The "OFFICIAL" cast your VOTE on PROP 19 thread

PROP 19 - tax and regulate cannabis in California

  • YES

    Votes: 152 66.1%
  • NO

    Votes: 78 33.9%

  • Total voters

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
this is BS and you know it.

medical growers, personal friends of mine, were arrested all the time. held as guilty until they could prove their medical validity. then had to fight to try to get some of their shit back.

you think you can convince me these habits will suddenly change?


cops will not become your friend if you vote yes on 19.

sorry to spoil it for you.
So your arguement for keeping prohibition in place is that if we end prohibition cops might abuse the law like they do now? Not a strong argument.


Well-Known Member
"We DID have permission to film, but they said the persistent number of calls forced them to respond."



Well-Known Member
innocent until guilty. funny stuff. :)
I had to delete and go back to quote what was funny...not your post...thinking that the cops don't violate peoples rights...and that I am presumed innocent!!! They would kick in my door and take my shit and ask questions later...the bullsh!t harassment of legal growers is definitely not funny...and (i think) prop 19 will piss off some cops.



Well-Known Member
I had to delete and go back to quote what was funny...not your post...thinking that the cops don't violate peoples rights...and that I am presumed innocent!!! They would kick in my door and take my shit and ask questions later...the bullsh!t harassment of legal growers is definitely not funny...and (i think) prop 19 will piss off some cops.

i was agreeing with you. :)

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
I had to delete and go back to quote what was funny...not your post...thinking that the cops don't violate peoples rights...and that I am presumed innocent!!! They would kick in my door and take my shit and ask questions later...the bullsh!t harassment of legal growers is definitely not funny...and (i think) prop 19 will piss off some cops.

So we should keep prohibition because ending it might piss off cops and they might break the law? Nice fear mongering.


Active Member
lets bring it back down a bit. currently Mexico is watching California legislation with close scrutiny and are contemplating following suit with legality. the war and massacres there are out of control. i believe this prop will have a major impact on the cartels livelihood and though there may be initial heavy violence for territory it will eventually push them out by there being no need. this is just in regards to marijuana, there will still be a demand and a market for other substances that remain prohibited. thoughts?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
you said cops won't fuck with you if you don't have a receipt. i said they very well may.

back on track.

fair enough. Cops might fuck with you. They might also fuck with you because they had a bad day, or they don't like something you say to them. You still can't be convicted of a crime for not proving where you bought your buds. So what's your point?


Well-Known Member
lets bring it back down a bit. currently Mexico is watching California legislation with close scrutiny and are contemplating following suit with legality. the war and massacres there are out of control. i believe this prop will have a major impact on the cartels livelihood and though there may be initial heavy violence for territory it will eventually push them out by there being no need. this is just in regards to marijuana, there will still be a demand and a market for other substances. thoughts?

lived in cali all my life. never seen or been effected by any "cartel". sounds like 1973 to me.


Well-Known Member
fair enough. Cops might fuck with you. They might also fuck with you because they had a bad day, or they don't like something you say to them. You still can't be convicted of a crime for not proving where you bought your buds. So what's your point?
the point was, you said cops wouldn't fuck with you. thank you for actually getting it. prop 19 will not stop cops from fucking with you. and they just may add that you need a receipt. remember, they can change the details later.

"convicted" and "sitting in a cell awaiting trial" are two different things. i'll give you that one. ;)

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
the point was, you said cops wouldn't fuck with you. thank you for actually getting it. prop 19 will not stop cops from fucking with you. and they just may add that you need a receipt. remember, they can change the details later.

"convicted" and "sitting in a cell awaiting trial" are two different things. i'll give you that one. ;)
Ok, well then yes. Cops may abuse the law. It's highly unlikely that any DA would ever agree to a trial for someone for failing to prove they were innocent without any evidence of a crime being committed.


Active Member
here's a small snipet from one such article...

Mexico -- A debate about legalizing marijuana and possibly other drugs - once a taboo suggestion - is percolating in Mexico, a nation exhausted by runaway violence and a deadly drug war. The debate is only likely to grow more animated if Californians approve an initiative on Nov. 2 to legalize marijuana for recreational use in their state.Mexicans are keeping a close eye on the vote, seeing it as a bellwether. "If they vote 'yes' to approve the full legalization of marijuana, I think it will have a radical impact in Mexico," said Jorge Hernandez Tinajero, a political scientist at the National Autonomous University.

Discussion about legalization flew onto the agenda last month, the outcome of President Felipe Calderon's pressing need to win more public support for waging war against criminal organizations profiting hugely from drug trafficking.
As he held a series of open forums with politicians and civic leaders about faltering security, Calderon suddenly found himself amid a groundswell of suggestions that legalization - which he described as "absurd" - should be considered.
Among those throwing their weight behind legalization was former President Vicente Fox, a member of Calderon's own conservative National Action Party.
"We should consider legalizing the production, distribution and sale of drugs," Fox wrote on his blog during the series of forums. "Legalizing in this sense does not mean that drugs are good or don't hurt those who consume. Rather, we have to see it as a strategy to strike and break the economic structure that allows the mafias to generate huge profits in their business."
Calderon immediately said Mexico couldn't act on its own to legalize.
"If drugs are not legalized in the world, or if drugs are not legalized at least in the United States, this is simply absurd, because the price of drugs is not determined in Mexico. The price of drugs is determined by consumers in Los Angeles, or in New York, or in Chicago or Texas," he said.


Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
hahhahahahha, gangbangers. hahhahahahhaha
Yeah, gangbangers. The mexican mafia distributes the drug cartels products as well as enforce for them. They are the American branch of these drug cartels. been that way for a long time now.


Active Member
saying it sounds like 1937 is putting it mildly. it harks back to the days of Al Capone and The Great Depression. its said if we don't learn from the past we are doomed to repeat it... well this is us repeating it. i saw a quote in another article that rings true here... this would be "The Great Recession". many are destitute. lives ruined. its well past time for a change.


Well-Known Member
How is that even possible? You've never seen someone from surenos or ms13? I see them every day of my life

I live damn near in the at the mexican markets (for my raw dog food)...nobody fooks with me...maybe I don't look like a Norteño...;)
