There are some very very paranoid individuals here.
First of all, how exactly is Ron Paul protecting our civil liberties? In what way have they been violated?
Open your eyes and look around. Most see it. It is your short coming that you do not. How does someone not know about the Patriot Act? Are you that misinformed?
The fact that Nazi websites, publication, and other hate-messages continue to be passed around is fact none of that has been violated.
because a nazi website is allowed to exist everything is peachy? lmao
The ability of the press to work its way continues on. Are there biases? Yes, both liberal and conservative. If you haven't noticed that, you're out of your fucking mind.
Ron Paul is loony for having accepted the funds. This isn't so much about taking the money and using it against them, as blazin referred to, because that won't happen.
Yes it does happen. Are you biased or just plain ignorant. Ron Pauls policies are about the Constitution and rights for it's citizens.
I don't understand how it would. Imagine a situation where one of our politicians accepted money from Hezzbolah or al-Qaeda or the Taliban. Can you imagine the public outcry?
of course style over substance Yes We Can!!!
The only reason the Nazi-party wants Paul elected is because he indirectly supports their notion about ending the fed. The Nazi and other conspriacy theorists and religious Christians maintain that the Jews, a group of 20million or less, runs the world and is standing in their way of economic progress. The only reason these muthafuckas can't economically progress is cause they're dumber than dog shit.
what's your point pertaining to Ron Paul? You didn't say anything. Ron Pauls reasons are much different than the Nazis.
And economical libertarian policies are horse shit. Judging from the logic that the conspiracy theorists hold, you would not stand a change in such a radical free-market society. I doubt many of you even hold a college degree. You would probably being paid sub-par wages. Businesses would literally rape you just to extend their bottom line.
Our current economic conditions are not free market. It is corporatism. Get your money back from that college you went to. Obviously they didn't teach you much about economics.
Generally speaking, when the free market is allowed to exist prices stay low. Company A is successful, company B will want to do better since the free market tells us that. They accomplish it by lowering the prices or improving quality.
I find it hard to believe someone who claims he knows labor doesn't understand that in order to improve quality one important ingredient is the labor force.
Let me dumb it down for you.
You pay higher wages to the better workers.
Better workers = better product
If you don't pay well enough you have turnover which hurts production.
Take it from somebody who understands American labor and labor in general; the rise of people within the last century was due to labor laws that went in their favor. You all sit there and make it sound like the government restricts freedom left and right. If it wasn't for the government action such as the civil war, temperance movement, extending voting rights, civil rights, and other actions, you'd all be shit out of luck.
right we'll take it from someone named mastermind on a pot site instead of doing our own research which proves you wrong. You mention Civil Rights. If you had done any research you would know the discriminatory policies were put in place by this very same government you boast of.
Were you in a coma all these years to NOT know about the governments regulations in the housing industry? They were anti free market, along with the Feds manipulating the interest rates, gee another anti free market move. As far as economics go, you don't know squat.