Islam: Evil or misunderstood

So what do you think America should go and start a war for how they live? Why should we lose lives for them? If they want a change they should rally up the people and fight for there liberty's just as Americans did during our revolution. they need to fight for there own freedom, to understand the importance of it. just because you disagree with the insane policy of the middle east doesn't mean we should go in there and kill millions of people, nation build and steal there oil. it doesn't mean we should create groups like al-quida and do false flags to kill our own people to help liberate iraq and the rest of the middle east, while taking away our freedom back home.
America did not start the war. Islam did. And it began long before 911.

Was the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole a false flag operation?

How about the bombing of the two US Embassies on the African continent?

And the first World Trade center attack?

And the seizure of the U.S Embassy in Tehran in 1979?

Or the OPEC oil embargo of 1973?

We are not at war with Afghanistan, even though we are fighting there.

And even though President Obama declared 'Mission Accomplished' in Iraq, the war goes on there. But we are not at war with Iraq either.

We are at war with Islam.
America did not start the war. Islam did. And it began long before 911.

Was the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole a false flag operation?

How about the bombing of the two US Embassies on the African continent?

And the first World Trade center attack?

And the seizure of the U.S Embassy in Tehran in 1979?

Or the OPEC oil embargo of 1973?

We are not at war with Afghanistan, even though we are fighting there.

And even though President Obama declared 'Mission Accomplished' in Iraq, the war goes on there. But we are not at war with Iraq either.

We are at war with Islam.

about the first wtc bombing that was also an inside job, and here's the proof, the sopposed terrorist was just an American. He recorded his phone calls with the FBI to prove what was going on.
America did not start the war. Islam did. And it began long before 911.

Was the bombing of the U.S.S. Cole a false flag operation?

How about the bombing of the two US Embassies on the African continent?

And the first World Trade center attack?

And the seizure of the U.S Embassy in Tehran in 1979?

Or the OPEC oil embargo of 1973?

We are not at war with Afghanistan, even though we are fighting there.

And even though President Obama declared 'Mission Accomplished' in Iraq, the war goes on there. But we are not at war with Iraq either.

We are at war with Islam.

Dude, I'd recommend not even starting up with that guy... You will regret all the time you wasted later.
about the first wtc bombing that was also an inside job, and here's the proof, the sopposed terrorist was just an American. He recorded his phone calls with the FBI to prove what was going on.


Well then I guess THAT settles it!

Dude, anything with an ominous tone in the background of the video like that is OBVIOUS direction! How the hell can you NOT see that? This clip is POINTING you toward a CONCLUSION you WANT TO HEAR!






about the first wtc bombing that was also an inside job, and here's the proof, the sopposed terrorist was just an American. He recorded his phone calls with the FBI to prove what was going on.
Bill Kunstler using the SODDI defense? Shocking! LOL!

You are aware he called himself a 'radical lawyer,' right?

Even if the video 'evidence' is true, undercover operations go sour all the time. Law enforcement must strike a balance between credibility with the bad guys and building their case against them.

Do you have YouTube 'evidence' for the other examples I cites as well?

Your claims are based on false premises which fit neatly into your preconceived conclusions.

If we invaded Iraq for oil, why is gasoline not .25 cents a gallon?

If 911 was a false flag operation, why is Islam building a triumph mosque overlooking the site of their greatest conquest?
wait so the terrorist who bombed the building being handled by the FBI to set up the bombs is not proof? what is proof then? the drills they were running at the same exact place and same time, as the bombing?
Dude, I'd recommend not even starting up with that guy... You will regret all the time you wasted later.
Without question. It wasn't hard to figure this guy out after his first ten threads made not two days into his membership here.

I would wager he's got more YouTube video 'evidence' than I have Grateful Dead shows, and that's a lot.

I just enjoy dangling the Milk-Bone in front of him and watching him wag his tail.
wait so the terrorist who bombed the building being handled by the FBI to set up the bombs is not proof? what is proof then? the drills they were running at the same exact place and same time, as the bombing?
YouTube videos prove nothing beyond the unalterable conclusion that you are a moonbat.
here its a newsreport skip to the part about newsclip not the narations, you will hear the recorded conversation of the FBI agent telling the terrorist what to do. start at 1 min and 30 sec's into the video then you will see the newsreports of how the FBI knew what was going on, and you will be exposed to the phone calls with the terrorist and the FBI and you will see how he was just following orders for the FBI
(start at 1 min and 30 seconds) (at the 4th minute of the video is where the phone call records can be heard, of the "terrorist" talking with the FBI about the bombs)
Johhny, I COMPLETELY disagree w/ you, but lets use your "logic" and take a few other things into account.

