and she is looking great
She is getting her first lot of nutes now but only 300ppm
thanks bro


Well-Known Member
Hi all,
I am preparing for my first grow and I have been reading about coco. Unfortunately canna is not available in my area. There are several hydro shops near me and one has a good brand of loose rinsed and buffered coco coir. My concern with going with coco is the cost of the nutrients.

Background: Things are still settling a bit on design, but this is where I am now. 3x3x5 grow box with 400w HPS with possible CFL supplement. 2 white rhino and 2 snow white. All for personal use. I would like the best, fastest, easiest crop I can get and coco seems to fit that.

I have not priced the coco specific nutrients, but from my reading in this thread it sounds like I will need quite a few and it could get expensive.

Any rough guesses on costs?

Any tips on sources to save $$?


hey check my journal, good pics fro start to finish.shows what you can do with just the base A-B nutes and a bloom booster. Did it to show what you can do with a 400wt light and a tight budget.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I priced the following online:
Canna Coco Nutrient A & B - 1 Liter
Canna PK 13-14 - 1 Liter
Canna Cannazym - 1 Liter
Canna Rhizotonic - .25 Liter
I can purchase these 4 products for $100 shipped to my door from Green Coast Hydroponics.

Should this be enough for 4 plants?

Missing anything?

I have read about not mixing nutrients from one company with coco from another. but if I purchase a quality coco coir (sorry forgetting name right now) I should be able to use canna products right?

you should be ok. Just make sure it's buffered. But since you said it is a good brand , if it's LOOSE coco it should be buffered. House and garden is pretty good to.



Well-Known Member
Thanks Leeroy for the tips. Those were the smallest volumes the ingredients came in. I bought the materials for my cabinet today and once that is built I will post pictures in a thread so I can have feedback.

hey what up man. Just my opinion ok. I think before you go all in with the whole canna line of nutes that you should get at least one to two grows under your belt with just the base nutes. That way you can get a good understanding before you start spending real money. Mind you I do use the other additives. But I did it in steps. Go to the canna homepage and create a feeding chart. Also if you plan on doing any type of rel growing those small bottles won't last too long. You should also check out the prices of other coco nutes, like house and garden. They are a good product, and they cost a little bit less. Me though I'm just hooked on canna.hope that helps.



Well-Known Member
hey every one hows it going, im doing my first grow in coco soil i got 3 seedlings at 5 days old, and i was wondering when do i start the nutes, well i got these so far coco A and B rhizotonic, and CannaZym, well all the seedlins are 5 days old sins sprout and got they first set or flower leaves, now i was wondering as far as i know i start with rhizotonic when do i start giving this to the babys and do i need to give them A and B to yet? becouse it does say to give it with rhizotonic in the first week. so if any one can put me in the right track i would really really apriciate it!!!

thanks alot fr any answers!!!

go to the canna homepage I think it's they have a link to where you can make a feeding shedule. Then you will know pretty much exactly what and when and how much in relation to nute amounts.



Well-Known Member
another thing i thought of is during veg only use half strenths nutes especially if your on a budget, as u go into flower increase your ammounts slowly, but u never have to reach the recomended doses caz they always get u to put in more so u can buy more. good luck with the grow
not true.not saying you are wrong but check this. First off I recommend a person finding one or tw strains and becoing VERY familiar with them. Reason I say that is be cause with some strains it's NOT a one size fit all. And just doing a standard thing may be too much or too little. But you will nevr achieve optimal results if #1 you are jumping from strain to strain, or if you just use a predetermined"guess" on a feeding schedule. Learn your plants. That is the only way "you" can determine how to feed them.



Well-Known Member
Grow room question: I am thinking of raising and slightly tilting forward my grow cabinet towards the door so that when i water my coco to waste it runs out the door where I catch it. I would paint the floor with an exterior paint and put in angled skegs to level the plants and allow room below the pots for the water to run out.
I do not want to take the plants out both because the grow is in a cold basement and because I do not wish to injure them.


yea, cheap and easy. Get some 2x4's, nail or screw them together to make a perimeter around your plants. Either a square or rectangle. Get some 4mil black plastic at lowes or home depot. Take the plastic and line the floor and the boards with it, at least two to three layers, Secure it with thumbtacksand you're done. If you don't want to let he haet dry the runoff, get a cheap large sponge and a small bucket to collect it. Total cost about 1/4 to 1/3 the cost of a 2x4 tray. Hope that helps.



