Opinions on LED's?


Active Member
Yeah I think they should....but still no proof lol. I mean shit I hope LED's pull ahead of HID soon. I wouldn't mind the cut in my electric bill and less heat, but I'm still waiting.


Well-Known Member
You keep comparing watt for watt, what about the manufacturers claims and that other dudes claims that a 90w UFO is equal to a 400w-600w HPS?
Those claims are ridiculous marketing claims. You and I both know that. I don't care for the UFO lights. Most people I know don't grow in circles. But for an LED to produce 1 gram per watt, I'm surprised that doesn't impress you.
Did you find the proof yet.
And for the boy who said he is pulling half pound dry with 90 watt led please tell me not your a train because that fo sure will not produce no 1/2 pound with no 90 watt led.


Well-Known Member
The poster several times refers to an 400w hid light, he doesn't refer to MH until he replaces the bulb with a new one. where does he say he flowers with the same bulb? Please let me know, I'm trying to find that reading the thread line by line...
At the end he say 400 watt mh he did not say anything about flowering under hps.If you read what you linked me to it says 400 mh not 400 hps.


Well-Known Member
I'm reading page by page..... Another benefit LED has over hid, no handling of multiple bulbs... :)

And here is one of his side by side vegging pics.... clearly at this stage, LED wins and it is consuming 195w less power... hmmmm



Well-Known Member
I'll stick with the 1 gram per watt light, thanks. You might pull two more ounces out of your closet, but after 3 months of paying those much higher power bills, you are going to need them to make up the difference.

If you are growing to sell, then consider yourself a commercial grower and maybe the lights aren't for you. For a hobbyist or a grow that just supplies the grower and a friend or two, LEDs are ideal. I'll pull more bud per dollar spent on the electrical bill than you will. i'll also veg much faster, meaning more crops over time.


Active Member
Why does that matter when you get over $400 extra every 3 months at least with HID. The extra electric costs aren't even half that.


Well-Known Member
considering that I don't sell marijuana, I can care less about it. My closet stays cool, My power bill is right where it was before i started growing, I don't leave my home worrying about a fire from a hot light or a burned out ballast. I'm sold on LED and you are not, end of story. But in the future, you might try being a little more open to the opinion of others and not be so quick to call others names simply because you don't share their opinion.

Again, I'll stick with my gram per watt. The light is much more efficient and I'm not burning up fossil fuels by providing 85% of wasted spectrum only to have to exhaust and cool that air. It seems like a slam dunk for me. If I were a dealer and went through 2 lbs a month, I'd be thinking differently now wouldn't I?
Yeah clearly there is no proof that led can out perform HPS WATT 4 WATT.Show me weight not vegg plants.Show me dense nuggs from led bigger than hps nuggs.That is all i am asking.


Well-Known Member
So ihn your opinion, had the dude used an hps lamp for flowering, how much more could he have yielded? Keep in mind, he got .69 gram per watt in soil.... Go ahead and make your guess. I could Google and find more grows to support my satisfaction with LED lights but why bother? I can care less that you are not convinced. If you think a hid bulb is going to pull a gram per watt you got another think coming. We've seen an LED lamp do it, now why don't you show proof that an hid lamp can do a gram per watt?

I'm waiting....

that's all I'm asking...
So ihn your opinion, had the dude used an hps lamp for flowering, how much more could he have yielded? Keep in mind, he got .69 gram per watt in soil.... Go ahead and make your guess. I could Google and find more grows to support my satisfaction with LED lights but why bother? I can care less that you are not convinced. If you think a hid bulb is going to pull a gram per watt you got another think coming. We've seen an LED lamp do it, now why don't you show proof that an hid lamp can do a gram per watt?

I'm waiting....

that's all I'm asking...
Now i have to say what???Go look at hobbes new study easily pulling 1.5 gram per watt with 1 600.