My (almost) Caught Thread: YOU WILL LOVE THIS!


Active Member
Through quick thinking and improvised acting worthy of a job in hollywood, I outwitted 7 police officers and saved my grow:

On my first grow, I was doing 2 White Widows, 1 LSD 1 Diesal, and 2 Blue Widows (all can be confirmed in my sig)

One night, I was hanging a second light up in my grow room and I needed help from my wife. She came in and we hung it up. it was done in 3 or 4 minutes.

In that time, my 2 year old son drug a chair on wheels to the front door, unbolted it, and ran outside. A woman grabbed him and flagged down the cops.

The cops came as my wife ran outside to find our son. She grabbed him from the woman and ran back with the cops fast on her tail ("Hey, we need to talk to you, come back here!")

She came through the front door just as the cops was coming up the stairs to my house, and she slammed the door shut. I was just coming out of my grow room when she said cops are behind her and this was real (we joke about cops because we are actually super careful about our grow)

Keep in mind I was NOT medical at this time. Here we go!

***Knock KNOCK KNOCK!!!****

Police, open the door, we're here to check on the child.

Second cop: We don't need a warrent for the wellfare of the child, open the door

I stepped outside and said that yo, w/o a warrent, you're not coming in

The cops got attitude (only 2 cops atm)
We're here to look at the wellfare of your children. We don't need a warrent. If you cooperate, we will be out of your hair.

I go inside. They follow.

My grow room is locked with a simple bathroom door lock. Your finger nail could open the lock. HPS lights were coming through a crack: Note, it doesn't smell like weed, even though I'm 4 weeks into flowering.

They began checking every room of the house, and when they wanted to go into the grow room, I distracted them.

Basically I started rambling questions, what are you doing here, why are you treating us like this, basically giving them the anxious/suspicious suspect thing going on.

Now they really wanted in that room. One pulled out a knife and went for a lock.

"NOT W/O A WARRENT, I'LL FUCKING SUE UR ASS"! It was funny. I wanted badge numbers and names.

Are you growing marijuana in there?

I don't know what you're fucking talking about. I have a chains, hooks, dildoes, and blow up dolls in there. I don't want you too see it and the room is locked so my son won't go in.

"We don't care about your dildoes, we want to see the room"

Not w/o a warrent.

At this point, they call back up.

They attack me for having bongs in the kitchen ( I have no weed)

"Do you have a medical marijuana card?"


"Do you know that cultivation of Marijuana is illegal?"

I respond with

Did you know that Calli is legalizing in 5 months and oregon will follow it with 2 years?

Is this how you treat all of your non-voilent criminals, or am I just special?"

Dude this cop got beet fucking red


"So what are you going to do for a living when it is legal? You're too lazy to chase after crazy tweakers, and gang voilence is on the decline, so like, no more underage children for you to scare. What will you do then?"

At this point, he placed me under arrest with the "right to remain silent" HAH.

They attack my house for being filthy ( I didn't wash dishes in 2 days, sue me)

and they took pictures of my bongs, took them (Nooo, my triple bubbler! (They left my volcano!!!)) and took pictures of my door. More cops came in.

"Do you know who this is? Do you know what this guy does? He sniffs out grow rooms. His nose alone is good enough for a warrent."

At the time this guy starting checking out my door. He definately knew that was a HPS light, but he did not enter.

He tried to get my attention twice and finally nudged me and asked me

"How many plants you got in there?"

I told him a partridge in a pair tree.

He got pissed and walked away.

I was served with a ticket for child endangerment with a fine of $2500 and they all left.

1 week later, DHS came through my house. They saw my grow room and a cantalope and about 300 dollars worth of dildoes. My plants were chopped and turned into budder.

I went to court 3 weeks later. All charges were dropped, this was my first offence.


And this is how I beat the police. They won, kinda. I lost out on my grow and my bongs were taken, but I didn't go to jail, I didn't lose my kids, and I didn't have to pay court cost.

I even had the state pay for my over due electric bill through DHS.

nice cover with the dildo story. it worked.

next time don't let the cops in at all. if they want to check on the welfare of a child they can do so outside.

if they didn't need a warrant to search they would've found the grow. since it was locked, you're good.

your lucky your kid didn't have a scraped nee from falling from a bicycle or something. that counts as an abbrasion and you could've been in some shit....:hump::hump:
haha, i'd have a video camera out faster than that, damned sure they wouldn't start poking through rooms without a warrant then! "How many plants you got in there?" :lol: that is one super bright cop.
youre not allowed to record a police officer. its against the law without their consent. but you know they can film you all they want and then only tell you they filmed you when they use it as evidence in court. i <3 the government
youre not allowed to record a police officer. its against the law without their consent.

Wrong! State laws vary.(There isn't a law on the books anywhere that says you can't record police specifically) Even with 2 party consent laws the circumstances(Public place, etc.) of the recording trump consent.
Would it not have been wiser to just play ball from the get go ...I mean , When the cops was calling after your woman to stop so they could see the kid .... would it not have been smarter just to stop .. and say " Hey ... little devil just opened the door and ran out ... and thanks to that lady hes safe and sound ... Thanks for your concern officer :) "

Or when you went to the door ... just call the kid and let them look to see he's safe ? ... After all , Thats all they wanted , By going into combat mode you just give them something to feed on ... they love that shit and know your up to no good .