Using your logic I believe we should declare war on all Christians. It was a Christian that bombed Oklahoma city, it was a Christian that bombed the Olympic park in Atlanta, a Christian that murdered abortion doctor in cold blood in a church, and lets not forget the good old KKK. Just a bunch of Jesus loving white guys right?

Youre trying to use simplistic logic for a very complicated matter and you are wrong on this one.
^ no b/c oklahoma city bombing was an inside job. LOL you see there were multiple bombs found that day, not just one that exploded. and heres the newsclips to prove it. they were also running drills that day at the same place and the same time.

can you see why they want to censor the internet, especially google, and youtube.
US senator Lieberman wants to Censor Youtube
Source: The Inquirer
^ no b/c oklahoma city bombing was an inside job. LOL you see there were multiple bombs found that day, not just one that exploded. and heres the newsclips to prove it. they were also running drills that day at the same place and the same time.

Wait are you trying to tell me since those newsclips (about multiple bombs) were ripped onto youtube, they are no longer credible even though you can find these clips off ABC, NBC's database? Everything about the secondary bombs are just all imagination those news reports never happend and should be forgotten about we should just let it go? we should allow them to get away with those murders, we should allow them to carry on there terror to take away our liberty's and drive us into more of a policestate? We should allow them to shape our thoughts, and our history, we should allow them to carry out the biggest trajedy's of American history?
Really, Johnny....? At war with islam....? Even george bush isn't dumb enough to make that sort of statement....
He didn't make it because he couldn't. It is not politically correct.

Clash of civilizations, folks.
Johhny, I COMPLETELY disagree w/ you, but lets use your "logic" and take a few other things into account.

Using your logic I believe we should declare war on all Christians. It was a Christian that bombed Oklahoma city, it was a Christian that bombed the Olympic park in Atlanta, a Christian that murdered abortion doctor in cold blood in a church, and lets not forget the good old KKK. Just a bunch of Jesus loving white guys right?

Youre trying to use simplistic logic for a very complicated matter and you are wrong on this one.
Domestic matters are treated differently. You seem to be saying we tolerate these acts because they are done by Christians.

Clearly we do not.

McVeigh was executed and his partner will never see daylight.

The Olympic Park bomber will never breath free air again.

The killer who murdered the abortion doctor is in jail and will be for the rest of his miserable life.

And yes, in its heyday the KKK was a bunch of white Christian Democrats (I noticed how you conveniently omitted that). But the Klan has been completely marginalized by government action and society. In point of fact, the modern Klan only serves to present some sort of boogerman for the Southern Poverty Law Center to parade about whenever they hold a fund raising drive.

But you are missing the point, even Christians denounce these isolated acts of brutality.

I didn't see a whole helluva lot of Muslims denouncing the terrorists after 911, in fact I remember seeing video of dancing in the streets in Gaza. But I sure as hell heard a lot of Muslims denouncing any retaliation on Muslims follwing 911.
But you are missing the point, even Christians denounce these isolated acts of brutality.

... I sure as hell heard a lot of Muslims denouncing any retaliation on Muslims follwing 911.

but you are missing the point, even muslims denounce these isolated act of brutality.

i sure as hell heard a lot of christians denouncing any retaliation on christians following okc/abortion clinic murders/park city.

and maybe you didn't hear a lot of muslims denouncing 9/11 because you might not have any muslim friends (just a guess). te several muslims i knew at that time sure denounced it. maybe you chose to watch them dance in the streets of gaza due to a little phenomenon called confirmation bias....
You guys don't understand because in the West, religion does not control government.

Western civilization left the Catholic Church in the dust by the Renaissance; but throughout the Middle Ages in Europe, the church ran everything.

But Islam seeks to go back to those dark ages when religion, not the rule of law, ran the show. And they want that religion to be Islam and the law to be Sharia Law.

Worldwide Caliphate
. Look it up.
what about the Isreali's Mossad agents dancing in the street and video taping the first plane hit the tower? What about them who turned out to be Isreali secret service. What about the non Muslim people on the GW bridge getting caught with bombs on 9/11, why didn't we hear about this?