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Well-Known Member
how is it not?
you have 30 for the tv
its really 25 pounds, some discount?
so 30- 5 = 25+3+2=30 with the 2 pounds the attendant pocketed
the 3 woman paid 27 pounds when they should have paid 25

so, there is no missing pound, but two stolen pounds!
this is what i meant above anyhow...very stoned
lol Nope. your missing the questioning here. Read through it again. im not asking you to work out how it may be said another way. Im saying where is the pound if done my way???????? Even i don't understand where its gone.... Well i do but then that wouldn't be fun now would ha ha lol


Active Member
You have a jug of anal glands, and you need to measure out just one cup. How do you do this if you only have a three-cup measuring container and a five-cup container?
You have a jug of anal glands, and you need to measure out just one cup. How do you do this if you only have a three-cup measuring container and a five-cup container?
you fill the 3-cup container twice keeping the left overs that dont fit into the 5-cup container? then ur left with one cup??


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody.......:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Ok so i think that we need to bring some light hearted fun to this site, where we can all just sit back and flick through this thread for a giggle, Or to just down right mess with your mind when your high as a fricking kite.....

You can post what every you like on this thread as long as its funny to you and other. or its going to test your fellow grower.....

Here is an example of mine to kick us off....


3 women live together in a flat that has no TV. So the 3 women decide to go to a TV shop to buy 1 for the flat. So the next day the 3 women set of shopping to the TV shop in town. When they get there they take a look around and see a TV that they all agree to purchase.

The TV is £30.

So they all give the shop keeper £10 each.

3 x £10 = £30.

They are happy with there buy and set of home, TV in hand.

Once they left the shop, The shopkeeper thinks to himself???? " i have over charged tho's Lady's by £5.

So he calls his little assistant and say's. " here are 5 pound coins, run and catch up tho's ladys and give it to them"

The little assistant starts running after the ladys, but on the way to them thinks to himself. " They dont know how much they have been over charged. I'll give them 1 pound back each "

So he catches them and gives them a 1 pound back each

Ok so now he gave them a pound they have only spent £9 each.

3 x £9 = £27.

The little assistant pocketed £2

So £27 + £2 = £29.

So where as the other pound gone???????????????????????????????????????:confused:

Thanks for taking the time to go through this and i hope you have somthing to add....:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:
Instead of adding the 2 dollars that the assistant kept to the 27 dollars that the girls paid for the TV you should subtract 2 dollars from the 27 dollars which would come out to 25 dollars that was actually paid for the TV.


Well-Known Member
Instead of adding the 2 dollars that the assistant kept to the 27 dollars that the girls paid for the TV you should subtract 2 dollars from the 27 dollars which would come out to 25 dollars that was actually paid for the TV.
Another good answer. But wrong again.


Well-Known Member
keep tho's guesses coming on the women who buy the TV...

Remember im not asking for you to explain another way of saying the equasion. what im saying and as i word it the equasion only adds up to £29 so where has the other pound gone?.?.?. ( LOL ) I love this game, no one i have ever met, who i have told this to, has every got it yet. So once again. Its the way i have worded it. So how come it only adds up to £29. Come on guys keep guessing and if no one gets it by this time tomorrow then i will put you all out of your misery.

There is only £1 real see what i did And it a very short answer.

I cant give you any more clues other than telling you all the answer.... Its such funnnnnnnnnnn. he hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa


Well-Known Member
Hi everybody.......:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

Ok so i think that we need to bring some light hearted fun to this site, where we can all just sit back and flick through this thread for a giggle, Or to just down right mess with your mind when your high as a fricking kite.....

You can post what every you like on this thread as long as its funny to you and other. or its going to test your fellow grower.....

Here is an example of mine to kick us off....


3 women live together in a flat that has no TV. So the 3 women decide to go to a TV shop to buy 1 for the flat. So the next day the 3 women set of shopping to the TV shop in town. When they get there they take a look around and see a TV that they all agree to purchase.

The TV is £30.

So they all give the shop keeper £10 each.

3 x £10 = £30.

They are happy with there buy and set of home, TV in hand.

Once they left the shop, The shopkeeper thinks to himself???? " i have over charged tho's Lady's by £5.

So he calls his little assistant and say's. " here are 5 pound coins, run and catch up tho's ladys and give it to them"

The little assistant starts running after the ladys, but on the way to them thinks to himself. " They dont know how much they have been over charged. I'll give them 1 pound back each "

So he catches them and gives them a 1 pound back each

Ok so now he gave them a pound they have only spent £9 each.

3 x £9 = £27.

The little assistant pocketed £2

So £27 + £2 = £29.

So where as the other pound gone???????????????????????????????????????:confused:

Thanks for taking the time to go through this and i hope you have somthing to add....:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf:

your a witch! burn the witch!!


Well-Known Member
Another good answer. But wrong again.
So if the clue is in the way you worded it.

Then the answer would be.

Because of the way you worded it, there is no extra dollar and it would be impossible to know where the other dollar is.

Show me the money.:wall:


Well-Known Member
So if the clue is in the way you worded it.

Then the answer would be.

Because of the way you worded it, there is no extra dollar and it would be impossible to know where the other dollar is.

Show me the money.:wall:

Lol. not right. But why is there a missing pound????? ha ha haaaaaaaaa


Active Member
Lol. not right. But why is there a missing pound????? ha ha haaaaaaaaa
there is a missing pound because its a number trick. trying to get us to add the wrong numbers. 3x9=27 just a distraction.
so, the missing pound is because 9x3 = 27 and we ignore the original bill of 25 pounds


Active Member
Mountains will crumble and temples will fall, and no man can survive its endless call. What is it?