Some cops are idiots and can be easy to manipulate ... Just give them what they want ( to see the kid ) ... Give them a bit of an ego boost and be polite ... and they go away !

Just a thought :)

Might be that im older and wiser than you ...or had more contact with the cops in the past .... But in a situation like that ... a cool head ... steer them away from the places you dont want them to be ... give them what it is they want to do ... be polite ... stroke them a bit ... and they fuck off feeling all good .

Granted , That dont allways work .... But sending up flares and jumping about the room being a dick just makes them want to fuck you over more .

Don't take my word for it ... try it :)

I dislike the law just as much as anyone .... but i allso know how people work .

you won ..and lost man :)

Hope the kids ok though :)

V :peace:
youre not allowed to record a police officer. its against the law without their consent. but you know they can film you all they want and then only tell you they filmed you when they use it as evidence in court. i <3 the government

Wrong. It is also location, as well as state dependant. If you are on your own proerty you can record whatever you like. I recalled recently that some states have no law against recording video but it's when you record audio with the video that it becomes an issue (such as that biker who had an undercover pull a gun on him, it was only after the video with audio was released that things started happening)
No, as a matter of fact, when the cops saw my 50 inch TV and my surround sound, they instantly started going on about how the "system is broken" and how "low income people can get away with this shit". They seriously pegged me for a dealer (I never sell) and they had no clue who I was. There was no way to be nice about this. They wanted to see every room of the house. They were "checking for cleanliness and the general well being of the child", they had often tried to use a "I'll call the DHS and have them come out here right now!" (it was 11:00 at night, yeah right!) I told it exactly as it came out. And in oregon, since I'm not dying of any diseases, than it costs $150 for a doctor visit that gaurantees a doc's signature, plus $100 for the medical card ($20 if you have health insurance sponsered by the state).

I had everything well in hand. I just wanted a chance to go toe to toe with the cops and survived to tell the tale.
You have a 50 inch TV and surround system but you don't have 200 for a med card.......OH and you get state aid to help pay your power bill......hmmmm
You sound jelous, once a year (if you need help) the government can grant you up to $1200 for anything you need. It just so happens that I didn't have a job at and I had children. If I pay taxes and I need help, should I not be able to get it? What's with the persicution?
I'm from NY and you are allowed to record the police just not under cover police. Uniform cops you can video tape your friends running around them in circles LEGAL
OP fails.

What's with uncontrolled kids and grow houses? The first bust I ever witnessed was a passed-out dumbass who had young kids playing in the street, cops came, found the shit through the open front door, ended up getting thrown out, but still, do your children really have no discipline with such lack of supervision? You can try to blame it on the kid, but he's just doing what he's been taught etc etc.

Would it not have been wiser to just play ball from the get go ...I mean , When the cops was calling after your woman to stop so they could see the kid .... would it not have been smarter just to stop .. and say " Hey ... little devil just opened the door and ran out ... and thanks to that lady hes safe and sound ... Thanks for your concern officer :) "

Or when you went to the door ... just call the kid and let them look to see he's safe ? ... After all , Thats all they wanted , By going into combat mode you just give them something to feed on ... they love that shit and know your up to no good .

Some cops are idiots and can be easy to manipulate ... Just give them what they want ( to see the kid ) ... Give them a bit of an ego boost and be polite ... and they go away !

Just a thought :)

Might be that im older and wiser than you ...or had more contact with the cops in the past .... But in a situation like that ... a cool head ... steer them away from the places you dont want them to be ... give them what it is they want to do ... be polite ... stroke them a bit ... and they fuck off feeling all good .

Granted , That dont allways work .... But sending up flares and jumping about the room being a dick just makes them want to fuck you over more .

Don't take my word for it ... try it :)

I dislike the law just as much as anyone .... but i allso know how people work .

you won ..and lost man :)

Hope the kids ok though :)

V :peace:

Go fuck yourself.
OP fails.

What's with uncontrolled kids and grow houses? The first bust I ever witnessed was a passed-out dumbass who had young kids playing in the street, cops came, found the shit through the open front door, ended up getting thrown out, but still, do your children really have no discipline with such lack of supervision? You can try to blame it on the kid, but he's just doing what he's been taught etc etc.

Go fuck yourself.

You obviously do not have kids. It takes a 2 y.o. about 30 seconds to wreak havoc! And exactly how would you suggest disciplining a 2 y.o.? Time-outs or verbally telling them what they're doing is not acceptable behavior is about it. That being said, if it were me, I wouldn't have run back into my house with the cops on my tail. Would have stopped and explained that I had simply had to use the bathroom and in that time my 2 y.o. managed to get the door open and run out. They would have been able to see the child was fine, clean, fed, happy, etc.. Problem solved.
Just take the time to teach the kids how to roll it up and sit their asses in front of cartoons. problem solved. whats with all the drama?