
Well-Known Member
I think you posted that story to make ur self feel better like your some almighty man who can do things for people for cheap.Shitty thing is last month you had no electricity and were getting booted from your pad...Not a life I want to live as a child..But I guess since your such a great guy ur kids will understand
EXACTLY. :clap:

and i'm insulting and arguing. :roll:


Well-Known Member
I kno one thing I have money I spend it too.But my lights are on for me and my kids...

same here. :cool:

he needs money for his halloween costume. i told my wife "i'll have him help split all this firewood for it". she says "he doesn't have to work for it silly, it halloween". :)

shame on me. :(


Well-Known Member
if you look back a month ago, you will find that is not true, :). Its all there in the posts.... I was inviting you to my wedding, talking about missing plants, and watering, and how I needed work. Says nothing about my family not having electricity. The garden didn't have electricity..... its all there in the posts..... 2 months ago, the electricity got turned off, and my family moved :).


Well-Known Member
if you look back a month ago, you will find that is not true, :). Its all there in the posts.... I was inviting you to my wedding, talking about missing plants, and watering, and how I needed work. Says nothing about my family not having electricity. The garden didn't have electricity..... its all there in the posts..... 2 months ago, the electricity got turned off, and my family moved :).
Sorry hoss I was mistaken..2 months ago you didnt pay the bills and your family had to move...


Well-Known Member
Sorry hoss I was mistaken..2 months ago you didnt pay the bills and your family had to move...
Sorry Antny420.... you have no idea what was going on 2 months ago, despite what you have assumed in reading my journal here. I am certainly interested in why it is you are hounding me in this fashion, though, and why you are so concerned about this situation. Im sick of the personal insults and attacks too.

Wheeler man

Active Member
This forum is for people to share thier grows right?All Dragon did was share the strugles of this years grow.Why are you guys giving him shit for it?Sounds to me like Dragon made the best of a bad times,and worked through it.What's wrong with that? And for that story about the tree work,that flew way over your heads!You missed the whole point.This world lacks alot of respect these days............Just my my opinion,thats all.


Well-Known Member
I have to spread more rep around before I can give you more wheelerman. And yes obviously it went right over their heads. Just look at Antny420's profile..... he is all about the "skrilla" No way in hell I would pay a painter $25 an hour. Ever. Sounded like he was trying to play himself up to be better than me. If that is his game, I suppose he is better than me. But lets see if he could keep up working with me for a day :D.

Admittedly, writing about it did help me feel better about it, and about myself. My crew wasn't too happy about 50 bucks for 3 days of work when I explained it to them before we ever started. But they know me, they knew the deal going into it, and now they know the kind of respect and pride that I was referring to, as they are getting it and feeling it too. They got 80 anyways, and then offered to clean the guys gutters and clean his roof off before the rain came. That made me really proud of my guys. In small towns like this, word of people doing things like that spread like wildfire and gather mad respect from community leaders.


Well-Known Member
So there will be no more garden shots. The garden is no more. Had a storm this last three days that took it ALL down. Its all drying in an outbuilding, subject to outdoor humidity. Im expecting a 95% loss, and am getting over it slowly. I will nurse my wounds on all this and do better for next year.

Im really glad that I got the Sensi Star, Jacks Surprise X Hi Jack, and Chemo Cindy Hi Jack before the storm hit. It is all premature this year, :(....... The SS, JSxHJ, and CCxHJ may all be lost to rot or mold from hang drying in the outbuilding.

I hope this journal can serve as a lesson to many more than just myself. Yes I saw it all coming and could have prevented some of it, but there were too many other things going on in life that I had to focus on and divert my attention to, not allowing me to focus on the garden and seeing it through. And as I write this I smile. It is what it is, and I choose to be happy. Hopefully my patients see it the same way.

Good luck to you all in a wonderful harvest! If I have any harvest shots worth taking I will post some pictures...... I know some is worth looking at...... Love All, and On To Next Year :)


Well-Known Member
well how nice of you FDD, :).

Wish I had the time to cover my grow, or weave them through supports....... didn't, don't...... its all good......


Well-Known Member
I don't have any covers. I just taped the branches together with duct-tape. I haven't spent a dollar on my garden in months. havent fed them in a month. but I do check on them everyday.

why are you gonna dry it somewhere that is so humid? why can't you take them to a friends house/garage or something?

You had one of the best gardens on here. and it seems like your just giving up..

I hope you see it all the way through next season...



Well-Known Member
well how nice of you FDD, :).

Wish I had the time to cover my grow, or weave them through supports....... didn't, don't...... its all good......
you did and you didn't. you have to learn to utilize your time. plant 4 good, well cared for plants instead of 20 hacked together plants. i really am trying to help you. you are just too stubborn to accept any of it. every year shit like this happens as you continue to feel superior to us all. it really is PAINFUL to watch. i love pot and when you tell us 95% of it is destroyed due to your own negligence it kills me. this is a grow site after all.

am i supposed to feel sorry for you or something? :neutral:


Well-Known Member
i love pot and when you tell us 95% of it is destroyed due to your own negligence it kills me. :
That is a pretty painful thing to read. That's a lot worse than rippers...

I havent read this entire thread but I've read at least 30-40 pages of it and it really sucks to watch it all go to waste. Maybe next year try to find some other grower friends to help you when you can't get to your plants or something? I dunno it just looks like you bit off more than you could chew or something...