heroic doses of lsd


Well-Known Member
the one time i smoked pot while on lsd... actually just before the comeup... i actually didntt care for it much. since i was high when i came up, just felt like a strong pot high for 10-12 hrs. id much rather just enjoy the LSD experience myself... but i never really enjoyed pot that much anyway...


Well-Known Member
the one time i smoked pot while on lsd... actually just before the comeup... i actually didntt care for it much. since i was high when i came up, just felt like a strong pot high for 10-12 hrs. id much rather just enjoy the LSD experience myself... but i never really enjoyed pot that much anyway...

hey endangered, since were posting the same thread... i never got a response from you on that pm i sent a while back... did you not get it, or was i not worthy... feel free to pm
Sometimes a nice indica smoke will relax the mood while on lsd, well others think it causes paranoia. Were all different, so whatever floats your boat.

Please "realcrackhead" resend your inquiry and i'll reply back promptly!


New Member
my hardest was 5 green dragons from phish in miami new years. never had or will have a trip like that again! at my house and not knowing what i was in for with those doses i put the strip on my tounge. i felt a pattern on my tounge like a screen door. walls were dripping in in less than five minutes. i went to the bathroom to look at my self and drink water. that was fucked. i started swimming into my mattress later. i kept peaking harder and harder. this was beyond tripping at this point this was elsewhere. i found death that night. it peaked past any trip to nothing i saw these two shapes and i felt death. it was nothing. not black. nothing. but i lived. the next morning if i could put a sound to it it sounded like this sound affect in this aesop rock song on bazooka tooth superfluke. i had to go to brockton to the rmv to get my license back. i was still tripping balls all day. then i road my bike to work in the snow. i dont mean to scare anybody but this was a lifechanger not nessesarilly a good trip(kinda) but a positive life experiance i learned from. not trying to freak anybody out this was serious shit and ive had other styles of trips to but this was what spun me never come down all the way after that


Well-Known Member
my hardest was 5 green dragons... in in less than five minutes. ...the next morning ... i was still tripping balls all day.
Doesnt sound like any LSD ive ever taken. Still sounds like a very srong substance, but just saying.

LSD as certain universal characaristics: 45min - 1hr come up, lasts 10-14 hrs ( actually according to some literatue from the 60s, LSD lasts 16 hrs, but due to the rate of dropoff of effects after peak, most people dont feel the effects after hr 12 but they did say this re-entry period is where some of the most benificial learning can be done), and in my experiences, the "tripping balls" part of a strong lucy ride is over after about hr 5. LSD just has such a steep peak to falloff ratio.

Nevertheless, i wouldnt mind trying some of whatever you got your hands on


Well-Known Member
I have heard of LSD being felt immediately after ingestion, now this may be a matter of conjecture, but I believe the 'genuine men' who feel the effects of the drug before its had a chance to enter his system, he has found a mystical state. I find what I call the "messy trips", those couple of hours at the end of a trip where there is much confusion or at least a psychedelic glaze over you consciousness, a very fractal like existence, is when the best learning, or teaching, takes place. I used it last night, here was my conclusion:

"You may have millions defending few; you will never have millions defending eachother. For the many depend on the illusion of the few to sustain them at any cost. Like any natural creature, its main goal is self-preservation; but not at the loss of its structure, not until the many become few."

A little bit of polishing, but fairly spontaneous as far as prophetic statements go. I want to go on a strong trip, like a neil peart "fountain of lamneth" trip, a song I wish you all to check out, I have only been on one and it was my third experiment. Since then I have used it less than 15 times, never more than 3 blotters(differing potency), but my ego makes the trip a scary endeavor than I think it needs to be. Well with any luck I will be having a thumbprint experience in the next ten to twelve months.

We shall see I suppose. :)



Well-Known Member
Here's a question to all the acid trippers, did you happen to ingest cannabis around the same time as taking tab(s)?

Would that change the experience in a + or - way, in your experience?

When I tripped on acid, I smoked when I thought I was coming down, and for me at least Pot + Acid = VISUALS


Well-Known Member
Have any of you ever closed your eyes while watching music ;) and when you open them its like your optics are still very similarly distorted, which makes me think its more of an optical nerve thing. Like the LSD binds to receptors that release chemicals that conveys how the visual field is being observed by the eye. But of course I can't truly know that, and I know so little about the neural architecture I couldn't be confident, but its a hypothesis I will be trying to conceive a test for.


Martian Farts

Active Member
When I read "Heroic Doses" I was expecting some real trippers....
Why don't you guys post once you've done 50+ at once. At least.
How about this one...When i was living in Austin, Tx... I lived with an acid dealer who ate acid in low doses all day, pretty much every day. always tripping. Well i was trippin alot as well...obviously haha. well one day he got in a new supply, and i bought 5 blotter tabs (he made his own sheets of blotter tabs, and said they avg around 150 micrograms (i think thats the right unit) each). the come on took 2 hours and tripped around 14 hours. 3 days later i bought 5 more hits. dropped them all, and an 2.5 hrs later, no effect. so i bought 5 more and dropped them. he left the house, and returned around 2 hours later, and thinking i was tripping balls, started goofin off to fuck with me...but i only felt the anxiety that sometimes accompanies a come on. he got offended and offered me 2 acid washes. by which i mean he took 2 empty vials, filled them with everclear, shook them, and i drank them. he said that could be anywhere from 1 to 30 hits, so i took an avg of 15 per...or so im saying as i have no way to know. for those not paying attention, thats 40 hits so far. we waited 3 hours, to no effect. I felt as though things were weird...but thats it.

