What planet are you from. A few hundred thousand internet wonks do not influence a general election, sure they may contribute 10-25 bucks each to his campaign, but the MSM is influencing this election, not the Net. Wake the fuck up. Just because a few of your friends like Ron Paul doesn't mean he has a chance. I have stated many times that I like his agenda (With a few exceptions) But being a realist, I also know he has about 1 in a thousand chance of ever being President, and even if he achieved that momentous platform, they would assasinate him very fast. Do you remember the Kennedy brothers, of course not, I do. Don't believe me? Ask the venerable warthog Vi if Paul has a chinamans chance. As much as I disagreee with him, if he were to be honest (a tough one, I know) he'd tell you the same thing, Paul will not be president, not now, not ever.