Active Member
not true.not saying you are wrong but check this. First off I recommend a person finding one or tw strains and becoing VERY familiar with them. Reason I say that is be cause with some strains it's NOT a one size fit all. And just doing a standard thing may be too much or too little. But you will nevr achieve optimal results if #1 you are jumping from strain to strain, or if you just use a predetermined"guess" on a feeding schedule. Learn your plants. That is the only way "you" can determine how to feed them.

hey Zen i agree with you 100%, i was just thinking of as many ways as possible as he can to get all he wants on a his budget. 1 litre of cana a+b with a 2 month veg he is gonna have to put his girls on a diet.

afew months ago u recomended me a flower booster instead of canna boost. it was bloombastic but i cant remember which one. im using boost now i feed 4 times a day 1galon per feed for each plant so it will cost me a fortune to run this, but i guess if they claim if chops a week off flowering time thats 1 extra grow a year so it might be worth it just for that


Active Member
I've been watering 1 gallon every day same time. Half of the water/nutrients run off.I'm going to flower in the next few weeks and im wondering if multiple watering/feedings per day would help does anyone know how much nutrients are avalible a few hours after feeding? my plants are very heathy about 3 1/2 feet tall 3 feet wide. How often are people flooding coco chunks 5 gal.?


Active Member
i feed every 4 hours from lights on. so on 12/12 i feed 4 times. i think it depends on how much light and heat u have, the more light and the hotter the temps the more water your plants will need. i found if u feed once a day or 4 times a day your not really feeding them 4 times more it almost works out the same caz the medium just gets dryer. so i prefer to break it up into smaller feed. but i grow in large pots ive never used 5 gal before and i have a few lights per plant.


Well-Known Member
i feed every 4 hours from lights on. so on 12/12 i feed 4 times. i think it depends on how much light and heat u have, the more light and the hotter the temps the more water your plants will need. i found if u feed once a day or 4 times a day your not really feeding them 4 times more it almost works out the same caz the medium just gets dryer. so i prefer to break it up into smaller feed. but i grow in large pots ive never used 5 gal before and i have a few lights per plant.
my god man you are blowing money. Did you research coco before you started? The reason coco is so good is because of the ability to hold oxygen.
this is how it works, as the coco dries the roots are allowed more oxygen, which in turns promts the roots to search for more nutes, which equals ROOT GROWTH. In turn the new roots branch out, and as the coco dries the process goes over and over again.
Now the way you are feeding ONE GALLON FOUR TIMES A DAY. Tell me why would your plants have a need to make more roots, why would they when you are saturating them on a continuous basis. #1 it's not the light or the heat so much that dries your coco, it's the roots sucking up the nutes.
look here bro, the smallest pot I've used was a one gallon pot and even with that I only fed every other or every two days tops. Whatever size pot you are using, this is how you gauge it. FEEL THE WEIGHT OF THE POT WITH COCO WHEN IT's DRY, AND THEN RIGHT AFTER YOU FEED, AND WHEN THAT POT GETS ABOUT 70% dry you feed again. That's how you get root growth during veg and flower, which will get you the buds you want. Because like I said if the coco is saturated 24/7, #1.... how is the plant going to get air to the roots, so the roots can grow when you are basically suffocating them with nutes and #2 with a poorly developed root system what kind of pathetic buds are you expecting?
Now I don't usually do this, but man you are wrong bro. This is only kind of like hydro only in the sense that more nutes are readily available to the roots, but it's not hydro. You are wasting money bro. You've got to let that hydro mentality go. Now I hope you don't think I'm bashing you, it's just that I talk alot and I don't like to see poeple going in the wrong direction give advice to someone, and they only think what the are doing is right. Then you have two or more people with less than desirable results. Now I'm not the most technical guy on here, but I have been running coco for four years straight, and the same strain for like two years. So I can honestly say that I don't know it all, but I know my plants, and how they act with coco but hey I hope you don't read this and be like "screw him". But if so all I can ask is that you research what I'm saying. Because being a coco proponent, I want everyone that has the nerve to take the risk to switch to coco to enjoy as many, or more fruitful harvest as I have. So good luck an good growing. Please I hope you don't take any offense to this "passage" I've written.
FYI the booster I use is Gen. Hydroponics Floralicious Bloom. Scan through my journal if you can, it's geared to the coco grower on a very limited budget.



Well-Known Member
hey zen, respeckt bro for all the help you been giving to every one!!! need more like you here that are more or les pros in coco soil,

thanks for the website you gave me on nutes. however i alredy kno0w about it but just was wondering do i really start the coco a and b straight away as they only seedlings 7 days old, thats what it says on the website. tell me how you do it what do you add when your plants are like 7 days old and are just producing the second set of leaves, plus i can see little roots comming out the bottem of the pot. is it a good sign? do i alredy need to transplant them? thanks zen

p.s im a firs time every grower and im using canna coco

peace bro