well dude, first - dense nugs are "better" because most of the time, you find a dense nug - its going to be a very nice high - very potent bud.
now with the fluffy weed, SOMETIMES i find that SOME of my fluffy weed is actually a pretty decent high.. its not that great, but you know it gets the job done. VERY VERY rarely do i get my hands on a fluffy type of weed thats really good. and almost ALWAYS i get weak fluffy weed, where the high is very low and you need a couple bowls or kief to top it.
so i think why everyone prefers dense nugs is that your 90% guaranteed its gonna be some bomb ass shit. but then again, its all personal - like where do you get your weed? what type do you get? do you always get bomb fluffy weed - or like most other people - just shitty fluffy weed?
2nd, just because its soft and fluffy doesn't make it easier to smoke,
i find that its almost impossible to milk a bong with just breaking up a hard, dense nug with your hands - thats prob what your experiencing.
but have you tried putting it in a grinder? the whole thing with surface area, is true. i dont know why you have to insult people, but its true bro.
try grinding a hard nug, and then loading that weed in..
3rd, why the fuck would putting a nug in a grinder and twisting the grinder be stressful? and "work for it" ? what the hell? you put it in, twist it, load it.. its really not that hard bro lmfao