Major issue please help.. ++REP


Well-Known Member
Well if thats it

WIll they ever recover at full force?

I wanna fix this asap gonna go to hydro store tomorrow

What should I pick up?


Well-Known Member
I'll bet my next harvest that it isnt spider mites. Its just a mutant plant. It'll grow up and be fine or be a pisser and you'll cull it. No worries either way. Your plants look fine, feed em a little lighter ppm nutrients though. ;)


New Member


Active Member
Whats up with your soil? The perilte looks brown and rusty. Iron toxicidy can cause "rust spots" too. What made your soil look like that?


New Member
Well if thats it

WIll they ever recover at full force?

I wanna fix this asap gonna go to hydro store tomorrow

What should I pick up?
If you have a mite infestation is best to quit now and fix the problem before you start again as your seedlings are still very young and if its mites then its best to cut them just like i did with 20 seedlings before starting again.
Sooner the better before the infestation gets bigger.
Tough news but i had to do this with 20 sprouts and i was pissed off.


Well-Known Member
fuck man i hope i dont lose this grow.. i got 300 bucks in seeds and 2000 bucks in new lights and equiptment

ON TOP OF which.. I just spent 50 bucks on having a small jar of floramite sent to me saturday delivery

if anyone could give me a sure shot answer id really appreciate it

I think the color of the perlite is just from mixing with soil, once i water it it turns white again


Well-Known Member
I'll bet my next harvest that it isnt spider mites. Its just a mutant plant. It'll grow up and be fine or be a pisser and you'll cull it. No worries either way. Your plants look fine, feed em a little lighter ppm nutrients though. ;)

Well its not one plant its hALF of them but some have the brown spots, others have yellowing others are fine and ithappened right after feeding which led me to beleive it was a nute reaction between different stains and phenos but sir smoker made a strong case, not idont know what the hll to do


Signs of Spider Mites:
Know what to look for when diagnosing the early stages of a spider mite infestation.

  • Small (pin point) yellow or brown dots on the leaves of the plant (as shown in this image).
  • Very small strands of silk webbing on the plant, particularly underneath the leaves.
  • Small (pin point) white dots on the underside of leaves (these are the eggs).
  • Little buggers (depending on them ol' peepers of yours, you may need a magnifying glass to spot them!)

    Your leaves don't have pin pointed dots...


Well-Known Member
will do a flush tomorrow if problem persists

in the mean time, lets see if this spider mite spraying works


Don't mean to hi jack your thread but will someone go look at my lemon skunk grow journal. First hydro grow and want some input. Cheers!


New Member
Get more opinions!! PM FDD2BLK. He can spot mite damage a mile away. You have ONE for spider mite. and 4 for over-nute. Since you are going to a hydro store, pick up one of those pocket scopes and look with that. You have 1 guy saying to chop. WTF? PM FDD2BLK.

I just can't see how in 1 day mites can do that all at once on 10 plants in unison. I googled spider mites images and did not find 1 photo like that posted above.


New Member
fuck man i hope i dont lose this grow.. i got 300 bucks in seeds and 2000 bucks in new lights and equiptment

ON TOP OF which.. I just spent 50 bucks on having a small jar of floramite sent to me saturday delivery

if anyone could give me a sure shot answer id really appreciate it

I think the color of the perlite is just from mixing with soil, once i water it it turns white again

My answer is sure shot and its really up to you to learn or find what it is other than mites. Mites start at the bottom of the plant and work their way up the plant and just because half your seedlings are OK if you have mites they will travel to your other seedlings quickly making a bigger problem and a greater infestation making it harder to beat the fuckers. Thats all i really have to say on the matter as i think i have covered everything.
(good luck).

OUT. :blsmoke:


New Member
Get more opinions!! PM FDD2BLK. He can spot mite damage a mile away. You have ONE for spider mite. and 4 for over-nute. Since you are going to a hydro store, pick up one of those pocket scopes and look with that. You have 1 guy saying to chop. WTF? PM FDD2BLK.

I just can't see how in 1 day mites can do that all at once on 10 plants in unison. I googled spider mites images and did not find 1 photo like that posted above.
Good idea...........


Never give nutes until the plant is at least two 1/2 weeks old and at 1/8 the strength and gradually work your way up to full strength. Your little plant has nute my advice is to flush.


Well-Known Member
I have to agree with matttjr. Looks like fert overdose. Never have fert first 3 weeks myself. I always start with 1/4 of the recomended dose of fert and slowly build up to recomendations. Pot has an amazing ability to use lots of nutrients but it needs to build a tollerance. Flushing several times should help. I'm thinking they will recover. I have battled spidermites and won with nothing more than safers agrasoap. you spray the plants and it drowms the mites. you have to turn the plants upside down and spray every inch of plant top and bottom. spray the soil too. you need to spay everyday for 10 days to be sure to kill all egg laying adults. you drown the mites but the eggs still hatch. you will need to clean your grow room too. i completly eradicated an infestation this way. By the way never had probem till i threw worm castings into the soil.