thats when the fun started...he took me to his "office" and opened a safe within a safe to retrieve a bowl of the partially diluted acid he uses to make his blotter sheets. using a teaspoon he ladled a small amount in to my open, eager hands, and said "enjoy this $2,000 dose. now drink up." and i did!

about 7 minutes later. i died. the world melted in front of me, and then i just realized that was only the air in front of my face, as i was tripping to hard to see any farther than abt an inch. until i realized i was seeing into infinity and i was stupid to believe i was so nearsighted....

but im not gunna take you through 4 days of momentary eternities. he said that my total of hits should have came out around 150-200...but we cant be sure in any way. All i know is that i have never been so happy, or so sad, in my life. but i would give anything to feel it again.

feel free to ask questions!! ive tripped a good number of times i feel like, and so can answer alot. Only thing everyone should remember is everyone trips differently. every time. so anything anyone says about tripping, is only experience, not what will happen next time....


Active Member
i got some weak stuff before. 1 hit i felt it but it wasnt very strong. the next time i took 3 and i was so fucked up. my friend looked all bubbly, almost like he was melting. i was trying to roll a joint and i had the weed broken up on a piece of paper and the pieces kept moving around. i couldnt do it so i had my friend do it for me. we were at my other house, i live in the sticks but i have a 2nd in town closer to civilization. where i let a very few selected friends chill and smoke/drink if they're bored whenever they want. kind of a party house but real private, like no friends of friends, only ppl i know very good. anyways we were in my garage rolling the joint and i have a pile of boxes against the wall and any box that was in my peripheral vision kinda moved out of place. but when i looked directly at it, it was normal. it's like they were hiding, then coming out towards me when i wasnt looking at them. we have this door that has water stains on it from when the roof was leaking. the water stains actually looked like water was flowing down the door. everything kinda looked animated. lot of things had weird textures like pieces of paper that actually didnt even exist, only from my eye's perception. i wanted to go for a burn ride, but my friend talked me out of it. hours later i had to drop my friend off which was only like a half mile. i made the stupid decision to drive home back to the sticks, but it was hours later and the effects were no longer nearly as intense. i drove fine. i dropped my friend off then was on my way home. there was a small hill on the road and all the sudden, the hill's incline changed, like it got much steeper. i knew it was just my mind playing tricks, and i was able to stay straight and not swerve the whole way home. when i got to the road by my house there is this big field nearby. the sun in the process of rising and it was about 5-6 am. because of the field i could see a lot of the sky. half was orange and the other half was blue. it was so beautiful, like i was driving to heaven. i got home and was actually to sleep fine. the next day i felt 100% normal. i hear a lot about bad experiences, but this was fucking awesome for me! 3 hits of what i thought was weak acid(i dunno, maybe just the 1 was weak) may not really be a heroic dose, i dont consider it heroic anyway, but it was damn great!


New Member
When i was 14 i took 2 hits of liquid drop acid i wasnt human no more ! I was a super hero ! this isnt a joke i walked in front of a Transit Bus and i told the bus to stop it didnt my friends saved my life i was then draged into a bedroom and forced to watch cartoons the cartoons came out of the tv and were dancing around me it was the first and last time i ever tried liquid acid drops ever again.


Well-Known Member
When i was 14 i took 2 hits of liquid drop acid i wasnt human no more ! I was a super hero ! this isnt a joke i walked in front of a Transit Bus and i told the bus to stop it didnt my friends saved my life i was then draged into a bedroom and forced to watch cartoons the cartoons came out of the tv and were dancing around me it was the first and last time i ever tried liquid acid drops ever again.
haha wow..

ive had one very insane trip on one and a half hits of white on white. i was watching half baked, a movie ive seen countless times and within 15 mins i had no idea what movie it was. i knew i was in for some serious shit. the people in the movie were coming out of the tv and my friends were being sucked into it. it felt like my whole life had passed by and my friends just left me on the couch cause i was stuck tripping. it just kept repeating over and over for 4 hours i didnt even know i had taken acid. i thought i was dead or stuck like that for life, its a horrible feeling.

after 4 hours i suddenly became aware that i was on acid and tripping face, but i knew where i was and who was around me. the rest of the night was awesome and the next day it looked like alot of trees were missing all around my neighborhood. that was the hardest ive ever tripped on acid and it was a life changing experience that im glad i went through. i would not want to go there again tho.

LSD is a powerful substance.


Well-Known Member
the rest of the night was awesome and the next day it looked like alot of trees were missing all around my neighborhood. that was the hardest ive ever tripped on acid and it was a life changing experience that im glad i went through. i would not want to go there again tho.

LSD is a powerful substance.
What kind of trees...?


Well-Known Member
i just had a heroic dose of lsd and the next day things looked different. i wasn't choppin down trees or somethin.


Well-Known Member
i just had a heroic dose of lsd and the next day things looked different. i wasn't choppin down trees or somethin.
lol no, just punching/kicking/stomping/threatening them? Were they more than just trees in that trippin state of mind? Did they punch/kick/stomp/threaten you? I'm seriously curious for I want to try LSD in the future, I'm not trying to be an ass if that is how I'm coming across:eyesmoke:


Well-Known Member
haha i dont think you get it. i didnt even go outside till after my trip. i was stuck on a couch for most of it. stuff just looked different the next day after i came off the acid.

your not an ass, and yes you should try lsd asap.